Character name:Gurth Katsarugi
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Appearance:Gurth has bright green eyes, and dark brown hair. She stands about 5'6" tall and weighs 145 lbs. She has a very feminine looking body, with a well developed chest, she also has several burn marks on her back, lower neck, an her legs and arms. Gurth when going to classes, at classes, and right after class before she's home she wears her school uniform, which is the same uniform as Ichigo's and Orihime's. When she's outside of school, she normally is in her temple garbs, and away from the shrine and school, she wears a pink blouse with embroidered roses around the neck, and light blue pants, with black flat heel boots.
Background: Gurth was born in her family shrine. Being born into such a family Gurth learned to be more of a Priestess rather than to be a young girl. Much of her time as a young girl was to be a Priestess, though she did play with the girl her age, she still had to study and practice her spirituallity. Gurth was nor more than 8 years old when she lost her mother in a car accident. During her years of growing up Gurth could partially see spirits.

During schooling she really had a hard time as she always had a spirit hanging around her, most of the time it was just children who had passed on because of illness and were waiting to pass on or simply just waiting for something or someone. Gurth as she grew up started could start seeing spirits better as they started hanging around her more, this also means the more she ignores them until she's alone to talk to them. Though she can't give them much she at least gives the deceased a person to talk to, as long as she's not in class.

Around the age of 14 Gurth was walking home from shcool when a fire broke out in a building that she knew held young children, at least one to be precise, as the child's parent had died, and told Gurth about the child, jumping in with out hesitation she found the child hiding. Helping the child she got as close to an exit before they had to stop. Gurth covered the child using herself as a shield, and waited for the Fire Fighters to help them. Once finally rescued, the child suffered a few burns while Gurth suffered several burns to her back, lower neck, arms and legs. She was in the hospital until she could move with out breaking skin.

Because of the burns this has cause Gurth to be unable to do many activities that require much bending. Though she does work on stretching the skin she's not been able to do much. She is fairly good at Track, and has gotten place in a few of the women tracks, and normally doesn't wander far from her path in helping people, or talking to the spirits. When not busy with school, track or talking with spirits she's at the family shrine keeping it orderly.
Personality:Gurth is quite kind, and gentle, though she doesn't know her own strength. Much of her time is spent in her family's shrine in keeping it clean and spiritual lightening. She does spend much of her time to listen and enjoy the quiet, as she too keeps quiet to hear her surroundings better.
Strengths:Gurth is a very good listener, as her lifestyle was much like that. She has a pretty good speed, as she does do Track and Field, mostly track.
Weaknesses:Unable to move in some directions of movement, not very agile. She does over do it as far as her energy is concerned. If one of the four guardians get hurt or seriously injured, she feels a pring of pain when they have to return to her in order to heal.

Job: Student, and Shrine Keeper
Soul Weapon Name: Four Gaurdians, Tamonten, Zochoten, Jikokuten, Komokuten.
Soul Weapon Description: It's not so much a weapon but the creation of four guardians of the direction they represent: A dragon for the East (More of a Fire Lizard from Anne McCaffery's Dragon Riders of Pern), named Jikokuten. A Phoenix for the South, named Zochoten, it stands to about middle of her Shin. A white tiger for the West, named Komokuten. And a Tortoise for the North, named Tamonten.
Soul Weapon Attacks or Abilities: Each of her Four Guardians have their own ability. The little dragon is a connection between Gurth and the Guardians. The Phoenix is a fighter attacking with fire. The Tortoise is the protector using it's shell to block most attack. And finally the White Tiger is the healer, he can't heal everything but is there to heal wounds that kill to where they could be taken care of with out the cost of the person. As stated above, if one of the four guardians get hurt or seriously injured, she feels a pring of pain when they have to return to her in order to heal.