Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 5:46 pm
------------------------------- Well, thank you all very much for the invitation. Don't know how I was scouted, but I really appreciate it. ^_^ ------------------------------- 
Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 8:41 am
How long have you had an aquarium? Ummm... I don't remember when I got it but I remember when it wasn't here so- since it started I guess sweatdrop Only I wasn't on much back then (got my own comp now biggrin ) So my fish have been getting more attention now. What is your favorite aquarium fish/item? My faaavorite fish item?? Oh god- i dunno XD I kinda like the mephis and enki but I also kinda like the ninja fish- he's cool too. emotion_dealwithit Do you have any hobbies outside of Gaia you'd like to share? I love music! I play clarinet (7yrs.) piano (3yrs.) and cello (2yrs.). My favorite HAS to be cello- it's so different from the other two. heart Are you still in school, or are you on your own? I currently in college- so yes I'm not on my own. XD I plan to mooch off my parents as long as possible- though not in a totally greedy way. Once I get a job/get paid I plan on helping them with bills or whatever they ask that I'm able to help with- even if it's buying lunch. I think after everything they've done for me I can at least buy them lunch. biggrin What would you like us to call you/name? For all intents and purposes you can call me either Terry or Rae. I just love those two names- don't ask why XD. Thanks for accepting me into the guild! biggrin I'm excited to be here. And, officially, emotion_awesome Hi! emotion_awesome
Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 9:43 pm
+------ How long have you had an aquarium? n/a +------ What is your favorite aquarium fish/item? Dolphin +------ Do you have any hobbies outside of Gaia you'd like to share? anime video games im a nintendo fan i dont have a ps3 or xbox +------ Are you still in school, or are you on your own? yes im in school and i work full time in retail i enjoy my career as a sales associate +------ What would you like us to call you/name? call me chika or chi
thank u for letting be apart of this awesome guild and i hope that some of u are fellow sci fi fans as well
Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 11:44 pm
Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 12:34 pm
Hello, I'm very happy to have been invited. My name is Veronica, but everyone calls me "Vee". I'm 24, married, and I work as an English tutor. +------ How long have you had an aquarium? September of 2009 +------ What is your favorite aquarium fish/item? Airsharks. +------ Do you have any hobbies outside of Gaia you'd like to share? I make My Little Pony plushies on Deviant Art, I paint, and I write a little +------ Are you still in school, or are you on your own? I graduated college with my BA in Literature, and my husband and I live with my father, who is a widower. +------ What would you like us to call you/name? Roses, please.
Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 1:20 pm
Thank you for inviting me! I could really use help getting my tank exposed, I've tried bumping it when it glows and at most I think 10 people played when I bumped it up a few times. My computer lags, but I'm able to get up to 2500 per play.
+------ How long have you had an aquarium? A good one? Only about a week. +------ What is your favorite aquarium fish/item? Irrawaddy dolphins, wish they lived longer sad +------ Do you have any hobbies outside of Gaia you'd like to share? dog training, currently training one of my great danes how to track. +------ Are you still in school, or are you on your own? I'm outta school now, got a bachelor's in psychology. Living with my mom and sister, my dad passed away earlier this year, it has been difficult. +------ What would you like us to call you/name? Wicky is fine wink
Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 2:18 pm
Hello all! I am Davon. Glad to be here.
Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 3:48 pm
Hello all! Thank you for the invite. I've had my current tank for about a week now. My favorite fish is the dolphin - they are just too cute. Outside of Gaia I have my two little rugrats that keep me busy. I like to draw and do crafts. I also volunteer at the county animal shelter at least once a week.
That is me in a nutshell. Nice to meet you all and hope to see you around bumping the tanks!
Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 4:08 pm
+------ How long have you had an aquarium? idk. sweatdrop +------ What is your favorite aquarium fish/item? Watermeat + watermeat plushie. +------ Do you have any hobbies outside of Gaia you'd like to share? Baking n__n +------ Are you still in school, or are you on your own? on my own cool +------ What would you like us to call you/name? Max or Anjo :3 P.S thanks for the invite to this guild ^___^
Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 6:37 pm
+------ How long have you had an aquarium? A long time now, i can't remember +------ What is your favorite aquarium fish/item? fish; airsharks,dolphins and stone coatles. Items; most of the expensive ones ;D +------ Do you have any hobbies outside of Gaia you'd like to share? yep...i do swimming so after 6pm i'm not home till 9pm , depending on the day ^^ +------ Are you still in school, or are you on your own? still in school yes +------ What would you like us to call you/name? Pimpo will be fine ^^
Also Thank you for the invite ^^
-Pimpo The GuardianAngel-
Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 8:23 pm
Thank you so much for adding me to the guild and giving me a chance to be a part of a larger aquarium network <3
+------ How long have you had an aquarium? Since the end of October +------ What is your favorite aquarium fish/item? Irawaddy dolphins. Who doesn't love a cute, chubby dolphin that resembles a manatee :] +------ Do you have any hobbies outside of Gaia you'd like to share? I go to a school for the arts where I am a cellist. I also like to draw, read, and roleplay in my spare time. +------ Are you still in school, or are you on your own? I'm a highschool senior +------ What would you like us to call you/name? Allison is my given name, but pretty much anything will work :]
Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 9:21 pm
Hi name's Kayatsu Keauta, but you may call me Kay If you want. Thank you for the Invite to the guild It's much appreciated !
Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 11:18 pm
+------ How long have you had an aquarium? Just 5-6 days actually , I'm a new mule, my main account Is Kayatsu Keauta. +------ What is your favorite aquarium fish/item? My favorite fish Is probably either dolphins * either * or the high trigger mini monsters. +------ Do you have any hobbies outside of Gaia you'd like to share? Ummmm.... my pets , cats. Reading ,friends& family, the usual. +------ Are you still in school, or are you on your own? Out of school but considering going back . +------ What would you like us to call you/name? playdoh Is fine or any variation .
Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 3:00 pm
+------ How long have you had an aquarium? I started it 2 days ago +------ What is your favorite aquarium fish/item?I love the Air Sharks and The Outlaw wolves +------ Do you have any hobbies outside of Gaia you'd like to share? I am an avid Star Gazer, and enjoy many card/video games +------ Are you still in school, or are you on your own? I am moved on an Enrolled in the military +------ What would you like us to call you/name? Merven
I would like to thank you for accepting me into this guild, I hope to get to know many of you soon.
Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 5:05 am
Hello! I am Azuriene, sometimes called Azur, both names are fine so you can choose which you use, just don't call me aussie like one of my friends biggrin . I am young adult from northern Finland and I study computers and stuff. I live with my fianceƩ, so basically on my own, but not alone. I've had an aquarium since the aquariums were announced, although back then I didn't understand English nearly as much, so I had no idea about Booty Grabs or other fancy stuff. I just had a basic tank of pretties, bunch of goldfish, arrowfish and I think I even had one cuttlefish. Then I had over years break from Gaia because of studies and eventually made a comeback and now I filled my watery glassbox with Enki and other cuties. My favourite aquarium fish... Well, for looks it must be Enki, Memphis or Katsumi's Kokeshi Doll. However when I hunt for Booty Grab, it has to be Airshark. For favourite aquarium item I have to say the Overseer. I think there should be more seashell-like stuff... My other hobbies are drawing and gaming. At the moment my favourite game is Portal 2, but Oblivion, Skyrim, League of Legends and World of Warcraft are also in my top favourites. Just recently I started Mass Effect, should play it once I find time for it.
Thank you for inviting me to this guild, let the gold flow be glorious and the grabs high! I hope to get to know the other guildies as well smile