What's grosser than gross? |
10 Sith apprentices in one garbage can! |
8% |
[ 11 ] |
1 Sith apprentice in 10 garbage cans! |
16% |
[ 21 ] |
Darth Venomisci's Lightsaber Training room floor! |
13% |
[ 17 ] |
The little "gifts" from Darth Scoobadoobacus' booty! |
16% |
[ 21 ] |
Darth Scabrous constantly slurping up the blood from his never-healing mouth wound! |
44% |
[ 57 ] |
Total Votes : 127 |
Felinophile rolled 1 8-sided dice:
Total: 1 (1-8)
Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 4:33 pm
Darth Daddicus The droid shrugs off the damage done by the woman. In fact, the droid throws a piece of it's damaged, jagged metal body at the woman in retaliation.Felinophile = 195 Droid = 195 grabs the metal in mid air and hurls it at the droid like a frisbie taking off his hand as he attempts to repel it
Felinophile rolled 1 8-sided dice:
Total: 5 (1-8)
Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 4:38 pm
sits on the droid and forces him to smell my sweaty armpits
Felinophile rolled 1 8-sided dice:
Total: 2 (1-8)
Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 4:40 pm
jams a steel pipe in the droids abdomen
felin 195 droid 140
MistyMary24 rolled 1 12-sided dice:
Total: 5 (1-12)
Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 8:05 pm
HARD(12-sided die)1-9=miss, 10-12=hit 80HPMistyMary24 250 Droid 250
MistyMary24 rolled 1 12-sided dice:
Total: 4 (1-12)
Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 8:06 pm
MistyMary24 250 Droid 250
MistyMary24 rolled 1 12-sided dice:
Total: 8 (1-12)
Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 8:07 pm
MistyMary24 250 Droid 250
Darth Daddicus rolled 1 8-sided dice:
Total: 1 (1-8)
Darth Daddicus Vice Captain
Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 10:27 pm
Queen-tintin lol yes well the droid misses does he not! twisted now it's Queen's turn! The droid opens a compartment on it's arm which spews forth a jet of white-hot flames.Queen-tintin = 250 Droid = 85
Darth Daddicus rolled 1 8-sided dice:
Total: 8 (1-8)
Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 10:29 pm
Queen-tintin and it's a hit, Queen is astounded by her attack force! she has managed to unblalance that droid! now for a 2nd attack, ,,, lol Quee=250 droid= 140 mrgreen The droid's directional systems must be wonky. It throws a thermal detonator in the direction where the girl's sounds are coming from, not trusting it's visual sensors for another attack.Queen-tintin = 195 Droid = 85
Darth Daddicus Vice Captain
Darth Daddicus rolled 1 8-sided dice:
Total: 3 (1-8)
Darth Daddicus Vice Captain
Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 10:30 pm
Queen-tintin Oh!!! it is lucky the droid, Queen just missed her shot at swiping it! ah well there's always a third attempt, she goes in hard with her saber , going for the neck,! hehe! it's a hit, aw poor droid must be hard to lose sight, I'm sure it still can feel right? lol Queen=250 Droid= 85 till next time droid! It's hearing must be intact! It listens to the girl's screams and closes the distance between itself and her. It drops down and slashes low with it's saber.Queen-tintin = 195 Droid = 85
Darth Daddicus rolled 1 8-sided dice:
Total: 8 (1-8)
Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 10:34 pm
Felinophile [grabs the metal in mid air and hurls it at the droid like a frisbie taking off his hand as he attempts to repel it The droid is non-plussed by the damage from the woman's attack. It swoops in and fakes a downward strike with it's saber, only to come up with a left upper-cut.Felinophile = 140 Droid = 140
Darth Daddicus Vice Captain
Darth Daddicus rolled 1 8-sided dice:
Total: 7 (1-8)
Darth Daddicus Vice Captain
Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 10:35 pm
Felinophile sits on the droid and forces him to smell my sweaty armpits The droid shuts off it's olfactory sensors just in time. It ignites the noxious fumes with it's flamethrower.Felinophile = 85 Droid = 140
Darth Daddicus rolled 1 8-sided dice:
Total: 1 (1-8)
Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 10:36 pm
Felinophile jams a steel pipe in the droids abdomen felin 195 droid 140 The droid avoids the steel pipe, grabs it from the woman, and puts it to a better use.Felinophile = 85 Droid = 140
Darth Daddicus Vice Captain
Darth Daddicus rolled 1 12-sided dice:
Total: 4 (1-12)
Darth Daddicus Vice Captain
Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 10:38 pm
MistyMary24 = 250 Droid = 250
Darth Daddicus rolled 1 12-sided dice:
Total: 9 (1-12)
Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 10:40 pm
MistyMary24 MistyMary24 250 Droid 250 MistyMary24 = 250 Droid = 250
Darth Daddicus Vice Captain
Darth Daddicus rolled 1 12-sided dice:
Total: 8 (1-12)
Darth Daddicus Vice Captain
Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 10:42 pm
MistyMary24 MistyMary24 250 Droid 250 MistyMary24 = 250 Droid = 250