Name Meaning: N/A
Date Obtained:Obtained: Co-own offered by LydaLynn
Orientation: Can Be Found: Among the flowers daydreaming about Flutters
Personality:From LydaLynn's Teepee ~ "She dreams of being a Flutter. Sure, she's happy to have some healing ability, but she'd much rather fly, or shrink down and play inside a flower. It's not that she isn't happy with who she is, she just would love to know what it's like to smell a flower from the inside, or to be carried by spring winds. She is not, however, a serious mare, and it's very hard to get her to think much beyond her immediate needs. "
Likes: Flutters, laying in the meadow among the flowers.
Dislikes:History:Co-own agreement:~x~Co-owner's Teepee:~x~