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Reply Soquili Era
New Co-Ownership Agreements Thread 3/14/12 Goto Page: [] [<<] [<] 1 2 3 ... 57 58 59 60 61 62 ... 145 146 147 148 [>] [>>] [»|]

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stella cinere

Ice-Cold Codger

PostPosted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 9:29 pm


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This is Co-Ownership agreement between hanging gallow and Thalea for Ker Enyo.

Thalea’s Rights:
☽ Plotting Rights
☽ IC RP rights
☽ OOC RP rights
☽ Signature rights
☽ Breeding rights

Hanging Gallow’s Rights:
✰ OOC RP rights
✰ Plotting Rights
✰ Signature rights
✰ Breeding rights


Major Decisions:
Life-altering decisions (life mating, change of personality, major disasters etc) must be approved by both owners.

Buying a familiar:
Both of the owners need to talk to each other before buying Ker Enyo a familiar.

Breeding rights:
- Each owner will receive two breedings, the order of the breedings will depend on that owner’s slot openness.
- Both owners have to agree that the stallion/mare is the right choice
- The fifth breeding will be discussed.
- In the case of a third basket, the location of the basket will be discussed with all the owners of the soquili.

Breaking Agreement:
If hanging gollow or Thalea leaves Gaia, or leaves for six months without replying to a single PM then all rights will go to the owner that is still frequently visiting Gaia and Soquili. Hanging cannot get rid of Thalea as a co-owner, but Thalea may give up her rights and the same goes for Thalea: she may not get rid of Hanging as a co-owner, but Hanging can give up her rights.

hanging gallow

PostPosted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 11:46 pm

I, Kaliskanny, am co-owning Snapclaw with Mistalina13

User Image

Both owners have sig rights and rp rights, with the understanding that Snapclaw is not evil or mean, will not intentionally or knowlingly try to harm another with the exception of protecting himself or herd.

Big life decisions, such as lifemate and joining a herd, will be discussed between each owner.

Mistalina13 will have rights to the first and third breeding slots. Kaliskanny has rights to the second and fourth breeding slots. Slots five and six will be discussed when the time comes up. Breeding partners will be discussed between owners.

Rights will default to Kaliskanny should Mistalina13 leave Gaia or become inactive for 6 months with out notification.


Toxic Grunny

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Beloved Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 11:47 pm

I, Kaliskanny, am co-owning Snapclaw with Mistalina13

User Image

Both owners have sig rights and rp rights, with the understanding that Snapclaw is not evil or mean, will not intentionally or knowlingly try to harm another with the exception of protecting himself or herd.

Big life decisions, such as lifemate and joining a herd, will be discussed between each owner.

Mistalina13 will have rights to the first and third breeding slots. Kaliskanny has rights to the second and fourth breeding slots. Slots five and six will be discussed when the time comes up. Breeding partners will be discussed between owners.

Rights will default to Kaliskanny should Mistalina13 leave Gaia or become inactive for 6 months with out notification.

Agreed~ <3

Thank you so much! ;w;
PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 5:39 pm

Caitlyn Hellstorm
Breaking this co-ownership. I take back all of my soquilis.

A contract requires consent from both parties to break. I do not give consent.

Khaldune Irae


Z o m b i k ii

Magical Girl

PostPosted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 12:10 pm

I give my Soquili to the owners quoted. I give them full permission to do whatever they want. Please get them recerted guys, and change the names and personality if you so please ~ Sorry this seems so jumbled, my computer is just not being co-operative, uncerts at the bottom guys.

Soquili cull part two! Because I feel really bad for letting them collect dust!
And Biki only have enough spoons to spend on one character these days.
Anywho, if you want them quote me hearts,
if not suggest something who will! ~~~

gaia_spoons gaia_spoons gaia_spoons gaia_spoons gaia_spoons gaia_spoons

Because you love her as much as I do, feel free to co-own, I know you want a pairing with her so a trusted RP partner to play her might be on the cards? : D maybe your lovely wifu?

User Image

Summer Raaven
Natural male for the natural beauty!?
User Image

I promised heart - And quote in who I should gift his son to, is Fade still about?
User Image

Faid Shadowlight
User Image

Because, Pink and Purple and you.
User Image and User Image

I like you. Have a pretty.
User Image

User Image


Uxia, Shade and Dante are eluding me for now! However if you ask the colourists for their uncerts I am sure they will be around somewhere, I will keep looking though!
PostPosted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 12:22 pm

T e b i k ii
I give my Soquili to the owners quoted. I give them full permission to do whatever they want. Please get them recerted guys, and change the names and personality if you so please ~ Sorry this seems so jumbled, my computer is just not being co-operative, uncerts at the bottom guys.

Soquili cull part two! Because I feel really bad for letting them collect dust!
And Biki only have enough spoons to spend on one character these days.
Anywho, if you want them quote me hearts,
if not suggest something who will! ~~~

gaia_spoons gaia_spoons gaia_spoons gaia_spoons gaia_spoons gaia_spoons
I promised heart - And quote in who I should gift his son to, is Fade still about?
User Image


Agreed, on the condition that if you ever want him back, you just have to ask and i will give him right back with no issues or arguments whatsoever!


Friendly Shapeshifter

16,200 Points
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 12:28 pm

T e b i k ii
I give my Soquili to the owners quoted. I give them full permission to do whatever they want. Please get them recerted guys, and change the names and personality if you so please ~ Sorry this seems so jumbled, my computer is just not being co-operative, uncerts at the bottom guys.

Soquili cull part two! Because I feel really bad for letting them collect dust!
And Biki only have enough spoons to spend on one character these days.
Anywho, if you want them quote me hearts,
if not suggest something who will! ~~~

gaia_spoons gaia_spoons gaia_spoons gaia_spoons gaia_spoons gaia_spoons

I like you. Have a pretty.
User Image

Agreed. heart Thank you again!
PostPosted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 1:21 pm

T e b i k ii
I give my Soquili to the owners quoted. I give them full permission to do whatever they want. Please get them recerted guys, and change the names and personality if you so please ~ Sorry this seems so jumbled, my computer is just not being co-operative, uncerts at the bottom guys.

Soquili cull part two! Because I feel really bad for letting them collect dust!
And Biki only have enough spoons to spend on one character these days.
Anywho, if you want them quote me hearts,
if not suggest something who will! ~~~

gaia_spoons gaia_spoons gaia_spoons gaia_spoons gaia_spoons gaia_spoons

Faid Shadowlight
User Image


Uxia, Shade and Dante are eluding me for now! However if you ask the colourists for their uncerts I am sure they will be around somewhere, I will keep looking though!

Holymoley! This was a surprise, I will look after him gladly, so yes agreed!

I'll send you a pm to get any other info I might need for rp ect. heart

Thank you

Faid Shadowlight

Versatile Phantom

15,800 Points
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Fandom Supporter

PostPosted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 1:25 pm

T e b i k ii

Because, Pink and Purple and you.
User Image and User Image

I will take good care of them both <3
Thank you so much for this.
PostPosted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 1:34 pm

T e b i k ii
I give my Soquili to the owners quoted. I give them full permission to do whatever they want. Please get them recerted guys, and change the names and personality if you so please ~ Sorry this seems so jumbled, my computer is just not being co-operative, uncerts at the bottom guys.

Soquili cull part two! Because I feel really bad for letting them collect dust!
And Biki only have enough spoons to spend on one character these days.
Anywho, if you want them quote me hearts,
if not suggest something who will! ~~~

gaia_spoons gaia_spoons gaia_spoons gaia_spoons gaia_spoons gaia_spoons

User Image

All the agreeing to this~! heart


Seasonal Shapeshifter

36,475 Points
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Summer Raaven

Garbage Trash

PostPosted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 4:56 pm

T e b i k ii
I give my Soquili to the owners quoted. I give them full permission to do whatever they want. Please get them recerted guys, and change the names and personality if you so please ~ Sorry this seems so jumbled, my computer is just not being co-operative, uncerts at the bottom guys.

Soquili cull part two! Because I feel really bad for letting them collect dust!
And Biki only have enough spoons to spend on one character these days.
Anywho, if you want them quote me hearts,
if not suggest something who will! ~~~

gaia_spoons gaia_spoons gaia_spoons gaia_spoons gaia_spoons gaia_spoons

Summer Raaven
Natural male for the natural beauty!?
User Image
I agree so much! Thank you!
PostPosted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 5:02 pm

T e b i k ii
I give my Soquili to the owners quoted. I give them full permission to do whatever they want. Please get them recerted guys, and change the names and personality if you so please ~ Sorry this seems so jumbled, my computer is just not being co-operative, uncerts at the bottom guys.

Soquili cull part two! Because I feel really bad for letting them collect dust!
And Biki only have enough spoons to spend on one character these days.
Anywho, if you want them quote me hearts,
if not suggest something who will! ~~~

gaia_spoons gaia_spoons gaia_spoons gaia_spoons gaia_spoons gaia_spoons

Because you love her as much as I do, feel free to co-own, I know you want a pairing with her so a trusted RP partner to play her might be on the cards? : D maybe your lovely wifu?

User Image

I agree. Thank you for thinking of me. I'll give her a good home and make sure she gets all the attention she deserves. <3


Shy Mage


Dangerous Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 10:13 pm

Co-Ownership Agreement for Abaddon
Primary Owner: Nayci
Secondary Owner: Thalea

User Image

Thalea’s Rights:
01: Plotting Rights
02: IC RP Rights
03: OOC RP Rights
04: Signature Rights
05: Breeding Rights
06: Teepee and Stat Display Rights

Nayci’s Rights:
01: Plotting Rights
02: IC RP Rights
03: OOC RP Rights
04: Signature Rights
05: Breeding Rights
06: Teepee and Stat Display Rights

Life changing events: death, maiming, character development, etc will be discussed and approved by both owners before being implemented

01: Each owner will receive two solo breedings. Order will be determined by owner’s slot openings
02: Both owners must agree to the soquili of choice
03: Thalea understands that Abaddon will only breed with other purewalkers
04: In the event his fifth breeding slot is unlocked rights will belong to both owners

01: Thalea may not take Nayci off as co-owner
02: Nayci may break this agreement at any time
03: Thalea and Nayci may give up their rights at any time

PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 10:19 pm

Co-Ownership Agreement for Abaddon
Primary Owner: Nayci
Secondary Owner: Thalea

User Image

Thalea’s Rights:
01: Plotting Rights
02: IC RP Rights
03: OOC RP Rights
04: Signature Rights
05: Breeding Rights
06: Teepee and Stat Display Rights

Nayci’s Rights:
01: Plotting Rights
02: IC RP Rights
03: OOC RP Rights
04: Signature Rights
05: Breeding Rights
06: Teepee and Stat Display Rights

Life changing events: death, maiming, character development, etc will be discussed and approved by both owners before being implemented

01: Each owner will receive two solo breedings. Order will be determined by owner’s slot openings
02: Both owners must agree to the soquili of choice
03: Thalea understands that Abaddon will only breed with other purewalkers
04: In the event his fifth breeding slot is unlocked rights will belong to both owners

01: Thalea may not take Nayci off as co-owner
02: Nayci may break this agreement at any time
03: Thalea and Nayci may give up their rights at any time


I agree so much to this! <3 Squee! Thank you Nayci! -glomps-


Devoted Mage

Soquili Era

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