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=Soquili Stats Bonus Questions= December Questions Open! Goto Page: [] [<<] [<] 1 2 3 ... 91 92 93 94 95 96 ... 102 103 104 105 [>] [>>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 5:07 pm

Owner's Name: Divena and Divenasmom
Participating Soquili: Zahavah
Link to Teepee: here

Where does your bravery come from?: "I'm just brimming with it. No cowardice here!"

If you were the most courageous soquili in the world who would you chose as your ally: the most intelligent soquili, the strongest soquili or the luckiest soquili? Why?: "If? Who said anything about if? I AM the most courageous soquili in the world! I'd love you to find someone braver than me!"

A vengeful spirit is attacking your friends, family, allies or favorite play thing. How will you face this spirit? Will you face it at all?: "I fight it! To the death!" X-D
PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 5:25 pm

Owner's Name: ladyfirefox89
Participating Soquili: Omicron Perscei
Link to Teepee: Here

Where does your bravery come from?: Omicron got a smirk on his face as he heard the question. "From my alien ancestors of course! They are much stronger than your Earth born ancestors."

If you were the most courageous soquili in the world who would you chose as your ally: the most intelligent soquili, the strongest soquili or the luckiest soquili? Why?: Omicron scoffed slightly "If? What do you mean? I am the bravest! Thats why no one wants to be my minion. They are too scared!" He lifted his head a little "But hypothetically, I guess I would want the intelligent. Strength can't solve everything. Some times you need brains to convince others."

A vengeful spirit is attacking your friends, family, allies or favorite play thing. How will you face this spirit? Will you face it at all?: Omicron shruged "If they asked for my help I guess I'd lend them a hoof. I would tell the spirit if it didnt leave, I would get Liliana to come haunt it." He looked around then mumbled "Shes creepy...."

Jackariah Beckett

Fluffy Firestarter

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Darkmoon Dancer

Shameless Ladykiller

PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 5:53 pm

Owner's Name: Darkmoon Dancer
Participating Soquili: Recovery
Link to Teepee: [ xxx ]

Where does your bravery come from?: "Where does my bravery come from?" He repeats it quietly, but obviously to himself, not as if he hadn't heard the question, but more as if he were chewing it over in his mind before wanting to reply, wanting to get the right words the first time. "I believe it comes from inside. From all that we have learned and experienced. So mine must come from my parents, whom have cared for me and taught me all they know, as best they can."

If you were the most courageous soquili in the world who would you chose as your ally: the most intelligent soquili, the strongest soquili or the luckiest soquili? Why?: His response comes almost without hesitation. "I would ask the most intelligent soquili to be my ally. Intelligence is important, and it is what separates us from those who have been lead astray. A proper gentleman must know when to act and when to control his emotions, and those with intelligence tend to have a better grasp of such concepts."

A vengeful spirit is attacking your friends, family, allies or favorite play thing. How will you face this spirit? Will you face it at all?: Instantly the kirin becomes tense and turns to face the speaker, ready to become defensive right then and there if need be. Confidently he replies, "I would give my life for those I love without hesitation. The spirit would have to get through me to have a chance at my familly and friends." He put on his most brave face and perked up his ears, checking the area for danger just in case. One could never be too careful, when it concerned caring for those one loved.
PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 9:27 pm

Owner's Name: Nyx Queen of Darknss
Participating Soquili: Chessur
Link to Teepee: Link

Where does your bravery come from?: Brave? I'm not sure if we know what that means...What is brave? Is it even real?

If you were the most courageous soquili in the world who would you chose as your ally: the most intelligent soquili, the strongest soquili or the luckiest soquili? Why?: We'd of course choose Chuck Norris. He's definately all three. We wish he was with us, but then we'd probably not exist.

A vengeful spirit is attacking your friends, family, allies or favorite play thing. How will you face this spirit? Will you face it at all?: Well, I suppose I'd just tell the other Chessur to stop that they're my friends, therefor our friends and we should be...nicer. If not, I'd join him.

Nyx Queen of Darkness

Devout Bloodsucker

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Nisshou H

Kindred Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 10:48 am

Bonus points have been added! Bonus questions for February are now open!
PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 11:20 am

Owner's Name: Celeanor
Participating Soquili: Seresai
Link to Teepee: Here

You are only allowed to have three good stats. You must select Intelligence as one of you three stats. The other stats are Strength, Courage, Speed, Luck and Stamina. Which two will you chose to make yourself the most balanced? : Stamina and Strength

If you had 4 apples and 3 friends how would you divide the apples fairly?: Including me, we we'll have four apples for four soquili. Everyone receives one apple.

Before you there is a closed, opaque box. There is a cat inside of it. Is the cat alive or dead?: Depends how long the cat has been in the box.

For a bonus point complete the rhyme: 30 days have September, April, June and. . .

Thirty days hath September,
April, June and November;
February has twenty eight alone
All the rest have thirty-one
Except in Leap Year, that's the time
When February's Days are twenty-nine~!


Dangerous Hunter

Darkmoon Dancer

Shameless Ladykiller

PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 12:12 pm

Owner's Name: Darkmoon Dancer
Participating Soquili: Dulce Periculum
Link to Teepee: [ xxx ]

You are only allowed to have three good stats. You must select Intelligence as one of you three stats. The other stats are Strength, Courage, Speed, Luck and Stamina. Which two will you chose to make yourself the most balanced? : "Hmm..." she takes a few moments to think about the question, in fact plopping her rump down to sit before she comes up with an answer. "Intelligence, Courage and Stamina, I should think. Intelligence to know what to do, courage to be able to do it no matter what, and stamina to keep doing it for as long as it takes!" Nodding, the mare is satisfied with that answer, thinking it to make the utmost sense.

If you had 4 apples and 3 friends how would you divide the apples fairly?: Laughing, she answers without a blink of an eye. "Why I would give them each one and have the fourth myself, of course!" What a silly question to have to think about. It was just obvious!

Before you there is a closed, opaque box. There is a cat inside of it. Is the cat alive or dead?: Tilting her head, Dulce is confused. "Why, you wouldn't know until you opened the box unless it were making noise or moving about inside. I'd have to open up the box to know for sure." Why would someone ask such a question? It was a rather sad thought that someone would keep a cat in a box. She didn't want to think about it.

For a bonus point complete the rhyme: 30 days have September, April, June and. . . "November!" Trying to wrack her brain for the rest of the poem, Dulce falters a moment before furrowing her brow and continuing.
"All the rest are thirty one, except February, the shortest one!"
She ends the rhyme with a stomp of her hoof and nods her confirmation, that's how she's remembered it!
PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 12:27 pm

Owner's Name: DemonWingedPoetGirl
Participating Soquili: Thesh-ah
Link to Teepee: Teepee

You are only allowed to have three good stats. You must select Intelligence as one of you three stats. The other stats are Strength, Courage, Speed, Luck and Stamina. Which two will you chose to make yourself the most balanced? :
Squinting her glowing emerald eyes for a moment in thought she answers slowly and carefully.
"I think for the most balance I would have to say Courage, Intelligence, and Stamina would be the three stats I would select to be the best."

If you had 4 apples and 3 friends how would you divide the apples fairly?: Thesh-ah looks at you oddly for a moment.
"four apples amongst Three friends umm including me doesn't that make four? So isn't that fairly evenly divided anyway one for me and one for each of them?

Before you there is a closed, opaque box. There is a cat inside of it. Is the cat alive or dead?:
Thesh-ah examines the box quickly and sees no air holes. Not wanting to risk that the cat maybe alive she flings open the lid the cat pops up and meows.
She nips you angrily like someone might smack another upside the head.
"drill air holes and the cat will be alive! Don't drill them and the cat will be dead!"
Picking the cat up by the scruff she set it on her back and scouls at you.

For a bonus point complete the rhyme: 30 days have September, April, June and. . . November
All the rest have 31
And February’s great with 28
And Leap Year’s February’s fine with 29

30 days has September,
April, June and November
All the rest have 31
And February’s great with 28
And Leap Year’s February’s fine with 29


Profitable Prophet


Enigmatic Star

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 3:27 pm

Owner's Name: tefla
Participating Soquili: Lyrical Sky
Link to Teepee: Here

You are only allowed to have three good stats. You must select Intelligence as one of you three stats. The other stats are Strength, Courage, Speed, Luck and Stamina. Which two will you chose to make yourself the most balanced? : Lyrical pauses. "I think I'd combine intelligence with Strength and Luck."

If you had 4 apples and 3 friends how would you divide the apples fairly?: Everyone would get one apple.

Before you there is a closed, opaque box. There is a cat inside of it. Is the cat alive or dead?: Without interacting with the box you can't know for sure.

For a bonus point complete the rhyme: 30 days have September, April, June and. . .
Thirty days have September,
April, June and November.
All the rest have thirty-one,
Except February the only one
Which Leap Years change
each fourth time
From twenty-eight to twenty-nine.
Century 100s don’t always leap,
each 400 years that leap we keep.
PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 5:38 pm

Participating Soquili: Vasilissa
Link to Teepee: x

You are only allowed to have three good stats. You must select Intelligence as one of you three stats. The other stats are Strength, Courage, Speed, Luck and Stamina. Which two will you chose to make yourself the most balanced? : Vasilissa paused for a moment, thinking of her answer. "Courage and strength would go nicely with intelligence. Strength to defend yourself, courage to stand up for what you believe in and intelligence to know when to run or stand down."

If you had 4 apples and 3 friends how would you divide the apples fairly?:"Hmm.. I would give each friend their own apple and then the fourth apple would go to myself."

Before you there is a closed, opaque box. There is a cat inside of it. Is the cat alive or dead?: "I would hope the cat is alive; it depends if it can breathe or not. Or if the poison has been released."

For a bonus point complete the rhyme: 30 days have September, April, June and. . . "November. February has twenty eight alone. All the rest have thirty one. Except in the leap year; that's the time when February's days are twenty nine."


Super Trash


PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 9:33 am

Owner's Name: Junglerunner
Participating Soquili: Olearius
Link to Teepee: [x]

You are only allowed to have three good stats. You must select Intelligence as one of you three stats. The other stats are Strength, Courage, Speed, Luck and Stamina. Which two will you chose to make yourself the most balanced? : Stamina and Courage. I don't think I should need Luck if I have intelligence to think things through, though of course it'd always be nice.

If you had 4 apples and 3 friends how would you divide the apples fairly?: I could have one too!

Before you there is a closed, opaque box. There is a cat inside of it. Is the cat alive or dead?: Dead, I'd imagine.

For a bonus point complete the rhyme: 30 days have September, April, June and. . . November. *Stares* Do you want to hear the rest as well?
PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 8:26 am

Owner's Name: Kamiki
Participating Soquili: Heinrich vonCoren
Link to Teepee: http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=10721921&page=1

You are only allowed to have three good stats. You must select Intelligence as one of you three stats. The other stats are Strength, Courage, Speed, Luck and Stamina. Which two will you chose to make yourself the most balanced? : Hrm. Strength and Speed - Courage and stupidity are too close in my mind. And Luck... hell, make your own luck. If you have smarts, you don't need Stamina, because you'll fine a good place to hide, quick.

If you had 4 apples and 3 friends how would you divide the apples fairly?: If they were my friends, they would know how much I love apples and let me have them all.

Before you there is a closed, opaque box. There is a cat inside of it. Is the cat alive or dead?: Well, open it and find out. If you leave him in that damn sealed box, he'll die for sure.

For a bonus point complete the rhyme: 30 days have September, April, June and. . . November! All the rest of 31 - except for February. ( I know that last part doesn't rhyme but that's how it was taught to me - straight and to the point XD


Fandom Fox

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Kawaii Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 8:58 am

Owner's Name: [+Katch+]
Participating Soquili: Lady Cregga Rose Eyes
Link to Teepee: LINK
You are only allowed to have three good stats. You must select Intelligence as one of you three stats. The other stats are Strength, Courage, Speed, Luck and Stamina. Which two will you chose to make yourself the most balanced? :
Cregga smiled confidently " Why, intelligence is all one needs in the world to start off, but if I had to chose~ Courage and Stamina is best in my opinion. Strength only gets you so far, you will wear out, but as a warrior, you need both courage and stamina to keep going."

If you had 4 apples and 3 friends how would you divide the apples fairly?: She chuckled " Well that's simple, everybeast loves a good apple! I would give one to all three of my friends and have the last for myself!"

Before you there is a closed, opaque box. There is a cat inside of it. Is the cat alive or dead?: " A CAT~!? oh dear! hopefully the poor thing is alive!" Hefts her pike " i'll get it out!"

For a bonus point complete the rhyme: 30 days have September, April, June and. . .
February has twenty eight alone
All the rest have thirty-one
Except in Leap Year, that's the time
When February's Days are twenty-nine
PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 11:57 pm

Owner's Name: The Dawn of Twilight
Participating Soquili: Ahote
Link to Teepee: http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=17923277

You are only allowed to have three good stats. You must select Intelligence as one of you three stats. The other stats are Strength, Courage, Speed, Luck and Stamina. Which two will you chose to make yourself the most balanced? : He pondered the question, rolling it over in his mind as he sought the most precise answer. Paired with intelligence... "Stamina. Courage." His answer was abrupt, but he had no need to waste words. The answer was obvious: stamina, so that intelligence might endure; courage, so that one may use one's intelligence when the situation calls for it without fear.

If you had 4 apples and 3 friends how would you divide the apples fairly?: "One each." What could be more fair than a whole apple for each individual present? He had briefly considered answering that he would divide the 4th apple into thirds, but that would become fairly complex- who would get the core? Who the top? Who the bottom? What way?... though he would spare no expense to help others, over-complicating the simplest of things was a trap only younger Soquili would fall in to.

Before you there is a closed, opaque box. There is a cat inside of it. Is the cat alive or dead?: He heaved an inward sigh. "Open it and find out." He rarely spoke so many words at once, but in this case... he was too tired to answer in any other way. His patience did have its limits.
He dismissed the thought that the box may not be able to be opened again. What is closed can be opened, if only one has the right key.

For a bonus point complete the rhyme: 30 days have September, April, June and. . . He seriously considered not answering, then closed his eyes and remembered back to a sing-song rhyme...
" Thirty days hath September,
April, June, and November;
All the rest have thirty-one,
Save February, with twenty-eight days clear,
And twenty-nine each leap year.
He had just used up an entire year's worth of words.

The Dawn of Twilight

Bardess Ookami

Devoted Bibliophile

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 12:41 am

Owner's Name: Bardess Ookami
Participating Soquili: Terran
Link to Teepee: Home Sweet Home

You are only allowed to have three good stats. You must select Intelligence as one of you three stats. The other stats are Strength, Courage, Speed, Luck and Stamina. Which two will you chose to make yourself the most balanced? :"Um.... I can only choose three? What did you choose? A hint? Please. Hmmm, I can only select three. Well you told me to take intelligence for one of them. Thank you for that. Um, Can I ask my big brother? No? I don't know how to choose... if I choose one, wont the others feel lonely? Can I choose all of them? No? What if I agreed to make them all equally bad? Then could I choose all of them? Because that would make me the most balanced. Wouldn't it? Is that an okay answer? Well, I like that answer anyway. Better to cripple them all, but keep them all together, then to inflate one."

If you had 4 apples and 3 friends how would you divide the apples fairly?: "Well, that is easy, each friend gets an apple, and when I see them all eating happily, I'll probably get hungry too, and be glad of the fourth apple!" he said, pleased with himself. Unless the question meant three apples and 4 friends. Well, then he'd probably smash the apples up and make apple sauce, so they all could eat. No? That's what they did when they traveled if they had the time.

Before you there is a closed, opaque box. There is a cat inside of it. Is the cat alive or dead?: "That poor cat!" Without answering the question, he opened the box and eyed the very alive cat. "Want to be friends?" he asked, and chased it as it ran off, hoping that was an invitation to play.

For a bonus point complete the rhyme: 30 days have September, April, June and. . . "I wish I could remember." No one ever said he had to complete the rhyme with the 'correct' answer, just repeat the rhyme. That's what his big brother would do. Right? cause Denji was cool as a seal! A really cool seal! Um.... He dashed off to find Denji to check his answers.

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