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Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 6:25 pm
126. Diamonds last forever. False.
Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 6:26 pm
128. You have the lips of an angel. True.
Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 6:28 pm
129. You're the best. True.
Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 6:53 pm
OosexybunnyoO 127. You are the antehm of my heart False. Anthem is spelled wrong. True.
Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 7:04 pm
aPOPcalypze OosexybunnyoO 127. You are the antehm of my heart False. Anthem is spelled wrong. True. Uhm i say false because i'm not the anthem of anyone's heart.
Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 7:18 pm
1. Will you be my valentine? Sorry, I can’t I have one.
Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 7:19 pm
2. Will you marry me? Sorry, no. as I said, I am taken
Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 7:20 pm
General 1. Will you be my valentine? I'm taken, boo. 2. Will you marry me? Probably not. 3. What colors do you usually associate with Valentine's Day? Red and pink. 4. What saint is Valentine's Day named after? St. Valentine. 5. In what year do you think the tradition of handing out Valentine cards started? 1942 6. What is a bard? Someone who tells stories in the form of verse. 7. Have you ever handed out valentines to classmates and/or family before? Yes 8. Have you ever had a valentine's party at school? Elementary school. 9. If yes, did you receive a lot of candy? Yeh 10. Have you ever eaten so many sweets on Valentine's day that you got sick? No, or ever 11. What greetings/sayings do you see the most when it comes to Valentine cards? I love you 12. What characters or people do you see the most on valentine cards? Frogs 13. What colors do valentine cards usually come in? Red 14. Have you ever bought valentine cards from the store? Mhm 15. If yes, did they come with candy for you to attach with them? (Post a heart if answered no) no heart 16. Have you ever made homemade valentine cards? Yes, more often than not. 17. If yes, did you put a lot of glitter on them? No, who would do such a thing. 18. What candies do you typically see given out on Valentine's day? Chocolate, and lots of it. 19. What's the most candy you've ever eaten in one day? Not too much, apparently. Not fat; didn't get sick. 20. Do you think more candy is sold for Valentine's Day than any other holiday? Nah 21. If no, what holiday do you think holds that record? (Post a heart if answered yes) Halloween niggaaa 22. Why do you think Valentine's Day is on Febuary 14th? Coz it's the day after my birthday. 23. What do you think the story is behind Valentine's day? (There are many of them) People like to make fun of single people and make them sad. 24. Have you ever met someone that says Valentine's day is his/her favorite holiday? Never 25. Do you know anyone that absolutely hates Valentine's day? Yes, Nnightmare 26. Have you ever thought the concept of Valentine's day to be stupid? I always have 27. What animals would you typically associate with Valentine's day? Frog 28. What symbol do we usually use for love? A heart 29. What symbol do we use for hugs? O 30. What symbol do we use for kisses? X 31. Out of the languages you've heard, which one sounds the most romantic to you? English, because I can understand it. 32. What is the language of love? The language that the one you love speaks. 33. What is the significance/meaning behind the color if someone gives you a yellow rose? Just a friend, or they like the colour yellow. 34. What is the significance/meaning behind the color if someone gives you a white rose? They haven't painted it red yet. 35. What is the significance/meaning behind the color if someone gives you a red rose? They love you. 36. Do you think black roses exist in real life? Probably not. 37. What do you think the significance/meaning would be for a black rose? I'm awesome because I found a black rose therefore you should love me forever. 38. Have you ever fallen in love on Valentine's day? No 39. Have you ever met someone who's birthday lands on Febuary 14th? No 40. Have you ever attended a dance for Valentine's day? Maybe 41. Who is the goddess of love? Aphrodite 42. How was she born? Sea Foam 43. What other name does she go by? Love 45. Besides love, what else is she known to be the goddess of? Beauty 44. Is the god of love her son or husband? no 45. What is the name of the god of love? Eros 46. How does Cupid make couples fall in love? Shoots them with an arrow 47. How is Cupid typically dressed? In a diaper, if not naked 48. Does Cupid have the ability to fly? Yes 49. What is Cupid's other name? Cherubim 50. How tall do you think Cupid is? 2ft 51. What does the word Valentine mean? It's a name 52. What fruit is also known as the "love apple"? Passionfruit 53. What is the winged child shooting arrows at unsuspecting Valentines called? Cupid 54. What part of the body must Cupid's arrows hit to be effective? Heart 55. Who are Shakesphere's "Star-crossed Lovers"? Romeo & Juliet 56. According to English tradition - what happens "to the first man a woman sees on Valentine's Day? They fall in love? 57. What flower is most commonly symbolic of Valentine's Day? Rose 58. What color is the symbol of warmth and feeling? Red 59. What color is the symbol of purity and faith? White 60. Where do you "wear your heart" if you are quick to show your feelings? On your sleeve 61. What do you need to kiss to turn it into a Prince? Frog 62. What type of bird symbolizes Valentine's Day? Flamingo 63. Do doves mate for life? Yes 64. What happens to someone struck by Cupid's arrow? They fall in love with the first person they see. 65. What is an aphrodisiac? A substance that increases sexual desire. 66. Legend has it that St. Valentine was a Priest during third century Rome. Who was the emperor at that time? Diocletian 67. The emperor outlawed marriage for young men in hopes of building a stronger military base. What did Valentine do about it? Stopped it probably. 68. What did the Emperor do when he found out what Valentine did? His heart was softened and there was joy throughout all the land forever the end. 69. We associate love with the heart, but in Shakespeare’s time this was not always so. In what other organ did love reside? The liver 70. It’s the eighteenth century, and your sailor sweetheart has just given you what is called a “busk valentine”. What is it? A Piece of carved whalebone or driftwood, which they'd wear to stiffen their corsets. 71. What is a "vinegar valentine"? Insult cards 72. Name a famous love poem. A Red, Red Rose 73. Name a famous love song. I think i love you
This or That 74. What is more romantic: a single rose or a dozen roses? Dozen 75. Sweethearts or Sweet Tarts? Tarts 76. Chocolates or Flowers? Flowers 77. Carnations or Roses? Roses 78. Red or Pink? Red 79. White or Pink? White 80. Red or White? Red 81. Pro-Valentine's or Anti-Valentine's? Anti 82. Hugs or Kisses? Kisses 83. Love Letters or Poetry? Poetry 84. Are love poems cheese or sappy? both 85. Heartfelt or Heartbreak? heartfelt 86. Ballads or Love Songs? ballads
Fill in the Blank 87. I _____ you! LOVE 88. My love is ______. Sticky 89. ______ me. ********. My _______ Bracelet 91. True ______ Hate 92. You are a(n) _______. Cutie 93. Heart of ______ Hearts 94. By my _______. Hairs on my chinny chin chin 95. Will you _______ me? Marry 96. _______ candy Hard 97. I have ______ in my heart. Blood 98. You drive me _______. Crazy 99. I'm not gonna write you a ____ song Love 100. What's ____ got to do with it? Love 101. Cupid shot an arrow in my ______. Heart 102. ________ 14th February 103. Happy ________ Day! Groundhog 104. Roses are _____. Red 105. Violets are ______. Blue 106. Sugar is ______. Sweet 107. _____ & Me Him 108. Tell me you _____ me love 109. Love like ______ Stars 110. ______ Pleasures Exhilarating 111. I kissed a _______. Boy 112. L is for the way you ___________. Lick my nose 113. O is for the _________. Only love me 114. V is _____________. Very very bored 115. E is ____________________. The first letter of my name 116. St. Valentine is indeed the patron saint of love, but he has many other duties. He is also the patron saint of ___________. Farting 117. If you are in Wales on Valentine’s Day, you might give your sweetheart some swsus, or as we say in English: _______. Vinegar valentine
True or False 118. Cupid has wings. T 119. Cupid cannot fly. F 120. Cupid is shorter than 4 feet. T 121. The date of Valentine's Day never changes. T 122. I'll never break your heart. T 123. You have the key to my heart. T 124. I'm going to write you a love song. T 125. Diamonds are a girl's best friend. F 126. Diamonds last forever. F 127. You are the anthem of my heart. T 128. You have the lips of an angel. T 129. You're the best. T 130. Asparagus is an aphrodisiac. F 131. Oysters are an aphrodisiac. F 132. Cupid wears a diaper. T 133. You can die if shot by one of Cupid's arrows. T 134. Cupid always hits couples in the butt with an arrow to make them fall in love. T 135. Jewelry is better than chocolate. T 136. The British Museum has a letter that is regarded as the oldest valentine in existence. T 137. The Roman love-god Cupid wasn’t always depicted as a plump cherub with bow and arrow. T 138. In another aspect, Cupid was a lusty youth in love with the beauteous mortal, Psyche. T 139. Thanks to the efforts of certain businesses, Valentine’s Day has been popular in Japan since the 1950s. T 140. Babylonians and Greeks thought of the liver as the seat of emotion. T 141. Kisses are known as baci in Italy. T 142. In Germany, kisses are known as Kusse. T 143. Haikus are a form of poetry. T 144. Not all poems have to rhyme. T 145. Blue roses exist in nature. T
One Per Post 146. Post each letter of the word 'VALENTINE' in separate posts. 147. Post each letter of the word 'CHOCOLATE' in separate posts. 148. Post each letter of the word 'DIAMOND' in separate posts. 149. Post each letter of the phrase 'LOVE BIRDS' in separate posts. 150. Post ten times in separate posts.
So bored of this.
Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 7:20 pm
3. What colors do you usually associate with Valentine's Day? The usual pink and red.
Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 8:24 pm
74. What is more romantic: a single rose or a dozen roses? I prefer a single rose.
Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 8:25 pm
75. Sweethearts or Sweet Tarts? Tarts! m/
Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 8:26 pm
76. Chocolates or Flowers? Chocolates.
Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 8:27 pm
77. Carnations or Roses? Roses. :bd
Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 8:28 pm
Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 8:29 pm
79. White or Pink? White.