Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 9:07 am
[Basket] | [Foal] | [Adult]
This is Co-Ownership agreement between belloblossom and Thalea for Lord Arran Pendragon "The Magician".
Thalea’s Rights: ☽ Plotting Rights ☽ IC RP rights ☽ OOC RP rights ☽ Signature rights ☽ Breeding rights
belloblossom’s Rights: ✰ IC RP ✰ OOC RP rights ✰ Plotting Rights ✰ Signature rights ✰ Breeding rights
Major Decisions: Life-altering decisions (life mating, change of personality, major disasters etc) must be approved by both owners.
Buying a familiar: Both of the owners need to talk to each other before buying Lord Arran Pendragon “The Magician” a familiar.
Breeding rights: - Each owner will receive two breedings, the order of the breedings will depend on that owner’s slot openness. - Both owners have to agree that the stallion/mare is the right choice - The fifth breeding will be discussed. - In the case of a third basket, the location of the basket will be discussed with all the owners of the soquili.
Breaking Agreement: If belloblossom or Thalea leaves Gaia, or leaves for six months without replying to a single PM then all rights will go to the owner that is still frequently visiting Gaia and Soquili. Bello cannot get rid of Thalea as a co-owner, but Thalea may give up her rights and the same goes for Thalea: she may not get rid of Bello as a co-owner, but Bello can give up her rights.
Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 9:16 pm
[Basket] | [Foal] | [Adult]
This is Co-Ownership agreement between belloblossom and Thalea for Lord Arran Pendragon "The Magician".
Thalea’s Rights: ☽ Plotting Rights ☽ IC RP rights ☽ OOC RP rights ☽ Signature rights ☽ Breeding rights
belloblossom’s Rights: ✰ IC RP ✰ OOC RP rights ✰ Plotting Rights ✰ Signature rights ✰ Breeding rights
Major Decisions: Life-altering decisions (life mating, change of personality, major disasters etc) must be approved by both owners.
Buying a familiar: Both of the owners need to talk to each other before buying Lord Arran Pendragon “The Magician” a familiar.
Breeding rights: - Each owner will receive two breedings, the order of the breedings will depend on that owner’s slot openness. - Both owners have to agree that the stallion/mare is the right choice - The fifth breeding will be discussed. - In the case of a third basket, the location of the basket will be discussed with all the owners of the soquili.
Breaking Agreement: If belloblossom or Thalea leaves Gaia, or leaves for six months without replying to a single PM then all rights will go to the owner that is still frequently visiting Gaia and Soquili. Bello cannot get rid of Thalea as a co-owner, but Thalea may give up her rights and the same goes for Thalea: she may not get rid of Bello as a co-owner, but Bello can give up her rights.
Agreed! heart
Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 6:00 pm
I am here by breaking my Co-Owner ship of Andre with Suigyoko, original agreement is Here. I haven't heard from her in years, as far as I can tell she has left gaia for good.
Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 9:45 am
Syaoran-Puu [quote="LydaLynn]I, LydaLynn am co-owning Rinkini with Syaoran-Puu. ~ Both co-owners have signature rights and the right to place her in their teepee. ~ Syaoran-Puu has sole RP rights. ~ LydaLynn gets full rights to her first breeding ~ Syaoran-Puu gets full rights to her second breeding ~ Third breeding we will agree together on a newbie to gift her breeding offspring to. ~ When there are three or more baskets in a breeding, the co-owner with full rights to that breeding [or both in the case of the third breeding] will decide with the owner of the stallion the disposition of the third basket. ~ Breeding partners and/or lifemate must be approved by both co-owners. ~ If either co-owner fails to log onto gaia for 6 months or more the other assumes full ownership. ~ The co-owner with full RP rights agrees to make RP posts for the soq at least once every three months unless extenuating real life matters interfere and are explained to the understanding and acceptance of the other co-owner before the end of that three month period. ~ If this agreement is broken, any lifemate agreements will remain binding. Agreed smilies/icon_smile.gif Agreement originally posted here. VOIDED as Sya has not been on Gaia in more than a year.
Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 6:49 am
stormflower I stormflower, agree to share ownership of with winterelf86. We shall co-own and share all rights. Both have rp rights and sig rights. When it comes to breedings any partner(s) shall be discussed between the two of us and agreed on accordingly. Distributing of baskets shall be discussed once breedings are obtained and baskets arrive per an agreement between ALL breeding parties. Winter also has the rights to post Haemon in her tepee and stats may be kept in both if so desired. I, stormflower may break these rights for whatever reason I see fit be it inactivity or no contact with winter for a time more then 6months(unless hiatus has been declared). Co-ownership is hereby broken due to lack of activity from winterelf86 and no contact for more then 6months. All rights hereby revert solely back to me, stormflower
Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 6:49 pm
-MoomoolatteCha- Novablu Co-owning Atlas Shadowmoor with -MoomoolatteCha- Nova:Sig rights RP rights and stats in her teepee Breeding rights to 2 of the 4 breedings (to be entered in raffles, mixers, wishing stars, etc) The ability to veto any possible Lifematings The ability to break the co-ownership at any time, if need be The ability to give full-ownership over to Moo at any given time, if need be Moo: Sig rights RP rights, stats in Nova's teepee Breeding rights to 2 of the 4 breedings (to be entered in raffles, mixers, wishing stars, etc) In terms of Lifemating, Moo must run possible mate past Nova Cannot break the co-ownership to gain full rights. Should she break the co-own, all rights revert back to Nova. Omg!! Agreed! ;A; Breaking this co-ownership due to personal issues; rights revert back to Novablu to do what she wishes with Atlas.
Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 12:19 pm
I'm transferring ownership of this familiar to UniWingdFox Cert and Uncert
Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 12:21 pm
Fatal Irony I'm transferring ownership of this familiar to UniWingdFox Cert and UncertAgreed~ Thank you~!
Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 6:21 pm
Co-Ownership Agreement for LaceyOwners: Jesse The Eternal & Sesshiyasha Teepee Rights: Both Owners have teepee rights. Breeding Rights: Either one of us can enter the pair in depending on who is able to. We also will both have rights to enter her in any mixers that may come along or any other type of contest, as long as Lacey is able to/single at the moment. Both of us have rights to baskets in case there are three from any breeding we may gift to the other owner. RP Rights: Both of us have rights to Rp Lacey but her personality must stay the same. Signature Rights: Both of us have rights Life Altering/Major Decisions: Breeding Partners : Must be discussed with both owners along with flings Jesse The Eternal has last say on plots. Breaking Ownership: Jesse The Eternal can break the Agreement for any reason at any time. If Jesse The Eternal is not seen for 8 months, Sesshi is free to do what she wants with Lacey except take Jesse The Eternal off the co-ownership. If Jesse The Eternal is not seen for 16 months, Sesshi may take full ownership. (borrowed format from Jackariah Beckett cause Sesshi said it was a good one ><)
Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 6:23 pm
Jesse The Eternal Co-Ownership Agreement for LaceyOwners: Jesse The Eternal & Sesshiyasha Teepee Rights: Both Owners have teepee rights. Breeding Rights: Either one of us can enter the pair in depending on who is able to. We also will both have rights to enter her in any mixers that may come along or any other type of contest, as long as Lacey is able to/single at the moment. Both of us have rights to baskets in case there are three from any breeding we may gift to the other owner. RP Rights: Both of us have rights to Rp Lacey but her personality must stay the same. Signature Rights: Both of us have rights Life Altering/Major Decisions: Breeding Partners : Must be discussed with both owners along with flings Jesse The Eternal has last say on plots. Breaking Ownership: Jesse The Eternal can break the Agreement for any reason at any time. If Jesse The Eternal is not seen for 8 months, Sesshi is free to do what she wants with Lacey except take Jesse The Eternal off the co-ownership. If Jesse The Eternal is not seen for 16 months, Sesshi may take full ownership. (borrowed format from Jackariah Beckett cause Sesshi said it was a good one ><) I completely agree!! <3 Thank you Jesse!!! <3
Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 5:31 pm
Natelie I, Natelie, agree to share ownership of Lord Misaki with Kara Asumie
Both owners have Sig and teepee rights Kara has main Rp rights of the stallion. Should it be requested for, Natelie may step in to post for Kara. Both owners will agree on all future breedings and where any baskets go.
I am transferring full ownership of Lord Misaki to Kara Asumie
Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 5:45 pm
Natelie Natelie I, Natelie, agree to share ownership of Lord Misaki with Kara Asumie
Both owners have Sig and teepee rights Kara has main Rp rights of the stallion. Should it be requested for, Natelie may step in to post for Kara. Both owners will agree on all future breedings and where any baskets go.
I am transferring full ownership of Lord Misaki to Kara Asumie I agree and thank you Natelie
Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 8:27 am
This is a co-ownership agreement between Niyaru Delacroix & Fatal Irony for Laina.Niyaru Delacroix
• Sig rights.
• Rp rights.
• Teepee rights
• In the instance that Laina wins a breeding, basket ownership will be discussed between both Niyaru Delacroix & Fatal Irony.
• In the instance that Laina wins a breeding, and Fatal Irony has informed Niyaru Delacroix of a temporary hiatus, then Niyaru Delacroix must quote, pm, email and get in touch with Fatal Irony on aim. In that time Niyaru Delacroix must wait two weeks after contacting Fatal Irony via each of these for a reply before choosing a basket for Fatal Irony.
• Niyaru Delacroix has the right to make the final decision on any major plot decisions, general plot decisions and RP partners, breedings & breeding partners.
• Niyaru Delacroix has the right to break the co-ownership and claim full rights to ownership of Laina if Niyaru Delacroix feels that the co-ownership isn't working.
• Whilst making any decisions for Laina, whether it be RP, plots or breedings, Niyaru Delacroix has to discuss the decisions with Fatal Irony before any action to finalize the decision is taken.
• Niyaru Delacroix has to check in with Fatal Irony at least once every 3 months to show that Niyaru Delacroix is still active.
• If Niyaru Delacroix takes a hiatus, then Niyaru Delacroix must inform Fatal Irony of the temporary inactivity.
Fatal Irony
• Sig rights
• Rp rights.
• Teepee rights.
• In the instance that Laina wins a breeding, basket ownership will be discussed between both Fatal Irony & Niyaru Delacroix.
• In the instance that Laina wins a breeding, and Niyaru Delacroix has informed Fatal Irony of a temporary hiatus, then Fatal Irony must quote, pm, email and get in touch with Niyaru Delacroix on aim. In that time Fatal Irony must wait two weeks after contacting Niyaru Delacroix via each of these for a reply before choosing a basket for Niyaru Delacroix.
• Fatal Irony has to keep regular contact with Niyaru Delacroix and 'check in' at least once every 3 months to let Niyaru Delacroix know that Fatal Irony is still active.
• Fatal Irony has a say in any major plot decisions, general plot decisions and RP partners, breedings & breeding partners however Niyaru Delacroix will have the final say on these matters.
• Fatal Irony has the right to enter Laina into any Wishing Star however the slot she will be entered into will be discussed between Fatal Irony and Niyaru Delacroix.
Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 8:28 am
Niyaru Delacroix This is a co-ownership agreement between Niyaru Delacroix & Fatal Irony for Laina.Niyaru Delacroix
• Sig rights.
• Rp rights.
• Teepee rights
• In the instance that Laina wins a breeding, basket ownership will be discussed between both Niyaru Delacroix & Fatal Irony.
• In the instance that Laina wins a breeding, and Fatal Irony has informed Niyaru Delacroix of a temporary hiatus, then Niyaru Delacroix must quote, pm, email and get in touch with Fatal Irony on aim. In that time Niyaru Delacroix must wait two weeks after contacting Fatal Irony via each of these for a reply before choosing a basket for Fatal Irony.
• Niyaru Delacroix has the right to make the final decision on any major plot decisions, general plot decisions and RP partners, breedings & breeding partners.
• Niyaru Delacroix has the right to break the co-ownership and claim full rights to ownership of Laina if Niyaru Delacroix feels that the co-ownership isn't working.
• Whilst making any decisions for Laina, whether it be RP, plots or breedings, Niyaru Delacroix has to discuss the decisions with Fatal Irony before any action to finalize the decision is taken.
• Niyaru Delacroix has to check in with Fatal Irony at least once every 3 months to show that Niyaru Delacroix is still active.
• If Niyaru Delacroix takes a hiatus, then Niyaru Delacroix must inform Fatal Irony of the temporary inactivity.
Fatal Irony
• Sig rights
• Rp rights.
• Teepee rights.
• In the instance that Laina wins a breeding, basket ownership will be discussed between both Fatal Irony & Niyaru Delacroix.
• In the instance that Laina wins a breeding, and Niyaru Delacroix has informed Fatal Irony of a temporary hiatus, then Fatal Irony must quote, pm, email and get in touch with Niyaru Delacroix on aim. In that time Fatal Irony must wait two weeks after contacting Niyaru Delacroix via each of these for a reply before choosing a basket for Niyaru Delacroix.
• Fatal Irony has to keep regular contact with Niyaru Delacroix and 'check in' at least once every 3 months to let Niyaru Delacroix know that Fatal Irony is still active.
• Fatal Irony has a say in any major plot decisions, general plot decisions and RP partners, breedings & breeding partners however Niyaru Delacroix will have the final say on these matters.
• Fatal Irony has the right to enter Laina into any Wishing Star however the slot she will be entered into will be discussed between Fatal Irony and Niyaru Delacroix.
Agreed! thank you heart
Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 12:26 pm
This is an agreement between Fuzzy-Gumdrop and Marzipanz to co-own the Soquili Nekomata.
Both have sig rights Marzipanz has rp rights Breedings Order- First: Gumdrop Second: Marzi Third: Gumdrop Fourth: co-own basket
At any time Fuzzy-Gumdrop can dissolve this agreement at their own discretion.