Meaning of (name): Randirnieriel (Rahn-deer-nee-air-ee-ell) I did some conjugation. This name means "Wanderer/Wandering Bee"
Aliases:Date Found:Found: LinkDate of Maxing: Temper:Breed:Breed Appearance:Height: hands
Personality: Soft spoken, her words come out almost lyrical. She seems to move with grace as though she's waltzing to a song we cannot hear. She is filled with joy and seems to laugh alot--the more so when she spends time with plants. She specializes in taking care of sick or diseased plants and trees. (I would like to look into her unicorn ability since she has a wooden horn having something to do with helping this, if it was approved. Otherwise, she would be merely a botanist/ arborist).
She believes that talking and laughing is vital to everyday nurture, for plants and soquili. Sometimes she will travel to other places that need help with their plants or go to see some rarer plant, but she'll only do so after obsessively giving instructions to whoever is watching over her "babies" while she's gone. She will fret and reconsider going at least five times before she actually goes. She'll also probably come back at least once for "something she forgot."
Randi (for short) is very interested in cross-propagating to make new breeds or colors of flower that have genetic integrity. Any flower that she propagates would have to also be able to defend off more diseases than it's original plant. Her passion leads her to grow not only beautiful things but better things.
Quirks/Character Traits:✶
DateThe Continuing Story... PLOTS saved for later:
Lately, she's gotten into some vegetables. Inspired by the dandelions ability to use every part of the plant as sustenance, she is trying to do the same with other plants and vegetables. A pet project of hers would be to offer the maximum amount of gardening/sustence in a smaller area to provide for larger herds with less space.
She'd roam some but she knows her home.
Romance wise, I'd love her to find someone who's a bit less science minded than her. She may be earthy, but she needs down-to-earth