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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

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naggeela rolled 1 4-sided dice: 3 Total: 3 (1-4)


PostPosted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 11:37 am
The Hunter smiled as they got up from bandaging up there cut and charged right for Khetyn weapon ready for attack.

Once more she had just seen the attack coming to just counter the attack with her own blade, both biting each other and it felt so weird to Khetyn. Once more managed to clean cut the Hunter once more as she smiled in her success that Horsemen were so much better than Hunters in every way. It still weirded Khetyn to how alike she was to that Hunter as the Hunter retreated back to tend to there wound. Smiling as she was going to make chase, but stopping herself just before she sprang into action as her mind reminded her of what Lord Death said to be 'gentle'.

Putting her weapon away as she walked off in the other direction as at least for this once she was going to let this Hunter live to have her haunt there dreams or at least she hoped, next time she might not be so generous. Khetyn quietly waited for what else might happen as she was curious to what more could happen as it was good to have something to do and not have idle hands.

(Fear Gathered: 6 not killing Hunter)  
Seussi rolled 1 4-sided dice: 3 Total: 3 (1-4)
PostPosted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 12:08 pm
Whether or not Shik had caught all of her silent words would have to wait, because after a long hard stare she decided that it was time to actually pay attention again. She listened silently, arms cross and face as impassive as she could manage, though her eyes were narrowed, and she could not hide all of her emotions there. More then once Shik would find her wings flaring slightly just to brush feathers against his shoulders and back during the speaking, but it was to provide herself with the comfort more then it was to show any signs of affection.

At least, that's what she would tell herself.

The guest speaker got a bit more out of her by way of facial expression, her upper lip curling back and a disgusted sound in the back of her throat. ToTers. Halloween's "safe" Fear collectors. They didn't kill, they just frightened the humans, kept them alive, and preached about how killing the humans would cut off the source of Fear.

But like Shik, Shaheen could not see a problem with killing them. They were breeders, their populations too large as it was. So many people, using so many resources, to the point where one day, she was sure their homeland would no longer be able to sustain them. Culling them was doing them a favor, if you thought about it. No, she had no plans on "safe harvesting", no matter what Death had to say about the matter, no matter if his little dagger had done the trick in subduing her insanity. He was not a leader that she had chosen.

And then the scene changed, and she looked out on an island that she recognized, and she cast a quick, questioning glance over to Shik before a dagger was quickly summoned to hand. What madness was this? Throwing them at the hunter island in the middle of a lecture, and telling them to collect Fear from hunters.


She'd heard enough. Leaving Shik's side she threw herself into the fray, searching out a target and finding one quickly enough. A tall woman, with darkly tanned skin, blonde hair, and a curvy body. She stood out to Shaheen, something about her drawing her attention before she leaped towards her, only to find a blade flashing in her direction. She dodged around it with careful maneuvering, then, with a quick slash of her own, caught the other woman between the shoulder blades.

Fear collected: 2  


Ice-Cold Hunter

Sosiqui rolled 1 4-sided dice: 3 Total: 3 (1-4)


Enduring Muse

PostPosted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 12:23 pm
Every single bit of 'advice' that both Death himself and the pathetic would-be trickster had tossed in Manyara's direction fell away the instant she saw the white coats. Yes, yes, yes - she knew what those were. A mixture of fury and sheer, incandescent joy burst through her mind, and she leapt forward, quite possibly stepping on a few other Horsemen as she clawed her way into the fray.

And then she aborted her wild jump in midair, twisting to one side and landing in a crouch, her lips peeling back, a rictus of loathing on her face. Because the Hunter looked like her. Looked like. Smelled like.

"How dare you," she shrieked. The disgusting little pets had been bad enough, tiny creatures aping the aspects of the Clans - as if all that was left were these tiny fragment-beings, as if the might of the Clans was reduced to that. But this was another level of insult altogether.

And if it was meant as some sort of confusion tactic to discourage her attack - well, then it had backfired badly. Manyara sprang from her crouch, summoning her own weapon. She knew the twists and turns of the bola well, and took the Hunter's strike on one outstretched arm, allowing the weights to tangle around that arm. It bruised, but did not impede her movement.

Instead, she twisted to one side and bit down on the Hunter's shoulder, forcing her jaws through white fabric and into the flesh below. It felt like a bare layer of sinew over bone. Like how her own shoulder might feel. She jerked back, tearing free a patch of fabric and flesh together. The Hunter screamed, but there was more of fury than pain to it.

As she herself would have reacted had she been so attacked.

Manyara moved back, slowly, chewing and swallowing the bite she'd taken, her eyes locked on her opponent.

FEAR Points: 2/5
Sosiqui rolled 1 4-sided dice: 3 Total: 3 (1-4)
PostPosted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 12:29 pm
The Hunter moved first, and to Manyara's disgust they moved at a leap as well, as if mimicking her appearance weren't bad enough... no, no, they had to fake her style of movement and fighting, too. She jumped to one side, then snarled as she felt the bola tangle around her ankle, one weight swinging out to almost pull both her feet together. A good strike. One she might have made.


But if this one was going to mimic her, she knew what they would do - move in close. She waited, feigning capture until the Hunter was close enough. Then she closed, grappling with the Hunter, tearing a strip from that white-coated side and staining them both with blood. The Hunter was saying something, but she couldn't - wouldn't - hear them. Not now, with blood hot in her throat and mouth. There would be no retreat this time.

They both knew it.

FEAR Points: 4/5


Enduring Muse

Sosiqui rolled 1 4-sided dice: 4 Total: 4 (1-4)


Enduring Muse

PostPosted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 12:34 pm
The close quarters were a blessing in a way - Manyara didn't have to look at the creature as a whole. What had been a mocking mimicry was harder to focus on when all one saw was a blur of white, red, brown. They were both scrabbling, and while the Hunter wasn't biting they had a blue-glowing blade that had a similar effect.

But they were Hunter. Human. Weak.

Manyara punched them in the side of the head, and when they snapped to one side, exposing the neck, she sank her teeth into their throat. She closed her eyes in sheer predatory glee as blood boiled up around her fangs, staining her. The Hunter struggled, but Manyara kept her grip, and gradually the struggles lessened.

At last, nothing but a body lay beneath the Horseman's own form. She tore the Hunter's throat out with a thick hiss of happiness, swallowing the bits that remained between her teeth. Her Distortion crystal was bright with FEAR - death-FEAR, the finest, purest kind.

FEAR Points: 5/5
Hunter Killed
Ice Queen rolled 1 4-sided dice: 4 Total: 4 (1-4)
PostPosted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 1:04 pm
Fai shot out with his weapon again, watching as it barely skimmed the other him--no. The hunter. It was frustrating, especially when the hunter started to laugh. "Really, you call yourself a horseman?" he hooted. "That's pathetic! You're more like a pony man! No, ponies hit harder than you do!!"

Fai snarled something, the haze of the alcohol slowing starting to burn off with his irritation. It seemed worse, he thought, because in his darkest moments he'd thought things along the same lines.

FEAR: 2  

Ice Queen

Dapper Lunatic

Ice Queen rolled 1 4-sided dice: 1 Total: 1 (1-4)

Ice Queen

Dapper Lunatic

PostPosted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 1:07 pm
"Tell me," the hunter said, swinging his meteor ball easily, "why do you feel so familiar? You remind me of my weapon."

That statement, which seemed so innocent, made Fai feel like throwing up. It was disturbing, so disturbing, and his weapon shot out before his mouth even opened, hitting the hunter again.

FEAR: 3  
Ice Queen rolled 1 4-sided dice: 1 Total: 1 (1-4)
PostPosted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 1:13 pm
"Really, talkative, aren't you?" the hunter said. "You think I want to spend time with a pony when we're surrounded by real horsemen? You're pathetic! Pathetic!"

Fai hit him again. "Shut up. You have no idea what you're talking about! I AM A GENIUS!"

Or he had been. Once upon a time.

FEAR: 4  

Ice Queen

Dapper Lunatic

Ice Queen rolled 1 4-sided dice: 1 Total: 1 (1-4)

Ice Queen

Dapper Lunatic

PostPosted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 1:18 pm
"You? A genius? You don't even know how to fight!" the hunter said with an obnoxious laugh. Fai's meteor ball slammed into his face, knocking the hunter to the ground, unconscious. Fai headed for him, his hand fingers out, pulled back, ready for the final blow. This creature had no right to live! Not with that weapon, not with those looks--HE WAS NOT FAI!

Thin, bony fingers grabbed the hunter's collar, pulling his unconscious form upwards as the fingers of his right hand readied to rip out the human's throat--

But Fai stopped. His body was perfectly still, his hand poised, yet not moving. There was a trick here, he thought, the unconscious state of his foe letting his brain take control again. There was a reason the hunter seemed so familiar--and killing him might not be the smartest thing to do, considering he was certain this was a trick.

Coldly he slammed the hunter back down on the ground, making sure it would hurt later, then stood, turning to see what the others were doing.

Didn't Kill  
medigel rolled 1 4-sided dice: 2 Total: 2 (1-4)
PostPosted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 1:36 pm
If Shaheen expected him to understand what she was saying on a normal basis and remembered about how clearly he got those messages, she'd be sorely disappointed to see the blank look she got for all her subtle body language. But Shik did unfurl a wing to touch her in greeting and snorted impatiently just as their guest arrived.

. . . Oh joy. More not killing things. Harvesting on the long term wasn't what he cared about; humans reproduced at such a rate that they could easily cull at periodic slots and barely make a dent in the population. But he followed the herd and grumbled to himself without actual complaint, as Death had not yet asked him or the others to give up their crystals. If there was a way to keep them, he would seek it for Shaheen's sake.

Otherwise he'd never hear the end of it.

The locale was familiar: Shik had been there on the first assault of the Hunter Headquarters. Fighting a hunter specifically was enough to make him happy for the time being, and thus he readied his dagger and entered the fray.

He did not understand the confused looks on some of his brethren until he found a free opponent, one that looked as intent on finding him as he had the other. The sun hunter's clothes looked ragged for wear, and his coat was tied about his waist to allow better movement of his arms, one of which wielded a curved dagger. Close combat it was. Excellent.

But he found it difficult to get his weapon in, and the style the hunter used was eerily familiar. He seemed to mirror Shik's every move, and the clang of daggers started to spark as they grew more heated. Growling, the horseman lunged, but the other side stepped him and sliced at his wing. Oh, that ******** little smirk.

His smirk.

Shik cursed.

[ total: 0 pts ]

for that little bit above


Anxious Spirit

medigel rolled 1 4-sided dice: 1 Total: 1 (1-4)


Anxious Spirit

PostPosted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 1:42 pm
Wary now that something was up, Shik assumed a more defensive stance as they circled, daggers of both opponents ready to make an x. This thing wasn't him in the slightest. Oh it could give him the swagger and have a similar weapon, but it was just a copy. A fake. Weaker.

He feinted left and then quickly shifted right, using his wings to speed him forward before tucking them tight behind him. The hunter growled as he felt Shik's dagger slip him a return slice at the waist, whipping around to strike at nothing.

"Cheap b*****d."

Shik smirked.

[ total: 1 pt ]
medigel rolled 1 4-sided dice: 4 Total: 4 (1-4)
PostPosted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 1:48 pm
As the hunter's swing came round again, Shik ducked aimed a kick. The copy had seemed to learn how the wings gave him a small speed advantage, so he leapt away enough to just suffer a scratch on his shield.

"Why don't you try and fight me without any special help, pidgeon?" the thing taunted him, adopting the self-same stance that irritated the horseman so. "Or does the mutated clone need help in battle?"

"You have the bravado of a wolf but the skill of a sheep. Silence yourself and prove your strength, or I'll cut a mouth in your a** big enough to talk out of." He was not going to be swayed by an illusion's words. Shik knew what he was: he was better.

[ total: 2pts ]


Anxious Spirit

medigel rolled 1 4-sided dice: 2 Total: 2 (1-4)


Anxious Spirit

PostPosted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 1:53 pm
"Come and make me, then!"

Clicking his tongue, Shik dove back into the fray and the pair exchanged blows once more. He was getting annoyed that this pale excuse of his personality was matching him at almost every turn and wished he had brought a few different weapons along--see how it liked being skewered on a spear or rent by gauntlets.

But his pride got the better of him, and he had to avoid another surprisingly strong stab by the hair of his teeth.

[ total: 2pts ]
medigel rolled 1 4-sided dice: 4 Total: 4 (1-4)
PostPosted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 1:56 pm
But tradeoff was tradeoff. For every time one struck, the other seemed able to find a way to quickly retaliate. But these light blow exchanges were not what Shik favored; he would have rather brawled it out.

But damn if the guy's grip on that dagger looked strong. If the clone was anything like him, he'd part with it over his dead body.

"Having a moral crisis?" his opponent asked dryly, brandishing his weapon. "Or would you like to actually finish this?"

[ total: 3pts ]


Anxious Spirit

medigel rolled 1 4-sided dice: 4 Total: 4 (1-4)


Anxious Spirit

PostPosted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 2:07 pm
"Finish? I'm only just starting to enjoy it."

But their collective impatience was starting to show as the men's expression drew into snarls as they went at each other. Clang and clang and clang, over and over. At one point Shik whirled a roundhouse kick to twist its stupid head around, but all he got was barrier once more.

"Not fast enough," the hunter snerked. "My good genes wasted on some otherworld workhorse? I'm offended honestly."

[ total: 4pts ]
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