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=Soquili Stats Bonus Questions= December Questions Open! Goto Page: [] [<<] [<] 1 2 3 ... 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 [>] [»|]

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Shy Seeker

PostPosted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 5:28 pm

Owner's Name: Nyhility
Participating Soquili: Kayla
Link to Teepee: x

In a footrace, what do you think would be the fastest animal you could beat?: perhaps a fox.....without my armor.

What do you think hinders your speed the most?: my ARMOR! 8'c

Aside from racing, chasing and fleeing, what other uses do you think speed has?: It pumps up one's muscles and makes for excellent exercise.
PostPosted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 6:33 pm

Owner's Name: tefla
Participating Soquili: Kayleena
Link to Teepee: http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=18150559&page=1

In a footrace, what do you think would be the fastest animal you could beat?: Kayleena thinks about this for a couple of minutes. "I've never really spared much thought to watch other animals run. I know mostly everyone can beat a turtle or a snail, but I have no idea which of the larger creatures I'd be able to beat."

What do you think hinders your speed the most?: Kayleena gives a cheerful smile. "That's easy. It's my size. I can't run as fast as larger Soquili can. It makes me an easy target, but I'm alright with that."

Aside from racing, chasing and fleeing, what other uses do you think speed has?: Kayleena gives a blank look. "Anything I can think of would fall under those three categories - even playing games."


Enigmatic Star

19,400 Points
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Profitable Prophet

PostPosted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 7:21 pm

Owner's Name: SummedUp
Participating Soquili: Isolean Vriends
Link to Teepee: Home sweet home

In a footrace, what do you think would be the fastest animal you could beat?: Baring the fact that you said "footrace" not "Hoofrace" i think the fastest animal i could beat would be . . ..a . . .wolf. yes i definitely think i could beat a wolf.

What do you think hinders your speed the most?: My glorious cascading ebony locks of course! but one must make sacrifices for beauty. after all why should i run? i have a whole throng of stallions who would fight off anything that would DARE desire to harm me and besides if they fail i have these!
*flashes her vampire fangs*

Aside from racing, chasing and fleeing, what other uses do you think speed has?:
i suppose in dance sudden rapid movements are most useful.  
PostPosted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 7:58 am

Owner's Name: The Dawn of Twilight
Participating Soquili: Awendela
Link to Teepee: http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=17923277

In a footrace, what do you think would be the fastest animal you could beat?:

She blinked slowly, taking in the question and letting the images flow past her mind. A Skinwalker... she thought, wary of the answer; they were animals, were they not? She could think of no other predator that was as fast. Though deer and other prey animals were agile to evade their quick-footed predators, it seemed that none could surpass the Skinwalker... including her.
"A deer." she answered finally, judging it to be an accurate judge of her skill, despite possessing more than adequate agility and grace.

What do you think hinders your speed the most?:

"My stamina..." the words were uttered as a gentle sigh. She strove towards increasing what her body could withstand- whether it be exertion in a hoofrace or through using what healing powers she possessed.

Aside from racing, chasing and fleeing, what other uses do you think speed has?:

"Speed of the body can be used to prevent accidents, such as dodging around a fragile flower that may be crushed beneath one's hooves." She paused, neglecting to mention what speed of the mind could be used for the on the premise that the examples given were solely physical attributes.

The Dawn of Twilight


PostPosted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 8:07 am

Owner's Name: pinkdog
Participating Soquili: Threnah
Link to Teepee: http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=23027977

In a footrace, what do you think would be the fastest animal you could beat?: "A rabbit, perhaps? Though I'm not sure why I'd be racing a rabbit..."

What do you think hinders your speed the most?: "Hmm.. lack of practice, I'd say. I don't have much use for racing."

Aside from racing, chasing and fleeing, what other uses do you think speed has?: "Oh, well, I've never really done much of those things... it might be nice for playing in the waves at the beach.. snatch up little sea creatures from the beach before they are washed away." Threnah gets hungry thinking about this.
PostPosted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 1:28 pm

Owner's Name: CheshireKttty
Participating Soquili: Onigiri
Link to Teepee: [x]

In a footrace, what do you think would be the fastest animal you could beat?: Onigiri debated on the question for a moment, he had never been very fast to begin with and picking one animal was certainly difficult. After some thought, he finally had his answer. "I suppose I would have to go with a rabbit perhaps? Though I don't spend much time racing at all."

What do you think hinders your speed the most?: Ah! Now this one was much easier to answer. "I would definitely say my size and my legs. They're so short that it makes it harder to catch up with a soquili of larger size."

Aside from racing, chasing and fleeing, what other uses do you think speed has?: Once more the Usdia pondered the question, taking his time in coming up with an answer. "I suppose it would be good for helping you dodge things."


Magical Cat

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Nisshou H

Kindred Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 8:39 am

Bonus stats for June have been added!

Bonus questions for July are now open!
PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 9:29 am

Owner's Name: Belalusiia
Participating Soquili: Abdiel
Link to Teepee: Teepee

What do you feel the biggest flaw in being courageous would be?: The only flaw would be being confident in an ability that you don't have. Putting yourself in dangerous situations that you aren't equipped to handle is stupid no matter how courageous you are. Unless someone's life is on the line, don't let courage get in the way of brains.

A wildfire is threatening your homeland how would you courageously help out or would you choose not to help at all?: My first priority would be to make sure that everyone was safe.

How would you define cowardice?: Not standing up for what you believe in, and not protecting those who need your help.


Tiny Explorer



PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 10:21 am

Owner's Name: xKOVAKtheWOLFx
Participating Soquili: Vex
Link to Teepee: Teepee

What do you feel the biggest flaw in being courageous would be?:
"Ugghh.. the idea of not knowing how to face your fears.

A wildfire is threatening your homeland how would you courageously help out or would you choose not to help at all?:
"Why help? I was banished after all. What happens, happens.

How would you define cowardice?:
"It would have to be me running from my troubles.."
PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 11:50 am

Owner's Name: tefla
Participating Soquili: Kayleena
Link to Teepee: http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=18150559&page=1

What do you feel the biggest flaw in being courageous would be?: "The biggest flaw in being courageous would be finding yourself in a heap of trouble because you've bitten off more than you can chew. Being stupid and looking for adventure is rarely a good idea. Sometimes the greatest acts of courage come from those who are known to possess little of the trait."

A wildfire is threatening your homeland how would you courageously help out or would you choose not to help at all?: Kayleena gives a little bit of a hurt look. "In my old homeland I would have probably tried to help out by either helping others to find a safe haven. Being lower to the ground than most others I would have been able to guide them through rough patches. But now that I seem to be settled in in a new home ... well maybe I'd only help Daimhin out," the next part she adds in spite. "Everyone else could just burn."

How would you define cowardice?: "I define cowardice as the act of doing nothing when you witness that someone might be in danger. It doesn't have to be mortal danger, just your average day to day kind. If you see something going on and refuse to anything but sit back and ignore the situation ... then you are being a true coward." Kayleena turns around to head back into her home. She was done answering questions.


Enigmatic Star

19,400 Points
  • Invisibility 100
  • Bookworm 100
  • Object of Affection 150

Darkmoon Dancer

Shameless Ladykiller

PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 2:18 pm

Owner's Name: Darkmoon Dancer
Participating Soquili: Dahlia
Link to Teepee: [ xxx ]

What do you feel the biggest flaw in being courageous would be?:
The little usdia shifted her feet, a little nervous of all the questions, but after taking a deep breath and deciding to trust the speaker, she lifted her head and responded, "Well being courageous can be dangerous! Brave heros and good people run into a situation to save someone or do something that is right or meaningful, but it could be running into fire or an enemy, or who knows what else!" Her eyes grew wide as she spoke, telling of her obvious fear of such things.

A wildfire is threatening your homeland how would you courageously help out or would you choose not to help at all?:
Her eyes grew even wider still. "You're not being serious, right? This is just a hypothetical question?" After confirmation of this, she calmed a little and tried to respond as best she could, "I... I think I would help in any way I could, but being so small... I wouldn't be able to bring much water to help put it out.... but I think I could help others get to safety. I could help prop others up if they were stumbling or couldn't see because of the smoke, help guide others away, I think." Nodding, the little usdia knew of the disadvantages of her size, but her heart swelled when she got to help others so she would do what she could.

How would you define cowardice?:
Dahlia's ears fell back and down at the word, almost as if it was a distasteful word, but she also looked a little ashamed as if she had been called this before, though in her mind wrongfully. "C-cowardice is... is not doing something when you should. It's... being afraid and letting that stop you from doing what is right. And it is not," she stomped a hoof at the word, "... a word to be used lightly."
PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 2:27 pm

Owner's Name: Scaramouche Fandango
Participating Soquili: Galileo Figaro
Link to Teepee: X

What do you feel the biggest flaw in being courageous would be?: I can't see any flaws with being brave. It's not like other horses would be all "Oh, he's too brave" and have that be a bad thing. Being courageous is radical, really.

A wildfire is threatening your homeland how would you courageously help out or would you choose not to help at all?: I'd round up all the babes and the kids and lead them to safety. Chicks dig it when you care about their kids.

How would you define cowardice?: Being afraid of something that isn't dangerous. Like ladybugs.

Scaramouche Fandango

Big Wife


Inquisitive Gawker

10,000 Points
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 6:46 pm

Owner's Name:
xxxxx x blame it on the --- x
Participating Soquili:
xxxxx Morkin
Link to Teepee:
xxxxx Teepee

What do you feel the biggest flaw in being courageous would be?:
xxxxx "Losing ones life." He said it as if it was obvious, without missing a beat. Morkin's ears flicked up, and he looked around, almost waiting for one of the Harpies to come retreive him. But when none appeared he focused once more. His tail gave a slight flick, before he breathed out a sigh, his muscles giving a slight quiver to get a few stray flies off his body. "Even though one could be courageous, if they don't use their wits as well, there is a good chance that their life is on the line... Or the lives of their loved ones."

A wildfire is threatening your homeland how would you courageously help out or would you choose not to help at all?:
xxxxx Morkin frowned, his ears pinning back. He looked over his shoulder, toward the nests, before shaking out his mane, and focused once more on the question at hand, though his eyes and voice seemed distant. "I would do whatever was asked of me. The foals would be the first to be evacuated, and from there, I would do as my Mistress told me. Though, if I must go against her wishes to ensure everything went smoothly, I would try. None of the Harpies can be harmed.. They are too important. I would give my life to protect them." He murmured. He wanted to leave, to go and find Aquilina and ensure she was all right, but it was rude to leave without finishing the conversation.

How would you define cowardice?:
xxxxx Morkin looked troubled for a moment. He tried to think about the question, but his mind was drawn away from it. Shaking out his mane of red hair and pink feathers once more, Morkin turned to face back toward the nests. "Cowardice... That is hard. I could actually define it, but that isn't what you're looking for, right? I would say anything that... goes against, what should be right. Harming foals, attacking those who don't deserve to be..." He trailed off, his front hoof lifting for a moment, pawing the ground, before he started to walk forward, leaving his answer hanging in the air. It was time to return back to her nest, so that he could be near her.
PostPosted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 7:52 am

Owner's Name: Junglerunner
Participating Soquili: Hard Tack
Link to Teepee: [x]

What do you feel the biggest flaw in being courageous would be?: 'I think it is often the case that those trying to act courageous often means they see that they have to put themselves into danger, which isn't usually worth the cost.'

A wildfire is threatening your homeland how would you courageously help out or would you choose not to help at all?: 'I have one or two people I care for deeply and would do all I can to keep with them and get through it, thats all you can do.'

How would you define cowardice?: 'To not be able to face the day, to have gone through so much in my young life, all I know is thats it's important to wake in the morning and think; today will be a good day. To not be able to get through the day, to let depression eat you, I think that is the greatest form of cowardice.'



Wheezing Hoarder

11,150 Points
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 8:13 am

Owner's Name: Juliette06
Participating Soquili: Hathi
Link to Teepee: [x]

What do you feel the biggest flaw in being courageous would be?: Hathi considered for a few moments, though the answer came fairly easily. "I think it would be that a Soquili could get himself into trouble, and maybe think he has a way out of it but really he doesn't. His courage could lead him somewhere he maybe shouldn't have gone, y'know? I guess my answer is that being courageous is a fine line between that and too courageous."

A wildfire is threatening your homeland how would you courageously help out or would you choose not to help at all?: Hathi's wings sputtered nervously, and the beads on his tail jingled with anticipation. "A w-wildfire?" His bright blue eyes got wide and you could see his fear, but after he took a moment to remind himself that this was a rhetorical question, he calmed down. "I guess I would make sure all the foals got out first. Since I'm a Flutter, I think I could fly out of the fire and try to find a safe way out? Then I'd go back down and try to get people to follow me, especially the kids and mothers. And the fathers. So everybody. It would just be hard because everybody would be so scared..." Hathi's ears drooped, as if the very thought of something that terrible happening depressed him.

How would you define cowardice?: "Ooh, good question," Hathi answered, his eyes lighting once more as he thought. "I guess...I guess cowardice is knowing you can do something--recognizing your option--and not doing it anyway. Because why would you do that? If you can help, it's bad not to. Right?"

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