Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 5:14 pm
I wasn't gonna say this, but that is so British of you
EDIT: Makes me want some tea tho
Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 6:08 pm
Tea without milk is ******** barbaric, I think I'm gonna be sick emotion_drool
And I can't help being a stereotype, cor blimey me ol' choy-nah.
Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 4:44 am
The game's got its flaws, but the trailer for DMC4 is still fantastic pirate
Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 10:27 am
How did you feel about the reboot?
Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 3:37 pm
Vitriol. Sorta.
I was a bit outraged when it was first revealed, but decided to cool off and give the developers a chance. Turned out they were complete asshats who refused to take fan concerns into consideration. I got the game, enjoyed it for what it was, finished it. Then I replayed it a few times to get the platinum trophy, and by the time I got that my opinion was pretty sour. I went through with the platinum because I was most of the way there anyway, but after the first couple of runs, the niggling flaws became huge glaring holes.
It's a really average game with some extremely stupid writing. I liked the idea of someone trying to give Devil May Cry a bit more of a backstory, since it's usually pretty barebones there, but I don't think they did a very good job of it. There's a ridiculous amount of swearing, which makes it feel like it's being written by a teenager, and yeah, just really immature all over. The gameplay was really toned down as well, sort of paying lip service to mechanics in the older games but never really understanding why they were there in the first place. Plus there was a really limiting gameplay mechanic where you could only damage certain coloured enemies with a weapon of a matching colour. In previous games, there was an elemental system but it just meant damage reduction/increase rather than outright negation, and let you have a greater degree of freedom for your attack styles.
It tries really hard to be cool, which of course makes it uncool. The gameplay just doesn't satisfy in the way the older games managed, and there's only one likeable character in the whole game. She gets relegated to the role of 'love interest'.
So yeah, got me some mixed feelings about DmC. On the one hand, it taught me a really important lesson about giving developers the benefit of the doubt, and that just cause I'm not angry about something, it doesn't mean I'm in the right. On the other, I wish I'd spent my money on something more enjoyable, like maybe a potato or a tin of paint.
Still of the opinion that few games can touch DMC3, and DMC1 has fantastic setting and atmosphere, even if the combat is a bit sluggish compared to 3 and 4. Wouldn't bother with 2 though. The best part of that game was a complete accident for me. I was fighting a demon helicopter (yeaahh) and got hit by it. The blow knocked Dante off the top of the skyscraper they were fighting on, and he landed on his neck where the building jutted out, slid off, then neck-landed on the next jut, and again, and again, all the way down to street level. Then he just hopped back onto his feet like nothing happened and started climbing up. The rest of the game kinda sucked though.
Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 5:58 pm
There were so many extreme reviews when that game came out that I didn't know what to believe. Now I've heard it from a die hard DMC fan I trust. I was getting that trying-too-hard vibe myself, so I can only imagine it's worse when you're playing it.
I'm trying to get back into a good action game. I started playing Wonderful 101 and it's pretty awesome, but as difficult as you'd expect from Platinum Games.
I think I may just have to stick with old school games, s**t's getting too real these days for my old school gamer sensibilities.
Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 6:07 pm
Games are too expensive for what they are these days, some of the best ones are nearly/over a decade old. I feel old every time I say/think that though.
And real tired. I'll post tomorrow after I've slept a lot gonk
Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 8:08 am
I posted late, but the main thing is that I posted 3nodding I'm also developing a new appreciation for bug types.
Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 3:37 pm
Y'know, if Sal's not careful with ignoring the appointment system, her face might be put up around gyms everywhere with her name so they know when she's lying.
Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 3:40 pm
Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 4:27 pm
Not very ninja if you're caught the first time. >.>
Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 12:07 pm
Helena is a self help book ninja
Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 9:13 am
Off topic, Mars, can i borrow those punks Zack thwarted in the robbery last night? I wanna use them to make Tk more badass.... I mean, if that where even possibleAnd sorry for the disappearing act, my inner writer was busy not having motivation these past couple days.
Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 10:11 am
Zamaku Off topic, Mars, can i borrow those punks Zack thwarted in the robbery last night? I wanna use them to make Tk more badass.... I mean, if that where even possibleAnd sorry for the disappearing act, my inner writer was busy not having motivation these past couple days. you say this like im not actively trying to catch up on over half a months worth of posts.
Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 10:46 am
Spinne Biss Zamaku Off topic, Mars, can i borrow those punks Zack thwarted in the robbery last night? I wanna use them to make Tk more badass.... I mean, if that where even possibleAnd sorry for the disappearing act, my inner writer was busy not having motivation these past couple days. you say this like im not actively trying to catch up on over half a months worth of posts. Its kinda like a catch 22 though isnt it? The amount of time it would take to catch up on reading a legends RP just doesn't exist xD You know what we should do though, to minimize catch-up reading, is bring back the RP sumeries. They were dope, chya feel?