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Fatal Irony

Friendly Gawker

12,500 Points
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 10:42 am

About Viracocha:

"I'm a mountain that has been moved
I'm a river that is all dried up
I'm an ocean nothing floats on
I'm a sky that nothing wants to fly in
I'm a sun that doesn't burn hot
I'm a moon that never shows its face
I'm a mouth that doesn't smile
I'm a word that no one ever wants to say"

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Uncert: Here
Name: Viracocha
Meaning: Viracocha is the great creator deity in the pre-Inca and Inca mythology in the Andes region of South America. Rumored to be a "white god".
Lifemate: n/a
Lifemate Agreement: n/a
Familiar: n/a
Co-ownership agreement: n/a
Generation: 1
Breed: Unicorn/Herd Helper
Parents: deceased
Brothers: Qiyam, Genevre, Orion, Andromeidis, Tahir
Birth order: Fifth
Post Color Silver

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History: They had emerged from their baskets only a few weeks before. They had been tiny little things, weak and needing special care to grow strong enough to join the older foals of the herd. It had been a fruitful year, with a lot of new life brought into the herd. Vira and his brothers had begun learning about the herd and their family, and begun dealing with the reality of their mother's passing. They had never met her, yet there was still an emptiness there, as though something were missing.

Their father played a strong role, seeking to make up for their lack of mother. He was by their sides constantly, trying to educate them as much as possible, despite the many nannies that watched over the glen. Perhaps he was a bit lonely without his mate. Whatever the case was, he was there in the glen with them when the unspeakable happened.

Vira and his brothers had no real concept of what a "skinwalker" was, beyond "bad". They'd had a few lessons that taught them these creatures were evil, but they had no idea what "evil" meant.

Until that day. Vira and his brothers were able to see up close what the face of evil was in the form of a massive skinwalker attack. It was something born out of nightmare as the creatures ripped through the herd, slaughtering everyone who dared stand against them. The ground ran red and thick with blood, creating mud that clung to their tiny bodies as they ran.

For whatever reason Vira was able to keep a clear head and ushered his brothers out of there full-speed and they were able to escape. They were alone and hopelessly lost by the time they were forced to stop running due to exhaustion. But they survived, which became their only goal for a long time.

At some point they found themselves existing easily, not struggling with hunger and fatigue and illness. In the course of keeping each other alive they were able to learn how to heal, then how to find food. They had to protect themselves and had to learn how to fight. All the while Vira kept them moving forward.

Vira himself did not know what he kept moving them toward, until one day he really thought about it. They were grown then, adults and able to go live their lives, but there was something truly missing. Vira realized he had been searching all this time, trying to find others that looked like them. He was looking for others of their herd. He wasn't sure any really survived, but part of him wouldn't give up that hope, so he searched.

Personality: He is a leader, even if he doesn't really think of himself that way. In his mind he just sees what needs to be done and gets it done. He wants his brothers to be safe and happy and he would do anything to make that happen. In some way he feels he owes his life to them, as if in making sure they are safe and happy he somehow is atoning for the deaths of everyone else in the herd. Inside he carries a lot of guilt that so many died and he lived, so he is constantly trying to make it up to the world, to make his life worth the exchange that was made.

He doesn't place a lot of value on his own life and would sacrifice it in an instant to save another - even a stranger. Keeping his brothers together and safe is the only thing that holds him back even a little when it comes to danger. He has a lot of pain and anger built up from the loss of everything they knew, but he keeps it buried in order to lead the group. Every now and then he likes to sit in silence with Tahir and just let the emotions wash over him. Tahir was so affected by their traumatic past that it reminds Vira of the feelings he keeps suppressed, and so Tahir's company is soothing to him, a way to outlet his pain through another's.

1. ACHIEVED with Rouxe!
2. Closed
3. Closed
4. Closed
5. -not maxed yet-
Breeding attempts: n/a


1. [PRP] Keeping Them Together (See Inside)
2. [PRP] (Viracocha and Modera)
3. Saying thank you (Vira, Abi, Ishtar, etc)
4. [Solo RP] A fortunate meeting (Viracocha and Tyrin)
5. [PRP] A new type of journey (Tyrin/Abigail/Darkheart/Vira)

Light Slate Gray
Dark Slate Gray

Rumored children of Viracocha:

Imahmana Viracocha
Tocapo Viracocha

Mama Killa

Perms to Yumi

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 10:44 am

About Tocapo:

"Relevant quote or song lyrics
for this particular soquili"

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Name: Tocapo
Lifemate: Lona
Breeding/Lifemating Agreement: Here
Co-ownership agreement: n/a
Sexuality: n/a
Generation: 2
Breed: Unicorn/gryph mix
Mother: Rouxe
Father: Viracocha
Received: Through Breeding
Post Color

Chat Head:
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Breeding attempts:

  1. February 2017
  2. March 2017
  3. December 2021

Breeding Form:
Entry Code:
Lona (HoneyTeaTree) x Tocapo (Fatal Irony)

[url=https://i.imgur.com/MdheuB0.png]UNCERT[/url] | [url=https://i.imgur.com/4CYxo4s.png]Itemless[/url] | [url=https://i.imgur.com/eAuKRt6.png]Markings[/url]

[url=https://i.imgur.com/aQbcOtf.png]UNCERT[/url] | [url=https://i.imgur.com/KJU9DRW.png]Itemless[/url] | [url=https://i.imgur.com/OmSF8th.png]Markings[/url]

[b]Co Ownership?:[/b] N/A
[b]Teepees:[/b] HoneyTeaTree's [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=24886177&page=1]Teepee[/url] | Fatal Irony's [url=https://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=13009145]Teepee[/url]

Link to Breeding Agreement: [url=https://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=478&t=23696151#387256254][ X ][/url]
[color=white]---[/color]Lifemate?: Yes

[b]RP Approved?:[/b] No

[b]Low Luck?:[/b] No

[b]Same Breed Variants:[/b] Sure~
[color=white]---[/color]Templates to Avoid: N/A

[b]Throwbacks?:[/b] Yes please!
[color=white]---[/color][b]Link to previous Generations:[/b]
Tocapo's Parents:
[url=http://i.imgur.com/3hOXd95.jpg]Viracocha[/url] [url=https://i.imgur.com/yEF1rjY.png]Uncert[/url]
[url=http://www.soquiliera.com/soquili/images/Mind/certs/RyuuRouxe.jpg]Rouxe[/url] [url=https://i.imgur.com/yivz8TD.png]Uncert[/url] | [url=https://i.imgur.com/oMZw0XI.png]Itemless Uncert[/url] | [url=https://i.imgur.com/0QOSvyI.png]Markings[/url]


WOW I DID NOT EXPECT THEM TO WIN SO SOON LMAO. I have added more details for what we've got plotted so far. Please let me know if you're fine with them or if you want to change / add onto any.

  • Meeting: Rouxe witnesses Vira defending himself/his family against a violent aggressor. She is impressed by his strength and skill, but, more importantly, his ability to fight despite his blood. (Rouxe is capable of fighting, but she feels a strong, instinctual disgust towards inflicting pain, and tends to flinch away if she thinks she'll hurt somebody. No matter how far she pushes herself, she is unable to kill anyone. She's beginning to get into ritualized fighting, however; like fights/dances/etc. on T.V., it's heavily choreographed and practiced so that the chance of doing damage are minimal. But yeah, she knows there's a strong difference between actual fighting (aim to hurt or defend) and a ritualized one (aim to put on a good show without hurting anyone), and she also knows that anyone who knows anything about fighting will know that, so this is a just her way of trying to cling to what she doesn't have. v_v)
  • Courtship: ???
  • Children: Once Vira indicates he is interested in keeping some children, she will hang around long enough to give birth, then take the female basket(s) back to her herd. They will be raised communally by the other herd members (sometimes with extra help from Rouxe if they end up being really awful... but if they are at least average then she won't offer any aid), and Rouxe will not visit her sons. Thus she will not remain a part of her children's lives. If we're being frank, her goals are selfish; she wants her children to be better than her to make up for her own inability.
  • Rouxe and Kateri: Rouxe tends to stick to herself, so I think her interest would remain with Vira, rather than the herd.
  • Vira and CoE: As a general rule, the herd does not allow outsiders into the territory. In addition, because they raise foals communally, they would not be 100% sympathetic if he came to visit his daughter(s). (They've bred with outsiders enough to realize that it happens and understand the reasoning behind it; however, they don't see it as a strong enough feeling to allow outsiders into their herd for that reason alone. They see it as a "it's very nice that you're concerned, but don't worry; they're been taken care of well" and don't see much of a benefit to allowing visits.)

    Thus, his first opportunity to visit the herd would be during one of their equinox festivals, where they open their visiting area to the public for 2-4 weeks. By that time, foals would be at least half a year old, so he could bump into his daughter and form a bond with her. vwv They could continue to meet until she's an adult, after which she would be free to invite him to visit the rest of the territory. After a few more visits, he could have established himself enough that Edda is willing to consider him an ambassador. (No rush on this one since Edda doesn't exist yet. XD And from what I remember, we needed to tinker out the details of their potential alliance, such as what they would have to offer each other.)

As mentioned, I am more than willing to modify anything to fit what you'd like. vwv For instance, if you'd prefer a more intimate relationship between Rouxe and Vira (as opposed to her cold "this is business and nothing more" demeanor), we could plot out events that would have brought them closer. If you'd prefer Vira obtain faster access to the herd, we can plot out a reason why Rouxe would invite him. And so forth.

Thank you!

OK. Sorry it's taken me a bit. Sinus infection killing my will to live ability to focus. My ideas from Vira's point of view:

  • Meeting: He definitely won't realize that his ability to fight and even kill would be out of place. The brothers had been barely out of their baskets when the attack on their old herd came and they bore witness to the massacre of their family, friends, and entire way of life. From that moment on pure survival instinct drove them onward bu inside a deep, seething hatred and bitterness also took root against skinwalkers. They are twisted in ways they don't even realize, having been baptized in blood as it were. They don't seek out a fight, but when one presents itself all of the brothers (and probably the other survivors as well) tap into the primal rage they keep locked away and fight with pure abandon. Vira himself has a strong desire to protect those around him, even at the cost of his own health - and life. Since this has been the all-encompassing purpose of his life up until they met up with the others and rekindled the herd, he hadn't had time to think about females. So when Rouxe witnesses him in battle and approaches him afterward, he will be taken with her at once I think. He may have a slight unease at first because of her claws (they all tend to distrust those with paws or claws) but after a conversation or two he would be put at ease, realizing her (in her mind) flaw of not wishing to inflict pain.

  • Courtship: I see him misinterpreting her respect as affection. I see her proposing the breeding idea to him, being very clear what she expects from it and that it was not a matter of love, but desire for strong offspring. He will agree and in theory would accept the proposal, but he will secretly wish her to develop more feelings for him. He will pine after her in secret, and will be heartbroken when she returns to her own home - with their daughter. (Or daughters? Do you know how many baskets we're getting? I was thinking if there happens to be 3, if it's a girl you could give it away and if it's a boy I could, since they'd go to one of our herds? Or what do you think?)

  • Children: The basket Vira keeps will also be raised sort of communally, though he will take an active role in his life. Vira's father (before his violent death) was very active in the boys' lives - partly because their mother died in childbirth. Vira will feel that same ache for his son growing up without a mother, and will think of Rouxe often. When he's allowed to visit his daughter he will do so as often as his duties (and the CoE) allow. He'll want his daughter to at least know him on sight and will hope she might seek him out whenever she may.He won't like only being able to visit on the Equinox, but is instructed by Abigail (Kateri Alpha) to cultivate the relationship with the CoE. Abide by their rules, earn their trust, etc. Abigail (and most of the herd really) continue to live in fear of an attack that might wipe them out again. So Abi wants to cultivate alliances with other herds in case trouble happens. So the major thing Kateri wants in an ally in case of war. We can work out other small things the two herds might want from each other. When Edda exists she and Abi might have a lot to discuss. In the meantime, Vira will abide by whatever rules he is given and will seek to become an Ambassador, on top of hoping to create a connection with his daughter.

  • Rouxe and Kateri: The Kateri are very understanding of parental desires to see their kids. Parents of kids that do not wish to actually join the herd are still welcome on herd lands, but with an escort. There may be certain areas off limits, depending on the level of trust built up with the individual. Should she ever decide she wanted to come to the Kateri, whatever her reasoning, she would be well-received and treated kindly, though probably still escorted unless she visited often and built up a report with Abigail.

  • Meeting: Awwyis, her interest would definitely be piqued! If you're open to it, I could see them getting closer by practicing training together? The valkyries pride themselves on precision and self-control, so she'd be down for teaching him how to harness his energy and not be so reckless. In exchange, she'd be able to practice fighting in a controlled environment where she knows no party is looking to harm (aka she won't have to worry about herself flinching away).

    Potential train of events:
    - An opponent pops up near Vira's herd.
    - Rouxe and Vira hold it off together; Rouxe in self-defense, Vira to protect his herd. At a crucial moment, Rouxe is paralyzed due to her instinctive repulsion towards harming another, and Vira manages to swoop in and deal the killing blow before she herself is hurt.
    - She berates him for his berserker style of fighting. (she looks pointedly at his injuries while she mostly just has light cuts/bruises) <_<; She (quietly adds in a compliment that he is strong tho, and) thanks him for his help by treating his wounds.
    - They get to talking, wherein she admits to her flaw (insert self-loathing here) and tells him she's traveling and away from home.
    - He offers to let her stay with his herd for a spell. Just a night or two, maybe, to catch her wind -- except that sometime in that timespan, she offers to train with him and ends up staying longer. (Once it's established she'll be there a while, she'll set up a shelter outside of the herd instead of staying in the territory the entire time.)
    - Rouxe is not the most talkative, but, fueled by his feelings, Vira is not so easily deterred. Bit by bit, they begin to learn more about each other.
    - Sometime after he learns about her herd and their ways + she feels their training is going well, she asks him if he wants to sire her children, & as you said, makes it clear what that would entail (namely, that their partnership would be temporary, and that she'll be taking her daughters to the herd + outsiders can't visit often).
    - Agreement + completion of contract -> she returns to the herd.
    - She would not go out of her way to visit him, but she would not go out of her way to not see him, either, and would be cordial if she passed by his herd again or saw him near CoE.

  • Courtship: Sounds perfect! I dunno the policy re: revealing contents of breeding rolls, so I'll go with the message I wrote up the first time (which was before any rolls had taken place, aka no one knew what the results would be):
    I'd be fine with that method of distribution, so long as the non-choosing party had veto power. ovo)/

  • Children: Sounds good to me! ^^ My main concern was that IC, CoE has been around for a while and is a large herd, so they wouldn't partner up with a smaller herd for the sole purpose of having allies against enemies (eg. "on a good day with no additional responsibilities, we can send xxx of our number out to help;" would it be reasonable to think they could expect the same xxx number back if CoE is the one under attack? And if not, then what additional reason do they have to accept such an alliance?).

    SO with the alliance, it can be a "yes, with time + plots", but it wouldn't be an automatic "yes" if that was ok??? <- This was what had me the most ansty, because I knew that you were looking for an alliance with Vira, but I didn't know if it was a definite (1) "he would only breed outside of a LM if OOC it was known that this breeding would ultimately lead to an alliance" or if it was a (2) "breeding is the results of plots; alliance is heavily preferred but not automatically assumed." And because they won so quickly, there's like . . .. no turning back if our expectations had differed haha. T__T;; (No matter what, I want to make it clear that I am definitely down for working with you/Meeki/the herd to see what happens!)

  • Rouxe and Kateri: hdka that's super sweet of 'em, thank you! ;w; Atm Rouxe's personality isn't geared towards wanting to see her kids (she barely interacts with the ones in the herd. XD Not out lack of paternal instinct, so much as upbringing/cultural norms) -- but!! I am definitely open to doing otherwise if any plot ideas come up! *v*

P.S. Would you be cool with me keeping a copy of our plots in my plot thread later?

Yes feel free to add our plots anywhere you need/want!

And don't be anxious about the alliance thing! It wasn't a dealbreaker since, as you said, we didn't get to hash it out before they won (seriously, what insane luck they had!) The way I figure it, maybe Rouxe and Vira were told there would be an alliance, but the leaders of the two herds were merely in negotiations. If in the end they end up not agreeing on terms, the addition of the children to each respective herd will still be viewed as favorable. Vira will still be instructed to continue cultivating a good relationship with the larger herd, such as it might be. Abigail wouldn't want to risk displeasing the larger herd. How large is CoE ICly? Just curious smilies/icon_smile.gif Kateri is still relatively small with about 16 members XD But they're trying to grow! Abi would support the CoE if needed in battle though. They certainly wouldn't ask anything of an ally that they wouldn't also provide, to the best of their ability. Aside from warriors, healers, and food-gatherers they haven't set up any other sort of things to offer, beyond places to hide or rest.

And our breeding baskets have been rolled for then? I'm totes fine with veto powers for the other party! smilies/icon_smile.gif Do you know what we ended up with? (A silly question... of course you know, but can/should you share?)

I like the train of events you laid out there. Do you want to rp out any parts of it or are we keeping this plot-only? (I'm happy either way, just can't remember if we talked about rp or not XD)

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Fatal Irony

Friendly Gawker

12,500 Points
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Fatal Irony

Friendly Gawker

12,500 Points
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 10:44 am

About Brigette Stone:

"Relevant quote or song lyrics
for this particular soquili"

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Name: Brigette Stone
Breeding/Lifemating Agreement:
Co-ownership agreement:
Familiar: NameofFamiliar
Post Color

Breeding attempts:

Breeding Form:

Chat Head:
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Personality: Brigette is strong in both body and mind and loves to hone her skills in her free time. She is extremely adept and talented but she is sometimes too careless. She's self-assured and confident, arrogant even. She clings to the invincibility of youth and believes herself peerless in her fighting abilities. She's sarcastic and sometimes caulous but never intentionally hurtful. She's brutally honest and can seem very hard on the outside, but she truly wants to protect the innocent at any cost. She keeps the horrible things a warrior must do hidden behind her mask of sarcastic wit.
Nothing phases her. Her bravery is legendary among the herd members even this early on into her life. She always leaps first without considering consequences. She seems to go looking for adventure at every turn, pushing the boundaries of her own physical limits constantly.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 10:45 am

Fatal Irony

Friendly Gawker

12,500 Points
  • Peoplewatcher 100
  • Flatterer 200
  • Brandisher 100

Fatal Irony

Friendly Gawker

12,500 Points
  • Peoplewatcher 100
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  • Brandisher 100
PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 10:46 am

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Studious of the arts; she is deeply invested in storytelling and the part she can play in it.

Name: Adrasteia
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Rank: Member
Age: Young Adult

Personality: On the surface, Adrasteia has a very serious, polished front. She maintains a certain level of distance from others, always cautious about opening up and exposing too much of herself. While she can seem downright cold to some strangers outside Edda's culture, she is not overly rude. In fact, she strives to be as polite as possible while maintaining her distance, always mindful about serving as a good example for those who might be unfamiliar with her herd and its culture. The last thing she'd want is for an interaction with her to negatively impact her sisters in any way.

The truth is, while she may seem aloof to outsiders, Adrasteia is remarkably warm and downright affable among her fellow valkyries and those she chooses to open up to. Her distance is solely a product of pragmatism - it's simpler to show her true self to those she knows will join her someday in Valhalla. Of course, that isn't to say she isolates herself entirely from the unworthy. Just that she's hesitant to grow too close. Among those she is close to, all her walls fall away to show a friendly spirit, always willing to offer a shoulder to lean on. She's entirely comfortable filling in a supportive role with her friends, and more than eager to attempt to correct anyone who may have wronged them.

And perhaps that is her true core, for Adrasteia has a very strong sense of what is Right and Just and what isn't. She was raised to judge the worthy, after all, and nothing angers her quicker than seeing someone doling out misdeeds and going unpunished. And sometimes, knowing they'll be denied entrance into Valhalla just isn't enough to satisfy her. She needs to see justice handed to them in this life, sometimes personally. It's not a task she takes lightly. She knows the valkyries are in a precarious position with those not of Edda's culture, but in her mind, seeing to it that the wicked get what they're due can only help how others perceive her and her sisters.

After all, why would someone ever be upset over someone punishing evil?

How did she join? Born to Rouxe after an arranged fling with Viracocha of the Kateri.

Coming of Age Ceremony: Adrasteia and an agemate were tasked to investigate rumors of a vicious clawed creature that'd been spotted not far outside the herd's territory. They were given very little information to work with, and the trial was just as much about finding out the truth as it was tracking the creature. While they made quick and efficient work of the tracking portion, when they finally found the creature they were caught off guard and attacked. Her partner received a vicious laceration to her foreleg that made it impossible for her to walk, leading to her failing the trial. However, before the adults could intervene, Adrasteia moved to defend her partner, fending off the creature. Thanks to her quick actions, the creature was scared from the herd's territory and the adults shadowing them were able to move in to heal her partner's leg, leaving no permanent damage.

History: [WIP because I'm lazy.]

The Code
How dedicated is she to the laws? Adrasteia is absolutely dedicated to Edda's Laws, and wouldn't break them upon pain of death. As far as she's concerned, there's no wiggle room - it's not as if the laws are particularly complex or unreasonable. Follow the word of Edda and don't take the life of another valkyrie. While she'd happily kill any Forsaken who've broken their laws, that wouldn't really count as killing a valkyrie, seeing as they've dropped their title - and she most certainly wouldn't be killing them in any manner that would allow them into Valhalla. They gave up that right when they abandoned Edda.
How does she judge who is and who is not worthy of Valhalla? While physical strength is certainly an attractive quality, the traits Adrasteia are truly drawn to are ones that are much rarer. The honorable and the just are the quickest to catch her eye, but only the most truly exceptional among them will result in her consideration. Those with the rare strength to stand in the face of injustice and fight against it, to lift their heads high and vehemently say this is wrong and they refuse to stand by and let it happen. Those are the truly worthy in her eyes, and she'll accept nothing less. But most importantly, those she would actively turn away from would be the cruel and traitorous. The very kinds of soquili that her worthy would stand up against.
How does she kill? Adrasteia strives to make the transition from Earth to Valhalla as gentle as possible on her chosen. If possible she attempts to seek them out when they're alone, offering them a sweet treat laced with sedative herbs that ease them to sleep. Only when she's sure they're unconscious does she finally kill them in a single move - by piercing their hearts with her horn. After death, she'll burn the bodies until only ash is left, to prevent scavengers from dishonoring the remains by eating them. Only when there's nothing left will she finally depart.
How does she deal with the backlash? Generally Adrasteia does her best to ensure her kills aren't even truly noticed. She will observe from afar or with a second set of eyes that can't be easily traced back to her, and will approach when her chosen is alone. Her kills leave no trace of a struggle, and the bodies are burnt down to ash. When she sends a soquili to Valhalla, more likely than not their loved ones will think they merely disappeared without a trace.
Is she tainted in any way? Absolutely not! Adrasteia is meticulous about controlling her reactions. You wouldn't find her lashing out in any way that could accidentally kill the unworthy, and she wouldn't dare send a soquili to Valhalla until she knew without a shadow of a doubt that they belonged there. Her choices are made with the utmost confidence.

The Herd
Where does she live? While Adrasteia frequently travels, her chosen permanent home is a cave closer to the visiting area and near a garden. The proximity is purely strategic - she has a living weapon that can't officially join the herd and she makes use of sedative herbs when she sends worthy soquili to Valhalla. To have easy access to both these areas makes her daily life more convenient.
What does she do? Adrasteia primarily tends to the gardens or takes on border patrols when among the herd, although she'll offer help wherever it's needed on any given day. While gardening is her favorite activity to unwind with, she'll watch performances in the amphitheater when her personal garden doesn't need tending. Socializing with her sisters is something very important to her as well, especially if she can do so while engaging in a little bit of mutual grooming.
How often does she travel and where does she go? Adrasteia usually spends more time away from the herd than within its territory, although she tries to return for each equinox, regardless of how far out of the way it is for her. There's only one place outside the herd that she could be said to frequent - the home of the Phoenix Maidens, which serves as a spa for visitors. She tends to visit there about once a season to get her feathers properly preened and relax in the hot springs. Other than that, she travels far and wide and rarely stays in one place for more than a few weeks at a time.
What does she do on her travels? For the most part, Adrasteia tries to keep her distance from soquili she knows aren't followers of Edda. It's easier than getting personally involved, and she's capable of doing most of her observation from a distance with the use of a scout. In the event she finds someone she thinks might be worthy, she'll begin to observe them more closely while taking efforts not to be connected to them. She is drawn to more populated areas, or areas where there is oppression or war. Those are the best places to find both the worthy and strong breeding partners. When she isn't searching for either of those, she'll offer her skills as a warrior to what she feels are righteous causes - hunting down murderers and traitors or joining in battles against the wicked. She rarely reveals her status as a valkyrie, choosing to do so only in the unlikely event she forms a strong bond with someone and feels she can trust them enough to educate them.
How likely is she to bring friends or temporary lovers to visit and how long do they stay? Highly unlikely. Adrasteia keeps her life outside the herd separate from her life inside it. For the most part, friends and lovers outside of Edda's culture remain that way - unless they're close enough to know she's a valkyrie and willing to try to understand her culture. She might bring those kinds of soquili to the herd for the equinox festivals, but she's careful not to bring anyone that might overstay their welcome. The only exception she makes is for her living weapon - who has a semi-permanent residence in the visitor's area where he stays when she's in the herd.
How closely does she follow the culture? If there are discrepancies, please describe them. Adrasteia prides herself on being an exemplary valkyrie. She was born to the culture, and even exposure to the outside hasn't swayed her confidence in the practices of her home. In fact, the closest she gets to a discrepancy is the fact that she hasn't sent her living weapon to Valhalla yet - someone who is her closest companion on Earth. She's adamant that her sisters not do it for her, either. While he is most certainly worthy, he still has a purpose to fulfill on Earth, and she'll personally send him when his duty to her is finally complete.

What kind of breeding partner will she look for? While it might be considered unusual to outsiders, Adrasteia is careful to keep breeding and romance strictly separated. Most of her breeding partners will be singular arrangements to create strong offspring. While it's possible she might use a partner for more than one breeding, it wouldn't be out of a sense of romance - if anything, it would be because she felt they made particularly strong offspring the first time and it would benefit the herd for them to breed again. Overall she's drawn to the same traits most valkyries are drawn to - feathers, wings, bodily weapons, and unusual eyes. But particularly noteworthy is that she seems to prefer pureblooded Ulun'suti, which has the advantage of allowing her offspring to inherit some of their elemental powers.
What will she do if she cannot make it back to the herd in time to raise her children there? While the situation would be highly unlikely since Adrasteia would be inclined to return to the herd as soon as she'd confirmed she was pregnant, in the event she was unable to and had to give birth outside of it she would raise all her children, regardless of gender, just the same as they would be raised in the herd. She'd begin with lessons on healing and tracking just as the Mothers at home would, and transport her children to the herd as soon as they were strong enough to make the journey. Along the way she'd likely teach hunting and some self-defense, but would leave the more intense lessons for when they were safely in the herd.
How committed is she to raising her children the valkyrian way? Pretty much the only situation where Adrasteia would consent to her daughters being raised outside the herd would be if Edda specifically commanded her to do so - which is to say, it's highly likely it's never happening. While she would want all her children raised in the herd, if the father was adamant about keeping the sons and proved himself capable of raising them, she might relent and allow him to keep them. But if she had her way, she'd prefer they be raised within the herd as well. Even if her sons can't be valkyries themselves, having more males raised within the herd and eventually living in the outside world can improve understanding among those who don't follow the Code.
How does she help raise children? Adrasteia's involvement in child rearing is minimal due to how often she's outside the herd, but when she's inside it her main offered electives are herb lore and gardening. She's extremely knowledgeable on which plants can be used for sedatives or poisons, so those looking for more guidance of that nature would likely be sent to her as one of their first options. She also offers encouragement to any children who seem like they might be hesitant to follow their own desires. As a youth, she felt pressured to go in a certain direction, and she tries to ensure the next generation won't have to experience that same kind of pressure.
How (un)likely is she to adopt? In the event she came across a truly orphaned basket or foal, Adrasteia's first instinct would be to bring them to Edda. She'd leave the final decision on their adoption into the herd to her.
PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 10:46 am

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Fatal Irony

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Fatal Irony

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 10:47 am

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 10:48 am

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Fatal Irony

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Fatal Irony

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 10:48 am

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 10:49 am

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Fatal Irony

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Fatal Irony

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 10:49 am

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 10:49 am

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Fatal Irony

Friendly Gawker

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Fatal Irony

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 10:50 am

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 10:50 am

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Fatal Irony

Friendly Gawker

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Fatal Irony

Friendly Gawker

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 10:50 am

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