Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2020 9:35 pm
Reve Casse MuyamiKasai Reve Casse -tries to maneuver around the mess of battling Mandao's to grab a drink-
-rolls eyes- This place is really going to hell in a hand basket fast! May the Bossman have insurance coverage. -chuckles- Probably not with how cheap he is. :::comes in and giggles making her way around the fighting Mando's and comes up behind her sister::: Booo! :::snickers pointing at the destruction::: And you call me bad sis! Nope I'm innocent compared to those two. :::giggle laughs::: Him and insurance... uhmmmm .... isn't that a dirty word in his vocabulary? And if he think's Naast is his insurance... it kinda looks like he's getting his a** kicked... -jumps almost spilling her drink .. then giggles- You little shithead. You startled me. -rolls eyes- Your name and innocent are two words that don't belong in the same sentence Sis. -chuckles- Now grab a drink and sit before another chair gets broken. Naasty really needs to learn to back off and apologize to the woman before he looks like something that went threw the grinder. -snickers-
:::giggles and sticks out her tongue::: But I am innocent! You had me a grab a drink sis. :::giggles taking the bottle from her and sits down::: That's why he's called Nasty Naast. :::she snickers::: Soooo how much longer ya think Naast will last against her? And do ya think he'll be the next to go thru the grinder .... like his daddy. :::bust up laughing:::
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2020 10:14 pm
Mirdala Naast Arris Zern Mirdala Naast Arris Zern Mirdala Naast Mirdala Naast gets to his feet and snaps coldly at Arris, "Ori'jagyc!" Charging her to attack he makes no haste to give her a punch to the face as he grabs her shoulder to keep her from dodging his hit. *takes the hit and gives him another punch to the face then completely relaxes dropping to the ground and rolls slightly to her side and kicks the idiots legs back out from under him then rolls away getting back up, glaring at the idiot she uses one hand to gesture "come and get it" to Mirdala then slowly extends her middle finger to him in a human manner* Mirdala Naast reals from the punch spits out blood from a gash on his lip, then lands on his side from Arris’s kick. “You’s should’a been sent to da Hutt’s when I met you’s!” he snaps at her. “Ori'buyce, kih'kovid,”as he charges her aiming to knock her in the head and bring her down.*rolls her eyes ignoring the blood dripping from cuts on her head and cheek and lets him knock her over. Grabbing his shoulders she tucks her feet between them as she forces him to fall with her then landing on her back she kicks her feet out sending the idiot flying into another table behind them. Rolling to her feet she laughs bracing herself for another futile attack from Mirdala* Gi'a? Mirdala Naast rolls over moving the broken table out of his way thankful for his armor protecting him, “You think I’m finished?” He says as he gets to his feet, “I’m only getting started!” Looking at Arris as she laughs, he sneers back at her, “K'uur!” then grabs her helmet off the ground and rushes her aiming to knock her upside the head with it. *laughs and ducks out of his way as he swings at her head but kicks one of his legs out from under him, and grabs her helmet from him flings it away and crouches waiting on his next move with an evil grin*
Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 9:25 am
Arris Zern Mirdala Naast Arris Zern Mirdala Naast Arris Zern Mirdala Naast Mirdala Naast gets to his feet and snaps coldly at Arris, "Ori'jagyc!" Charging her to attack he makes no haste to give her a punch to the face as he grabs her shoulder to keep her from dodging his hit. *takes the hit and gives him another punch to the face then completely relaxes dropping to the ground and rolls slightly to her side and kicks the idiots legs back out from under him then rolls away getting back up, glaring at the idiot she uses one hand to gesture "come and get it" to Mirdala then slowly extends her middle finger to him in a human manner* Mirdala Naast reals from the punch spits out blood from a gash on his lip, then lands on his side from Arris’s kick. “You’s should’a been sent to da Hutt’s when I met you’s!” he snaps at her. “Ori'buyce, kih'kovid,”as he charges her aiming to knock her in the head and bring her down.*rolls her eyes ignoring the blood dripping from cuts on her head and cheek and lets him knock her over. Grabbing his shoulders she tucks her feet between them as she forces him to fall with her then landing on her back she kicks her feet out sending the idiot flying into another table behind them. Rolling to her feet she laughs bracing herself for another futile attack from Mirdala* Gi'a? Mirdala Naast rolls over moving the broken table out of his way thankful for his armor protecting him, “You think I’m finished?” He says as he gets to his feet, “I’m only getting started!” Looking at Arris as she laughs, he sneers back at her, “K'uur!” then grabs her helmet off the ground and rushes her aiming to knock her upside the head with it. *laughs and ducks out of his way as he swings at her head but kicks one of his legs out from under him, and grabs her helmet from him flings it away and crouches waiting on his next move with an evil grin* Mirdala Naast winces and falls to his side. Snapping at Arris as he gets back to his feet, “You’s know, dat’s about enough of you’s gahaor vod!” Pulling out his blaster then giving her a warning shot to her feet he coldly growls at her, “This is my territory see, you’s are outta line dalyc!” Scowling now, he aims his blaster at her head, his eyes daring her to do anything else but stop her attack.
Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 2:48 pm
MuyamiKasai Reve Casse MuyamiKasai Reve Casse -tries to maneuver around the mess of battling Mandao's to grab a drink-
-rolls eyes- This place is really going to hell in a hand basket fast! May the Bossman have insurance coverage. -chuckles- Probably not with how cheap he is. :::comes in and giggles making her way around the fighting Mando's and comes up behind her sister::: Booo! :::snickers pointing at the destruction::: And you call me bad sis! Nope I'm innocent compared to those two. :::giggle laughs::: Him and insurance... uhmmmm .... isn't that a dirty word in his vocabulary? And if he think's Naast is his insurance... it kinda looks like he's getting his a** kicked... -jumps almost spilling her drink .. then giggles- You little shithead. You startled me. -rolls eyes- Your name and innocent are two words that don't belong in the same sentence Sis. -chuckles- Now grab a drink and sit before another chair gets broken. Naasty really needs to learn to back off and apologize to the woman before he looks like something that went threw the grinder. -snickers-
:::giggles and sticks out her tongue::: But I am innocent! You had me a grab a drink sis. :::giggles taking the bottle from her and sits down::: That's why he's called Nasty Naast. :::she snickers::: Soooo how much longer ya think Naast will last against her? And do ya think he'll be the next to go thru the grinder .... like his daddy. :::bust up laughing::: -stops laughing as she stares at Naast- Oh s**t!! This is a side I've never seen before. -looks at Kasai- Do we duck and cover or help the woman? He's pissed! -grabs her bottle back from her- I need a f'n drink!
Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 2:59 pm
Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 3:54 pm
Reve Casse MuyamiKasai Reve Casse MuyamiKasai Reve Casse -tries to maneuver around the mess of battling Mandao's to grab a drink-
-rolls eyes- This place is really going to hell in a hand basket fast! May the Bossman have insurance coverage. -chuckles- Probably not with how cheap he is. :::comes in and giggles making her way around the fighting Mando's and comes up behind her sister::: Booo! :::snickers pointing at the destruction::: And you call me bad sis! Nope I'm innocent compared to those two. :::giggle laughs::: Him and insurance... uhmmmm .... isn't that a dirty word in his vocabulary? And if he think's Naast is his insurance... it kinda looks like he's getting his a** kicked... -jumps almost spilling her drink .. then giggles- You little shithead. You startled me. -rolls eyes- Your name and innocent are two words that don't belong in the same sentence Sis. -chuckles- Now grab a drink and sit before another chair gets broken. Naasty really needs to learn to back off and apologize to the woman before he looks like something that went threw the grinder. -snickers-
:::giggles and sticks out her tongue::: But I am innocent! You had me a grab a drink sis. :::giggles taking the bottle from her and sits down::: That's why he's called Nasty Naast. :::she snickers::: Soooo how much longer ya think Naast will last against her? And do ya think he'll be the next to go thru the grinder .... like his daddy. :::bust up laughing::: -stops laughing as she stares at Naast- Oh s**t!! This is a side I've never seen before. -looks at Kasai- Do we duck and cover or help the woman? He's pissed! -grabs her bottle back from her- I need a f'n drink! ::;she rolls her eyes shrugging her shoulders::: I dunno, do ya really think Naast is that territorial? Do ya really think DD pays him that much to kill another Mando without the Mand'alor ordering it? Would Naast be that willing to be labled dar'manda for this place sis? :::she watches the two and shakes her head::: Hell no, I sooo wanna see how this goes down.... besides everyone knows a Mando female is tougher than a Mando male. :::giggles taking back the bottle and downing some:::
Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 4:22 pm
MuyamiKasai Reve Casse MuyamiKasai Reve Casse MuyamiKasai Reve Casse -tries to maneuver around the mess of battling Mandao's to grab a drink-
-rolls eyes- This place is really going to hell in a hand basket fast! May the Bossman have insurance coverage. -chuckles- Probably not with how cheap he is. :::comes in and giggles making her way around the fighting Mando's and comes up behind her sister::: Booo! :::snickers pointing at the destruction::: And you call me bad sis! Nope I'm innocent compared to those two. :::giggle laughs::: Him and insurance... uhmmmm .... isn't that a dirty word in his vocabulary? And if he think's Naast is his insurance... it kinda looks like he's getting his a** kicked... -jumps almost spilling her drink .. then giggles- You little shithead. You startled me. -rolls eyes- Your name and innocent are two words that don't belong in the same sentence Sis. -chuckles- Now grab a drink and sit before another chair gets broken. Naasty really needs to learn to back off and apologize to the woman before he looks like something that went threw the grinder. -snickers-
:::giggles and sticks out her tongue::: But I am innocent! You had me a grab a drink sis. :::giggles taking the bottle from her and sits down::: That's why he's called Nasty Naast. :::she snickers::: Soooo how much longer ya think Naast will last against her? And do ya think he'll be the next to go thru the grinder .... like his daddy. :::bust up laughing::: -stops laughing as she stares at Naast- Oh s**t!! This is a side I've never seen before. -looks at Kasai- Do we duck and cover or help the woman? He's pissed! -grabs her bottle back from her- I need a f'n drink! ::;she rolls her eyes shrugging her shoulders::: I dunno, do ya really think Naast is that territorial? Do ya really think DD pays him that much to kill another Mando without the Mand'alor ordering it? Would Naast be that willing to be labled dar'manda for this place sis? :::she watches the two and shakes her head::: Hell no, I sooo wanna see how this goes down.... besides everyone knows a Mando female is tougher than a Mando male. :::giggles taking back the bottle and downing some::: -rolls eyes- This has nothing to do with Naast being territorial. Damn fool is nothing but a thug! A Jedi/Sith thug! I don't see him acting like any Mandalorian. -tosses hands around as she scowls- He has been hanging out in this Sith hole temple for to long. -places hands on hips- The man has no class. No honor. He treats women like trash. You ever see a Mando make a wolf whistle at a Mando female before? hmmmm??? -sideways glance- Now-tough guy wants to bury her with the blaster. -puts hand out- And give me back my damn bottle before I shoot him myself because my hands are empty. -huffs- The kids will be eating "naasty" burgers if you don't.
Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 4:35 pm
Reve Casse MuyamiKasai Reve Casse MuyamiKasai Reve Casse -jumps almost spilling her drink .. then giggles- You little shithead. You startled me. -rolls eyes- Your name and innocent are two words that don't belong in the same sentence Sis. -chuckles- Now grab a drink and sit before another chair gets broken. Naasty really needs to learn to back off and apologize to the woman before he looks like something that went threw the grinder. -snickers-
:::giggles and sticks out her tongue::: But I am innocent! You had me a grab a drink sis. :::giggles taking the bottle from her and sits down::: That's why he's called Nasty Naast. :::she snickers::: Soooo how much longer ya think Naast will last against her? And do ya think he'll be the next to go thru the grinder .... like his daddy. :::bust up laughing::: -stops laughing as she stares at Naast- Oh s**t!! This is a side I've never seen before. -looks at Kasai- Do we duck and cover or help the woman? He's pissed! -grabs her bottle back from her- I need a f'n drink! ::;she rolls her eyes shrugging her shoulders::: I dunno, do ya really think Naast is that territorial? Do ya really think DD pays him that much to kill another Mando without the Mand'alor ordering it? Would Naast be that willing to be labled dar'manda for this place sis? :::she watches the two and shakes her head::: Hell no, I sooo wanna see how this goes down.... besides everyone knows a Mando female is tougher than a Mando male. :::giggles taking back the bottle and downing some::: -rolls eyes- This has nothing to do with Naast being territorial. Damn fool is nothing but a thug! A Jedi/Sith thug! I don't see him acting like any Mandalorian. -tosses hands around as she scowls- He has been hanging out in this Sith hole temple for to long. -places hands on hips- The man has no class. No honor. He treats women like trash. You ever see a Mando make a wolf whistle at a Mando female before? hmmmm??? -sideways glance- Now-tough guy wants to bury her with the blaster. -puts hand out- And give me back my damn bottle before I shoot him myself because my hands are empty. -huffs- The kids will be eating "naasty" burgers if you don't. LOL! Part of it ya sis, if he sees the chick as a threat to his "stomping grounds" so to speak. :::hands her back the bottle::: Ya know I'm not gonna question that part, he's been hanging out here for tooo long, and picking up traits that even a Mando would call besom, or ill mannered- by Mando terms. :::giggles::: As to a wolf whistle... I'd kick his ever lovin half breed a** from the inner rim to wild space and back again. :::takes the bottle back taking another chug and hands it back with a loud belch::: Here drink this before you do something that'll piss the chick off sis. She's armed and I'm betting she's not down yet... :::watches the two and huffs::: if not then we save her a** from the next menu item in the cafeteria. :::giggles:::
Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 4:37 pm
Mirdala Naast Arris Zern Mirdala Naast Arris Zern Mirdala Naast Mirdala Naast reals from the punch spits out blood from a gash on his lip, then lands on his side from Arris’s kick. “You’s should’a been sent to da Hutt’s when I met you’s!” he snaps at her. “Ori'buyce, kih'kovid,”as he charges her aiming to knock her in the head and bring her down. *rolls her eyes ignoring the blood dripping from cuts on her head and cheek and lets him knock her over. Grabbing his shoulders she tucks her feet between them as she forces him to fall with her then landing on her back she kicks her feet out sending the idiot flying into another table behind them. Rolling to her feet she laughs bracing herself for another futile attack from Mirdala* Gi'a? Mirdala Naast rolls over moving the broken table out of his way thankful for his armor protecting him, “You think I’m finished?” He says as he gets to his feet, “I’m only getting started!” Looking at Arris as she laughs, he sneers back at her, “K'uur!” then grabs her helmet off the ground and rushes her aiming to knock her upside the head with it. *laughs and ducks out of his way as he swings at her head but kicks one of his legs out from under him, and grabs her helmet from him flings it away and crouches waiting on his next move with an evil grin* Mirdala Naast winces and falls to his side. Snapping at Arris as he gets back to his feet, “You’s know, dat’s about enough of you’s gahaor vod!” Pulling out his blaster then giving her a warning shot to her feet he coldly growls at her, “This is my territory see, you’s are outta line dalyc!” Scowling now, he aims his blaster at her head, his eyes daring her to do anything else but stop her attack.*jumps back and glares into his eyes as she slowly steps in front of him letting the tip of his blaster touch her forehead as all emotion leaves her face* I’m not hunting, tah'da, should I be, you’d be dead.
Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 7:30 pm
MuyamiKasai Reve Casse MuyamiKasai Reve Casse MuyamiKasai Reve Casse -jumps almost spilling her drink .. then giggles- You little shithead. You startled me. -rolls eyes- Your name and innocent are two words that don't belong in the same sentence Sis. -chuckles- Now grab a drink and sit before another chair gets broken. Naasty really needs to learn to back off and apologize to the woman before he looks like something that went threw the grinder. -snickers-
:::giggles and sticks out her tongue::: But I am innocent! You had me a grab a drink sis. :::giggles taking the bottle from her and sits down::: That's why he's called Nasty Naast. :::she snickers::: Soooo how much longer ya think Naast will last against her? And do ya think he'll be the next to go thru the grinder .... like his daddy. :::bust up laughing::: -stops laughing as she stares at Naast- Oh s**t!! This is a side I've never seen before. -looks at Kasai- Do we duck and cover or help the woman? He's pissed! -grabs her bottle back from her- I need a f'n drink! ::;she rolls her eyes shrugging her shoulders::: I dunno, do ya really think Naast is that territorial? Do ya really think DD pays him that much to kill another Mando without the Mand'alor ordering it? Would Naast be that willing to be labled dar'manda for this place sis? :::she watches the two and shakes her head::: Hell no, I sooo wanna see how this goes down.... besides everyone knows a Mando female is tougher than a Mando male. :::giggles taking back the bottle and downing some::: -rolls eyes- This has nothing to do with Naast being territorial. Damn fool is nothing but a thug! A Jedi/Sith thug! I don't see him acting like any Mandalorian. -tosses hands around as she scowls- He has been hanging out in this Sith hole temple for to long. -places hands on hips- The man has no class. No honor. He treats women like trash. You ever see a Mando make a wolf whistle at a Mando female before? hmmmm??? -sideways glance- Now-tough guy wants to bury her with the blaster. -puts hand out- And give me back my damn bottle before I shoot him myself because my hands are empty. -huffs- The kids will be eating "naasty" burgers if you don't. LOL! Part of it ya sis, if he sees the chick as a threat to his "stomping grounds" so to speak. :::hands her back the bottle::: Ya know I'm not gonna question that part, he's been hanging out here for tooo long, and picking up traits that even a Mando would call besom, or ill mannered- by Mando terms. :::giggles::: As to a wolf whistle... I'd kick his ever lovin half breed a** from the inner rim to wild space and back again. :::takes the bottle back taking another chug and hands it back with a loud belch::: Here drink this before you do something that'll piss the chick off sis. She's armed and I'm betting she's not down yet... :::watches the two and huffs::: if not then we save her a** from the next menu item in the cafeteria. :::giggles::: -takes a long drink on her bottle then wipes mouth with back of hand- You seem to know way too much about Naast and his lack of Mando ways. -raises eyebrow- You been secretly dating that thug... or something? -looks back at the two Mando- I don't know Sis. I think there be more meat on him than there is on her. -snickers-
Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 8:59 pm
Reve Casse MuyamiKasai Reve Casse MuyamiKasai Reve Casse -stops laughing as she stares at Naast- Oh s**t!! This is a side I've never seen before. -looks at Kasai- Do we duck and cover or help the woman? He's pissed! -grabs her bottle back from her- I need a f'n drink! ::;she rolls her eyes shrugging her shoulders::: I dunno, do ya really think Naast is that territorial? Do ya really think DD pays him that much to kill another Mando without the Mand'alor ordering it? Would Naast be that willing to be labled dar'manda for this place sis? :::she watches the two and shakes her head::: Hell no, I sooo wanna see how this goes down.... besides everyone knows a Mando female is tougher than a Mando male. :::giggles taking back the bottle and downing some::: -rolls eyes- This has nothing to do with Naast being territorial. Damn fool is nothing but a thug! A Jedi/Sith thug! I don't see him acting like any Mandalorian. -tosses hands around as she scowls- He has been hanging out in this Sith hole temple for to long. -places hands on hips- The man has no class. No honor. He treats women like trash. You ever see a Mando make a wolf whistle at a Mando female before? hmmmm??? -sideways glance- Now-tough guy wants to bury her with the blaster. -puts hand out- And give me back my damn bottle before I shoot him myself because my hands are empty. -huffs- The kids will be eating "naasty" burgers if you don't. LOL! Part of it ya sis, if he sees the chick as a threat to his "stomping grounds" so to speak. :::hands her back the bottle::: Ya know I'm not gonna question that part, he's been hanging out here for tooo long, and picking up traits that even a Mando would call besom, or ill mannered- by Mando terms. :::giggles::: As to a wolf whistle... I'd kick his ever lovin half breed a** from the inner rim to wild space and back again. :::takes the bottle back taking another chug and hands it back with a loud belch::: Here drink this before you do something that'll piss the chick off sis. She's armed and I'm betting she's not down yet... :::watches the two and huffs::: if not then we save her a** from the next menu item in the cafeteria. :::giggles::: -takes a long drink on her bottle then wipes mouth with back of hand- You seem to know way too much about Naast and his lack of Mando ways. -raises eyebrow- You been secretly dating that thug... or something? -looks back at the two Mando- I don't know Sis. I think there be more meat on him than there is on her. -snickers- :::grabs the bottle back chugging on it then hands it back to her::: Cuz I was raised right sis... don't look like he was raised like a proper Mando... bet his armor was stolen... :::scowls and stares at her::: that besom sis? He's too damned short. Kaysh mirsh solus. :::snickers::: I don't think he's got the mandokar to make much of any warrior happy. LOL! :::looks over at the two and raises her eyebrows::: Has she gone jare?
Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 9:30 pm
Lucent Rym Exal Kressh Lucent Rym Exal Kressh Lucent Rym Exal Kressh :::sits in a dark corner watching the antics drinking straight from the bottle. A slight smile touches her lips thinking, Ah, it must be love if they're going to bash the hell out of one another. Chuckles lighting up some spice continuing to observe the patrons. Ta hell with the run tonight. This is more interesting. I have one of my own who will indulge me, should I run short on my quota, among other things.::: -enters cantina looking around, with a chuckle and a shakes of his head he finds an occupied dark corner and makes his way to it, walking unconcerned by the other two Mandolorians fighting, reaching the dark corner table he sits down grinning- Relaxing again Sith? Spice and a show, you must be amused. -chuckles softly taking off helmet- I got your message. -smiles- :::snuggles in close tossing a leg over his grinning::: You know it Babe. :::hands him her bottle::: Thought you might like to enjoy the show with me. Get your adrenaline pumping... :::smirks as she snuggles closer::: ... so to speak.
:::glances at the two Mandalorians, then back at Lucent::: 1000 credits says she takes him. -grins pulling her closer then takes offered bottle drinking some- This is enjoyable. -whispers into her ear- The private shows are better cyare. -laughs amused looking at the two fighting- Only a or'dinii would take on a female as he has. -looks at Exal then winks- No contest, to fight against her would be a jaro, I wouldn't bet against the assassin. -grins- Especially the female ones. -winks- :::nips his bottom lip with a grin::: Later Nulis. Right now I am amused. :::rests against him with a laugh watching the two::: I would say that is one zioplys that needs to be taught a lesson. Which it appears, he is getting. :::glances at Lucent::: Perhaps this is yitncukr? Lets see how it ends. :::smirks::: -grins back giving her neck a soft n**- Yes later cyare. -looks at the two fighting with a chuckle- He must have pissed her off. If there'd been a bounty on him, she'd have killed him already. -shakes his head with a laugh- I doubt yitncukr is the case, this looks a bit too serious. -laughs- I agree let's see how it ends. :::chuckles pressing into Lucent::: Someone really needs to tell that guy you never flash your blaster in a woman's face. :::nibbles his neck whispering::: Perhaps you could give him some instructions Nulis. :::snickers:::
Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 10:05 pm
Exal Kressh Lucent Rym Exal Kressh Lucent Rym Exal Kressh :::snuggles in close tossing a leg over his grinning::: You know it Babe. :::hands him her bottle::: Thought you might like to enjoy the show with me. Get your adrenaline pumping... :::smirks as she snuggles closer::: ... so to speak.
:::glances at the two Mandalorians, then back at Lucent::: 1000 credits says she takes him. -grins pulling her closer then takes offered bottle drinking some- This is enjoyable. -whispers into her ear- The private shows are better cyare. -laughs amused looking at the two fighting- Only a or'dinii would take on a female as he has. -looks at Exal then winks- No contest, to fight against her would be a jaro, I wouldn't bet against the assassin. -grins- Especially the female ones. -winks- :::nips his bottom lip with a grin::: Later Nulis. Right now I am amused. :::rests against him with a laugh watching the two::: I would say that is one zioplys that needs to be taught a lesson. Which it appears, he is getting. :::glances at Lucent::: Perhaps this is yitncukr? Lets see how it ends. :::smirks::: -grins back giving her neck a soft n**- Yes later cyare. -looks at the two fighting with a chuckle- He must have pissed her off. If there'd been a bounty on him, she'd have killed him already. -shakes his head with a laugh- I doubt yitncukr is the case, this looks a bit too serious. -laughs- I agree let's see how it ends. -chuckles pressing into Lucent- Someone really needs to tell that guy you never flash your blaster in a woman's face. -nibbles his neck whispering- Perhaps you could give him some instructions Nulis. -snickers- -chuckles softly pulling her tightly to him- Someone needs to tell who what? -laughs softly giving a glace to the two Exal was speaking of- Perhaps I could, but I seem to be distracted cyare.
Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 10:34 pm
Lucent Rym Exal Kressh Lucent Rym Exal Kressh Lucent Rym Exal Kressh :::snuggles in close tossing a leg over his grinning::: You know it Babe. :::hands him her bottle::: Thought you might like to enjoy the show with me. Get your adrenaline pumping... :::smirks as she snuggles closer::: ... so to speak.
:::glances at the two Mandalorians, then back at Lucent::: 1000 credits says she takes him. -grins pulling her closer then takes offered bottle drinking some- This is enjoyable. -whispers into her ear- The private shows are better cyare. -laughs amused looking at the two fighting- Only a or'dinii would take on a female as he has. -looks at Exal then winks- No contest, to fight against her would be a jaro, I wouldn't bet against the assassin. -grins- Especially the female ones. -winks- :::nips his bottom lip with a grin::: Later Nulis. Right now I am amused. :::rests against him with a laugh watching the two::: I would say that is one zioplys that needs to be taught a lesson. Which it appears, he is getting. :::glances at Lucent::: Perhaps this is yitncukr? Lets see how it ends. :::smirks::: -grins back giving her neck a soft n**- Yes later cyare. -looks at the two fighting with a chuckle- He must have pissed her off. If there'd been a bounty on him, she'd have killed him already. -shakes his head with a laugh- I doubt yitncukr is the case, this looks a bit too serious. -laughs- I agree let's see how it ends. :::chuckles pressing into Lucent::: Someone really needs to tell that guy you never flash your blaster in a woman's face. :::nibbles his neck whispering::: Perhaps you could give him some instructions Nulis. :::snickers::: -chuckles softly pulling her tightly to him- Someone needs to tell who what? -laughs softly giving a glace to the two Exal was speaking of- Perhaps I could, but I seem to be distracted cyare. :::chuckles nussling into his neck whispering::: Seem to be distracted? :::leans back looking in his eyes with a wicked smile::: Do I need to take you back to the ship Nulis? :::softly laughs::: One more drink, then I'll show you distracted.
Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 10:47 pm
Exal Kressh Lucent Rym Exal Kressh Lucent Rym Exal Kressh :::nips his bottom lip with a grin::: Later Nulis. Right now I am amused. :::rests against him with a laugh watching the two::: I would say that is one zioplys that needs to be taught a lesson. Which it appears, he is getting. :::glances at Lucent::: Perhaps this is yitncukr? Lets see how it ends. :::smirks::: -grins back giving her neck a soft n**- Yes later cyare. -looks at the two fighting with a chuckle- He must have pissed her off. If there'd been a bounty on him, she'd have killed him already. -shakes his head with a laugh- I doubt yitncukr is the case, this looks a bit too serious. -laughs- I agree let's see how it ends. :::chuckles pressing into Lucent::: Someone really needs to tell that guy you never flash your blaster in a woman's face. :::nibbles his neck whispering::: Perhaps you could give him some instructions Nulis. :::snickers::: -chuckles softly pulling her tightly to him- Someone needs to tell who what? -laughs softly giving a glace to the two Exal was speaking of- Perhaps I could, but I seem to be distracted cyare. :::chuckles nussling into his neck whispering::: Seem to be distracted? :::leans back looking in his eyes with a wicked smile::: Do I need to take you back to the ship Nulis? :::softly laughs::: One more drink, then I'll show you distracted. -grins tracing a finger along her collarbone- Yes, distracted and yes to the ship cyare. -laughs softly- Any more than that then I'll have to carry you there.