Name: Bear: The Vile One
Breed: Pure Bearwalker
Found: TBA
Obtained: Bear³ Breeding
Key Personality Traits: Analytical | Versatile | Independent
Personality: Bear is a fiercely independent walker. He operates under the philosophy of “It’s my way, period.” And he has absolutely no tolerance for opposing views or opinions. His independence has led to him being incredibly self-confident which borderlines on arrogance. He believes he can do anything, and when it doesn’t go his way it’s only because he didn’t really care about the outcome.
As a hunter, Bear can be analytical of his prey; stalking them in plain sight, predicting and anticipating their movements, and when it comes to an all-out sprint Bears lumbering form lacks the speed, but his endurance is rarely matched.
Bear shows great versatility when it comes to apprehending and dispatching his prey; he takes more pleasure in the fear of another than the act of actually killing them. Taking his time with his target, Bear likes to stalk them and those close to them from a distance. Once caught, Bear likes to take his time with them, giving them time to grovel and beg for their lives before he mercilessly mutilates them.
Bear’s kills are very distinguishable from other walkers. He is very meticulous about the amount of gore left behind. After he gets his fill, the kill is dismembered and spread out across the largest surface area possible. Organs are strung up in trees like garland, and his bloodied paw prints slathered all around the scene. His goal is to instill fear into anyone who may stumble upon the scene.
History:Interests: Soquili watching… >3
Favorite Meal: Mer’s, Seathi’s, and Kelpi’s
Character Flaws: Bear has dissociative identity disorder. Which means he has at least one other distinguishable personality that has developed within him. Bear’s alternate personality has no known name; it does not respond to ‘Bear’, it has a lack of concern for self-preservation, as it would run itself off a cliff in pursuit of whatever caught its attention. It does not follow the same skillful killing pattern Bear does either, when this creature kills it looks like a bomb was dropped on the area; earth ripped up, trees debarked, de-limbed, and smaller trees even broken. It has no regards for what it is hunting and merely wants to tear it apart. Most of the creature is eaten, but whatever is left is flung about until it is out of sight, then he continues to his next victim until he fades away and Bear returns.
Current Relationship: Single
Relationship History:Family:Bear (M) -Bear (F/X) -Bear: Death's Warden -Bear-