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Tipsy Bloodsucker

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 7:04 pm

Name: Jean-Claude
Describe your dream soquili: Jean-Claude is a character out of my favorite book series. A vampire, who's love is a human. He has dark black, curly mane and tail. He has a very light creme body. His eyes are the color of midnight Blue. He has a white cross mark burned into his chest. He has a very neutral temper. You cant read his face, and he seldom gives any true feeling about what he's thinking, unless he adores you. Even then, he still doesnt show emotion unless he thinks he might gain from it wink
Quest thread (if any):

Why do you want to quest for a soquili?:

Because..I have 2. And I just want to keep adding. I think it would rock to have a beautiful Jean-Claude to help me. I want to Rp him so badly! I absoultely adore his character, and in the books, he makes me melt. <333

Next Quest: Damian *questing after Jean-Claude*

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(He's the guy, duh.lol)
PostPosted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 12:52 pm

Nisshou Hakuyaiba

Describe your dream soquili:
Where to begin? I just want a soquili for starters. The type doesn't matter as long as it was mine, but if I could get any in the world...I'd like a black mare with a white muzzle and a large carmel splotch around her hind quarters. I'd also really lover her to have white socks on three of her legs and blue eyes. I'd like her to have a medium length mostly white mane and tail that fade into a black color at the roots. Other then those specifications I don't really care if more is added.

Quest thread (if any):
I don't have one but I might once I get closer.

Why do you want to quest for a soquili?:
To be honest I don't fully know. I originally just thought they were cool looking then I started hanging around more just hoping that a flat sale would pop up and I'd be able to get one but then I actually posted and it sorta just morphed into something more then just a silly desire. I don't know if that makes any sense but that's why...

ACHIVED!!! I love you Sirenz!!!!!

Nisshou H

Kindred Hunter

Duo Maxewell

PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 3:38 pm

Name: Duo Maxewell
Describe your dream soquili: Shinigami: Jet black kalona. His mane is long, deep red with black lowlights. He has a normal long tail, also red with black lowlights. His horn is a double horn (pictured in the references in the quest thread). The horn is a deep, gleaming black, with a thin spiral of glistening silver through it. He has long fangs similar to a vampire from his upper jaw. The upper feathered part of the wings is the same deep red as his mane, the very tips of the feathers black. The leathery part is primarily black, with faint tips of red on the outmost edges. His eyes are blood red with slitted pupils.

Quest thread (if any): http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=15970613&page=1
Why do you want to quest for a soquili?: I love the soquili shop. I've been hanging around for a while now, playing around with some friends of mine. I love the depth of the rps here, and I really want to get started myself. However, I dont have a soquili. In many places, I have the character of Shinigami that I play, as he is my favorite character. So I decided to try for him here, as well.
PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 8:56 pm



Excited Apathy

Obsessive Hoarder

PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 9:57 pm

Name: Nel_Zelpher_2005
Describe your dream Soquili: Ziarre would be a Wind mare, colored like a rainbow lorikeet with a long mane and braided tail.
Quest thread (if any):
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Why do you want to quest for a Soquili?: Let's face it...I'm obsessed with Wind Soquili. Almost every Soquili quest I've started has been for a Wind. And I'd love it if a Soquili quest I finished was for a Wind as well.
PostPosted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 10:30 am

Name: Tiger, cause it's my cat's name, or i might change it to somethign more interesting
Describe your dream soquili: he would look exactly like my cat, Tiger
Quest thread (if any): not currently
Why do you want to quest for a soquili?: because my cat, Tiger, has cancer, i'm collecting as many b/c pets that look exactly like him



PostPosted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 10:26 am

Name: nekorikku
Describe your dream soquili: white with red spots
eyes green hair red and white mixed breaded, wings red and white
Quest thread (if any):http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=16478647
Why do you want to quest for a soquili?: I want this soquili because he was my first horse when I was little, he was my best friend until on I was 13 then my mother sold him without me knowing that she was going to do it, I came home and he was gone, the guy she sold him too shot him because he had a piece of wood stuck in his skin it looked deeper then it was.
PostPosted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 6:04 pm

Name: Amélie
Describe your dream soquili: Amélie would be a white unicorn soquili. She might have some pink accents- such as pale flesh colored hooves, and the insides of her ears would be pink. Pale blue eyes, and a simple white/vanilla colored mane, and the unicorn/lion whip tail.
Quest thread (if any): [Coming shortly~]
Why do you want to quest for a soquili?: Because anyone who knows me knows Amélie is my baby~ Although she frequently shares tops with Phib, she seems to be the one more readily open for placement into RP situations; so, I am on a private quest to get her in incarnations of shops I love. A unicorn has always been her totem 'animal' [along with the rabbit], as she strives to be a wholly good person- although, she often struggles along the way when she does falter.

Past that- I’ve always loved soquili, although I am somewhat shy of large threads. I’m in no hurry, so hopefully in time I’ll make up the 2mil for her, or possibly sell/trade some art and make up to that point. <3 Until then, wish me luck~ >3

Currently: 0/2mil [Quest on hold shortly]


Epine de Rose

PostPosted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 5:07 pm

Name: Paramekia (aka Epine de Rose)
Describe your dream soquili: See quoted box
Dream Soquili
[. description .]
.:Wind Soquili:.
Colorist wanted:
Name of horse: Grencia
Owner: Paramekia
Gender: Male
Temper: Dedicated
Breed: Celestial
Description(/hair color/hair style/wings etc):
    Eyes: His eyes are green, they also emanate with a dim white glow.
    Hair Colour: Primarily orange with red tips, the red begins about half way up the mane and continues down to the tips. His tail follows a similar fashion with slight edits which are details below.
    Hair Style: For the mane and tail I would like the same style that whisper has: Click Here

    Wings: The wing details are pretty much the centre piece of Aegis with the internal feathers being a multitude of colours. They also vary from yellow to red on the base colour and have small tear-drop eyes on each of the flight wings (see references for details).
    Main Coat: With most of the colour being on the mane, tail and wings his base coat colour would be a burnt orange/red. You can edit the colours and blend each to suit your tastes in that regard as this part is fairly open.

    Around his eyes he has two white patches as can be seen in his references.

Reference Image(s):
Internal Wing Feathers
Internal Wing Feathers 02
Flight Feathers
Head Shot
Fullbody Shot
Fullbody Shot 02
Which stage you want them to start as?: Adult
Default accessory color(s)?: Black string with the dream catcher being the same colour. The feathers should be a burnt orange for the base with a multicoloured tip if possible.
Tag Frame color: Black
Tag Feather color: A burnt orange with a multicoloured tip.
Hair/clothing edits: The edits are mostly on his tail. As you can see from the reference shots he has two large plumes as his tail feathers, if possible I'd like those large plumes present as another part of the Soquili's tail (as though those bits have been static shocked) - similarly I'd also like the three long tressles of feathers that almost look like braids. If possible I'd love for these three tressles to run down his tail like braids.

Quest thread (if any): I keep it in my journal <3
Why do you want to quest for a soquili?: The two Soquili I have are very special to me as I worked hard to get both. Yei was a beautiful soquili that I won in an event while Cloud was from an auction but there's always been one very special Soquili that I've always wanted to try and get - a winged soquili.

As a result, I may have two but that certainly won't stop me from trying to quest for my dream one, especially when I had a brainwave for his personality when I achieve my goal! <3
PostPosted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 9:14 am

Name: Gwee
Describe your dream soquili:
Gwee the Kalona
.:Kalona Soquili:.
Colorist wanted: Anyone! xd
Name of horse: Gwee
Owner: Slent Spy
Gender: Female
Temper (one word for horse's personality): Vain
Breed: Dragon
Description(eye color/hair color/hair style etc): Gwee's eyes are red, but her coat is a sick pale green. Her wings a shade of hot pink. Her belly is a creme color, with a reptilian feel. On her tail are hot pinks spikes. Her horns are creme-ish colored, like her belly. Her hooves would be black, like the claws in the picture. Her hair would be short and black.
Reference Image(s): Reference Image ((The dragon in the middle.))
Which stage you want them to start as?(basket,foal,or adult): Adult
Default accessory color(s)?: Fire colors (red, yellow, orange shades...or whatever else loosk best)
Tag Frame color: Black
Tag Feather color: Lime Green and Hot Pink

Quest thread (if any):
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Why do you want to quest for a soquili?: I <3 SOQUILI!

Silent Spy

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Izzy Makani

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 10:40 am

Name: Izzy Makani
Describe your dream soquili: Put simply Zhack will be a skunk turned Soquili with the stripes and all.
Quest thread (if any): Working on one
Why do you want to quest for a soquili?: I am extremely in love with Soquili and the more I rp the one Soquili I have the more I want another because of just how fun they really are. I enjoy every moment of rping with them that it makes me want to try for another to double the enjoyment and rp fun.
PostPosted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 10:59 am

Name: Nisshou Hakuyaiba?
Describe your dream soquili: Another odd general quest, Nis wants a basket to raise this time. 3nodding No spacifics on color on this time but probably going to be a light color, cream or white maybe?
Quest thread (if any): None yet
Why do you want to quest for a soquili? Nis has really grown fond of Soquili so she of course would like to get more.

Nisshou H

Kindred Hunter

Lovely Wolf Guardian

PostPosted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 12:49 pm

.:Regular Soquili:.
Colorist wanted: Any
Name of horse: Oneida
Owner: Lovely Wolf Guardian
Gender: Female
Temper: Loving
Breed: Arabian
Base Coat Color: Sparkly Hotpink
Mane & Tail Color: Long Length (Mane); Long Length (Tail) - Sparkly Black with Pink tips (Mane); Sparkly Black with Pink tips (Tail)
Eye Color: Violet
Hooves Color: Sparkly Pink

-Black muzzle with a bit of white
-Black on the legs
-Three black hearts on her flank
-Black heart on her forehead

Reference Image(s):
Which stage you want them to start as?: Adult
Default accessory color(s)?: Violet, pink, and black
Tag Frame color: Hotpink
Tag Feather color: Black, Violet, and Pink

Quest Thread: Click

Why do you want to quest for a soquili?: I've been dreaming of a soquili for over three months now, but I haven't thought of questing for one 'til now. I love the art and coloring. Plus, I really want to RP. Getting a Soquili and RPing it will be a great way for me to meet new friends.
PostPosted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 10:17 pm

Name: HelMel

Describe your dream soquili: Cosplay of SkyDancer from Rainbow Bright - The mare of Stormy, SkyDancer helps to make the thunder and lightening with a flash of her mighty hooves. She is indigo with a lavender-greyish mane and a stark white lightening bolt on her forehead

Quest thread (if any): None at this time.

Why do you want to quest for a soquili?: As a child, I was in love with Rainbow Bright. I fell in love with the idea of getting SkyDancer, since Stormy was always my favorite character. Call me sentimental, but I can't help being a child of the 80s. 4laugh


.:Regular Soquili:.
Colorist wanted: Any (I'm not picky)
Name of horse: SkyDancer
Owner: HelMel
Gender: Female
Temper (one word for horse's personality): Chaotic
Breed: Cosplay (Simple) - Rainbow Bright
Description(eye color/hair color/hair style etc):

Body: Dark Purple
Mane: Lavendar
Tail: Lavendar
Hooves: Lavendar
Other: A white lightning bolt on her forehead
Eyes: Light purple, see pics for colors on all of these categories

If I can choose, since it will make her look more like the character:
Mane Length: Curly
Tail Length: Long Unbraided

Reference Image(s):


Which stage you want them to start as?(basket,foal,or adult): Adult
Default accessory color(s)?: Lavender like hair and light purple like eyes
Tag Frame color: Dark Purple like her body
Tag Feather color: Lavendar and light purple like accessories

Is there anyway her background pic can be of stormclouds? If not I'll RP for the right to change it.

Quest Status: 500K/500K
Thank you, Meeki, for the donation!!!


Questionable Waffles


Romantic Genius

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 12:29 pm

Name: Vollyballrocks91
Describe your dream soquili:
.:Regular Soquili:.
Colorist wanted: Anyone
Name of horse: Kaitos
Owner: Vollyballrocks91
Gender: Male
Temper (one word for horse's personality): Calm
Breed: Tribal
Description(eye color/hair color/hair style etc):
Body color: Dark purple
Hair style: Average length, no braids
Hair color: Same dark purple with gold streaks with a touch of glitter
Hoof color: Shiny gold
Designs: gold stars on his rump
Eye color: (colorist choice, whatever they think looks best)
Reference Image(s): None
Which stage you want them to start as?(basket,foal,or adult): Adult
Default accessory color(s)?: Colorist choice.
Tag Frame color: Colorist choice
Tag Feather color:Colorist choice
Quest thread (if any): Not set up yet.
Why do you want to quest for a soquili?: I've always loved the colors and the lineart since its so unique. I've loved horses ever since I was little and I try to get horse breedable pets too.
Questing HQ

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