While Tiěguānyīn's tendancy towards silence may at times make him appear aloof, in reality he is anything but; he has a warm heart and a desire to listen to anyone who cares to speak to him. Regardless of who you are or where you come from, Tiěguānyīn will treat the words of a stranger with just as much respect and earnestness as he would with a close loved one. He tries to remain neutral in all matters, always listening with an open mind and never taking sides. He prides himself in being a 'safe space' -- someone that can be trusted not to pass judgement or spread gossip. This is not to say he is complacent when it truly matters; he would not stand by if someone is being harmed, nor remain silent if someone is being verbally abused. While he frequently spends his time with his family, Tiěguānyīn is a wanderer at heart. He wants to meet new soquili, learn their stories and listen to their struggles, offering his advice where he can -- or, if nothing else, just be an ear to listen for those who need it. He often shares his tea with fellow travelers, a special brew of oolong with a fruity flavor and aroma, the recipe of which he keeps close to his chest.