Character name: Raven Stormrider
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Appearance: Raven Stormrider
Background:Raven is from the purest Native American family of the Shoshoni and has a solid belief in her people and family. As most Native American live on preserves she was born and raised on a reserve near Jackpot, Nevada. Raven's ability actually goes through her father's line most have been Shamans and Mediums, but it took her a few years to actually be able to see spirits clearly, as most of the time she could hear them, and see them as blurs.

When she was about 12 years old her family moved to Japan where she is currently residing. The reason for such a move was because she was seeing spirits, and as most of her tribe lost that ability she was considered strange weird, mostly from the other children she was around most of them being from those who didn't believe in the old ways, and so her parents believe the move to be a wise choice. After moving to Japan her parents then signed her up for martial arts classes (Aekedo, SP?), causing her to have a good ability in self-defense, for the main fact that she would come home bruised and bleeding when she was in America. About 5 years later, when she was 17 Raven was abused and mistreated, and discovered that she was pregnant, at the age of 18 she moved out.

After she moved out on her own, Raven constantly went through odd ball jobs, most working till the job is done and then moving on, never really trying to stay in one place, and having an infant to take care of didn't help matters. Now Raven is trying to find a place to call home and a steady job, just to raise her child better than what she has been doing.
Personality:Raven appears to be constantly out of it, or not entirely all there, don't let this fool you as she's really paying attention to everything that is going on around her. Raven is also really soft spoken and is known for her thinking rather than her doing anything, meaning she would rather go in to a fight if it is necessary with all the information. Raven is very caring mostly to her child, and she refuses to have anything with her family or people again. Raven also hasn't been known to get angry at anyone before, but is willing to fight if the time calls for it.
Strengths: Raven had 5 years of Aekedo training before her "disappearance" from her parents.
Weaknesses:Raven has trust issues mostly with the opposite sex but she tries not to let it get in the way of work, but it does get in the way. Raven's feels that her first responsibility is to her infant daughter, and would put her life on the line to keep her daughter safe.

Job: Mother, waitress
Soul Weapon Name: Totem Armor
Soul Weapon Description: Creates an armor around Raven for each need in either battle or running.
Soul Weapon Attacks or Abilities: Raven can create armor depending on the situation once she enters a form she can not switch between and she has to sleep to regain the ability to use it again once out of a form; Wolf Headress represents her protection of friends and family (This is her most common form), the Fox Headress represents stealth (When in this form Raven can make herself appear weaker than what she really is), Dolphin is for water attacking (Giving her the ability to swim underwater for a long period of time and faster swimming Raven can either attack or run in this form when in water), Armadillo is ment for self protection (When an attack is thrown at her in this form Raven rolls up into a ball causing most attacks to bounce off the shell), Bear Headress is a sign that Raven has lost control (Once Raven has been infuriated to the point of no return this Headress will appear on her and she goes into a brutal, wild nature), Buffalo Headress is for controlled strength (When Raven is in this form she is in control over her strength and is able to fight will all her senses), The Coyote Headress is a prankster dress (When Raven has this form she is able to set traps of any kind from just a spook to hurting kind), The Eagle is to represent the ability to fly (Giving Raven to fly she is able to attack those that would cause her harm from above), Owl (When strength doesn’t work then a game of wits is needed), Panther (While not one of Raven’s forms the Panther is always with her as her “Spirit Guide”), The Horse for a quick get aways or healing (Using this form allows Raven to run faster meaning she can get away faster from a fight or for the use of healing others with her)