Full Name:
Name Meaning:
Nickname(s): -
Speech Color: #COLORCODE
Date of Discovery:
....... Rank:
Parent(s): (? x ?)
....... Grandparent(s):(? x ?) x (? x ?)
.......Great Aunts/Uncles:
Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
.......([? x ?)
Breeding Agreement: [ X ]
He is going to be a real sweetie and have a bit of a day dreamers personality. He's going to shower his love and affection upon those around them, even if they don't exactly want it. He just believes that everyone should be loved and feel loved. He can be a bit overbearing at times with his sappiness but he really means well.
He cares a lot about what others think of him so if they show him ill will he'll feel heartbroken and wonder why they don't like him and question the things he's done in an attempt to understand why.
He believes kindness is the key to all things and couldn't hurt a fly, well maybe a fly. He just doesn't do well with violence and tries to avoid it at all costs. He will do his best to settle things in the least provoking and least violent way possible. If any of that fails he'll likely give up and run away or get a little stern.
Plottage Section
- He's going to have frienimies. XD Because I'm mean like that.
I would like for him to meet my pair Dimitri and Sweet Pea, they'd be a fun loving bunch of homosexuals <3 I could honestly see them just hanging out and being really good friends honestly.
I fee like he'd be attracted to a mini, though honestly it all boils down to personality and meshing. I just see him ending up with a male mini though.
Don't go breaking my heart. Someone he takes a liking too doesn't exactly have the same feelings as he does so it causes some interesting drama between the two.
Let me tell you a tail tale. I would like for him to be a bit of a story teller. I feel like he'd be able to enthrall young foals with his creative ways.
[NAMEHERE's Roleplay
Complete RP
In Progress
The Fish and The Bird Niall [Moon_Princess_Yuki]
Brothers Asli [Fatal Irony]
Breeding Slots
1. Closed
2. Closed
3. Closed
4. Closed
5. Closed (not maxed yet)
6. Closed (Not elder status yet)
RP Prompt:
It was a joyous day to be alive! Though he thought every day was a good day. He did his best to stick around areas with water nearby since he had to keep his tail wet he did happen to venture a little too far. He had recalled doing that by mistake once or twice and kept telling himself to not do it again, but what can you do? Currently he was splashing around in a nearby stream, the water kissing his chest as he walked in it, his tail swishing in the water behind him. The coolness of it relaxed him and sent a small shiver down his spine. He felt so graceful when he was in the water, but once he was on land it was sort of awkward for him. His tail was so large and bulky it wasn't the easiest to run, let alone walk with it. He knew this meant more dangers for him but he had long ago accepted his fate.
Tossing his pale hair away from his eyes he glanced around, he was hoping to make a friend or two to travel with but it was hard to get people to want to stick around water. Grumbling to himself he shook his head to clear his mind. NO, he would not let negative thoughts ruin his perfect day. With that he went back to splashing and playing in the water like an overgrown foal.