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            xxxxxxxxxwith our backs to the wall DARKNESS will fall

            How come I've never seen your face 'round here?
            I know every single face 'round here
            A man on a mission, changing the vision
            I was never welcome here

            We don't have a choice to stay
            We'd rather die than do it your way

                                              Well someone had been eager as they took off but Zahara couldn't race nor keep up with the energy of someone like that. For now, he heaved out a heavy, dramatic sigh of expressing his general dislike of... the after phase of training. So he would first take a few moments to sit back and relax, letting the ease of training wash off of him through a couple winks of sleep. - Sleep 1/4 of Resources Back

                                              He nestled easily among some rocks that were still warm from the afternoon sun, settling in just fine with his coat taken off and used like a blanket. His sleep going deep and dipping into a realm of rest that helped ease the spent chakra he used that day. But at least as time went on, Zahara would be well-rested by the time he'd awake. Sleep 1/4 of Resources.

                                              He awoke soon, cleaning the area he had with the melons and disposing of the rest to the environment, the animals will devour that or they'll rot -- not his concern or problem. After everything was dismantled or put up, he dusted himself off and decided to make the way to the dojo finally. Lord knew what was awaiting him for being so freakin late.


                                                                      official rank: Genin
                                                                      body rank: D-Rank

                                                                      ninja type: ninjutsu/taijutsu ;; dual wielder/zerker

                                                                      chakra;; 350 // 350
                                                                      stamina;; 250 // 250


                                                                      Evanescently Magnificent