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PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 10:16 am

-insert banner here-
PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 8:56 am

-insert Rp banner here-

. A s l a n .

. A e s c h .

. D a x .

. D u z i .
Blood Spatters- Duzi. Raven *

. E m e r y .

. E n n u i e l .

. E z r i e l .
Think Twice About The Night- Ezriel . Dante . Meera
Always Bound To Get Into Trouble- Ezriel . Tal
The Morning Mist- Ezriel . Bella
Making The Great Escape Elsewhere Ezriel . Malis
A Meeting Of Two Stallions- Ezriel . Duncan
Misleading Curiosity- Ezriel . Zevach
The Nightmare Becomes Reality- Ezriel . Dante . Reaper
It Must Be This Clearing That Calls Us- Ezriel . Tal *
Warning Signs- Ezriel . Heaven's Tear
Days Like These Are A Challenge- Ezriel . Isis
Looks Can Be Decieving- Ezriel . Eponine
A Bitter-Sweet Moment- Ezriel . Isis *
Deja Vu Or Mistaken Identity?- Ezriel . Athena *
What To Do Now?- Ezriel . Yuna
Fight Or Flight- Ezriel . Rowtag
Are You My Evil Angel?- Ezriel . Nimue
Some Kind of Fairytale- Ezriel . Nimue *
Like Father, Like Son- Ezriel . Reaper
A Wounded Soul- Ezriel . Lady Korrine . Glamrock
Breaking The News . Ezriel . Eponine
It Can't Be Too Late To Apologize . Ezriel . Rue . Nimue
Oh Brother.. . Ezriel . Rue . Dante . Korrine . Tal *
Oh...its you . Ezriel . Cassiel *
A Connection In Family Ties . Ezriel . Rue . Twilight *
Please Tell Me That's Apple Fat . Ezriel . Rue . Nimue *
When Darkness Consumes the Light . Ezriel . (Journal RP)
Of Darkness And Shadows . Ezriel . Amaya *
Something I Can Never Have . Ezriel . Nimue *
Apples to Apples . Ezriel . Terentia *

. H a g i .

. J a y d i n .
Everything Has Beauty, Not Everyone Sees It . Jaydin . Adonis *

. K i m a h r i .
Where Is 'Here'?- Kimahri . Anemone *
Who Are You?- Kimahri . Draezan *
What A New Morning Brings- Kimahri . Suizei *

. K i d o n o .
Sea Shells By The Sea Shore?- Kidono . Vieno *
Firefly's Guide- Kidono . Yasei *

. L o y a l . H e a r t .

. R a i j u .
Someday You Will Be loved . Raiju . Eponine

. R o n n i e .
One Step Ahead of the Game . Ronnie . Bright Dusk
Young Souls Rebel . Ronnie . Bright Dusk*

. R u e .
It Can't Be Too Late To Apologize . Rue . Ezriel . Nimue
Oh Brother.. . Rue. Ezriel . Dante . Korrine . Tal *
How Do You Roll? . Rue . Caely *
A Connection In Family Ties . Ezriel . Rue . Twilight *
Please Tell Me That's Apple Fat . Ezriel . Rue . Nimue *

. S a b r i e l . V a l e n t i n e .
Sinister Sisters of Darkness . Sabriel . Airlia *
Shadows and Severed Minds . Sabriel . Astrophel *

[* - Still Ongoing]
[* - Abandoned]



PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 12:56 am

. W h e n . D a r k n e s s . C o n s u m e s . T h e . L i g h t .


Already the commotion and fear had striken the lands as the rumors which he had feared were true. The pale, white stallion stood there, staring into a tranquil flowing river into his own reflection since the first wave of rumors had hit unexpected ears and caused his stomach to churn. There mere thought of it- no, of them made his jowls grind together and his nostrils flare. To think that his own damn father had 'won' the love of his life and used her to create eligiable spawn to carry out his own hell bent legacy of obliteration, bloodshed and torment and the mare who was sentenced to carry out such offspring was Nimue...his Nimue. It seemed surprising to think that his inner thoughts still considered the strange, almost surreal mare his even after the feud between them when she had stumbled a basket that was result of a reckless meeting and parting with a mare along with another foal from the occurance. Hadn't he said that he wanted to nothing to do with her? Hadn't Ezriel said that he didn't care? Yes. He did say that. But the stallion wished that he could take that back- he never meant it, in all honesty. For ones whole world, ones only joy in life to be stripped away and stolen by flesh and blood out of greed had once again fueled the darkness within the awaken.

And that horrible, thick darkness entangled with inner demons and torment was slowly consuming the inner light within the stallion which, for so long, he had built up as a wall and barrier to fend of such a vile fiend. Already it was crumbling and that lustor within his obsidian orbs dulled into obsolete darkness while the mask he wore all along began to chip and crack. Although hours had passed since he had heard the news that Nimue was a mother to two fillies and a son, Ezriel continued staring into his reflection which was cast by the river in silence.

His body was tense, ridgid as he stood in place- his forehooves trembled, shaking just like he was when he was a conflicted, confused colt. He tried to hide it, Ezriel tried to resist and repress the emotions and thoughts that escalated within the same realization over and over again. The more he stared into his reflection the more he didn't give a damn as his anger seemed to fuel continuous thoughts.

Reaper never loved Nimue. Reaper never cared. Reaper used her. Reaper wanted a bloodline. Reaper wanted worthy foals. Reaper wanted power. Reaper wanted bloodshed. Bloodlust. Fear. Torment. A Legacy. A worthy son. Reaper wanted a son- someone to carry on his own legacy and image to terrorize the lands with; a son to bring forth despiar and destruction to a lelve which he could never reach nor stand up to par to. It was clear- more than clear knowing that now with the birth of another son Reaper would guide him in his own hoofprints and train him in the dark arts of obliterating the innocent and mutiliating without mercy.

But Ezriel didn't give a ******** about Reapers prodigy in the making nor would he ever. Wasn't it always the same? A fallen, vengeful creature wanting a son to continue in their absence with such fierocity, if not more? It was cliche'. And damn, sooner or later he'd face his father son- somehow he could feel that sickening churn of his stomach make such a thing common knowledge.

Ezriel narrowed his orbs as his body trembled with prickling sensations stirring along his spine accompanied with a shiver or two. Just as clearly as one could hear the howls of coyotes or even wolves echo across the plains, the stallion began to hear the demons within howl as they slinked within the walls of his mind- arising from their slumber as, slowly, they began to claw at his mind once again. Their own eerie howls seemed to ring within his ears which caused him to cringe, grinding his teeth as he shook his head. But a low, smoth chuckle seemed to surface from out of the madness of his mind; a voice that caused his orbs to widen and his ears to erect upwards in alarm. 'Ezriel-' it whispered, a haunting voice resurfacing from the depths of familiarity and his own mind once more. It was an old evil that had returned, an evil that was unleashed once again and with a hunger that was already fueled on hatred, raw emotions and malice.

The demon had returned.

The stallion bared his fangs, nostrils flaring as his body stiffened. It was an old evil which he had thought to have conquered long ago yet it had returned. Why? He wasn't sure. Yet Ezriel had never felt so much anger before- it felt foreign although Reaper had severed his heart so much, his own father had betrayed him that that fraction of understanding between father and son no longer existed.

Reaper had stolen Nimue for him to use her- Reaper had used her to help him create his damn hellions! How could that damn fiend ever love another? How did Ezriel ever think that he understood him or agreed with him?

It was all a lie.

A cloven hoof drove itself into the ground, pawing and uprooting the terra and grass from its roots as the large stallion shook its head, speaking in silence with thoughts directed to the audible voice inside of his mind. "What the ******** do you want?"

'My, my- how you haven't changed.' The cool, velvet voice echoed, musing with a small chuckle. 'Your anger has fueled my strength- your hatred and malice for what has been committed against you gives me life once again. Surely you have noticed; your fluxuating temper, the light stolen from your eyes...you are no fool, I know that. But I also know that your love has been taken from you, made a mother to a new generation sired by your own father out of destruction, hatred and bloodlust. Isn't it a shame that she was used and yet never loved by him? Only in the same perspective are they equal- but your father could never love her.'

Ezriel snarled slightly, slashing his tail behind him with a quick whip like motion as his nostrils flared. "I don't need a damn recollection through that s**t.."

'No one likes to realize the truth, Ezriel,' the inner darkness commented.'But whose to say that you must be subject to this any longer.'

"What do you want?" The stallion retorted acidly, his eyes glancing around while no words emitted from his lips even still- his thoughts and conflict between his mind and demon.

'Trust in me. Trust in me like you once did when you were a foal- believe in me. Loosen my chains and set me free- let me direct you. Let the darkness consume you; no pain, no regret. I will make you feel free- I will help you regain that which you have lost if you will let me abide within you.' The demon kept a cool, calm voice as it chuckled darkly- in such a manner which would cause the hair on ones body to stand on end.

'I will help you find your evil angel.'

Just as if a sudden spear had been thrusted through his own heart, Ezriel gasped slightly as he winced with pain caused by an unseen invalid. As a colt he blindly followed the demons directions- walking a fine line between black and white, right and wrong, in a desperate attempt to survive and avoid his own father. But now the times and tables had ceratinely changed. Unlike the uncertain, conflicted colt that he once was, Ezriel was become enticed and drawn to the darkness. being one who was tired of pain, tired of hurting and losing so much, the stallion wanted a change. He wanted to become numb to it and reclaim what he had lost. Once scared and one who kept the darkness at bay, Ezriel couldn't see any reason to not trust his own inner voice. Perhaps in a way it seemed ridiculous and stupid for one to be coaxed by such darkness but his heart could only take so much more and it was worth it in ever aspect to not be able to be subject and tormented to the pain any longer. The pale, white stallions ears flicked against his skull as he shook his head, eyes squeezed tight as those familiar lyrics to a familiar song which the two had sung seemed to flood his mind and escape from his lips.

"Hold it together birds of a feather nothing but lies and crooked wings. I have the answer spreading the cancer, you are the faith inside me. No, don't leave me to die here help me survive here. Alone, don't remember... remember...

Put me to sleep evil angel,
open your wings evil angel.

Oh, fly over me evil angel.
Why can't i breathe evil angel?

The demon mused with delight, a smooth chuckle rising. 'Yes. How could you ever forget that song? You never stopped loving her- you never stopped caring for Nimue, did you? But does she know? Certainly she only remembers hatred, rage and violence from your last meeting, yes? Can you live without her, Ezriel? Will anyone be able to take her place? Ask yourself. I know as well as you know that you would do anything for her. I am here to help you- let your emotions fuel me, let me entwine and let us become one once more. Let me help you live again.'

Live again.

He would be able to live again? Live like he once did?

The stallion shook his head, tears welting up behind his eyes yet didn't dare be shed. Already his body began to tremble along with his front forelegs, body so desperately trying to stay ridged and stiff yet what was the use in fighting it anymore? "Yes-" he whispered to himself. "No one can take her place- even though I lost to my damn father doesn't mean that I cannot fight for her. I will win, damnit! Through ******** hell or high waters I will redeem myself, I will prove myself to her and win her back or let me die trying."

'Let the reunion of soul and darkness become one,' the demon coaxed, a smile envisioned within the stallions mind. 'It begins.'

Much like a poison, the stallion could feel the darkness seep into his veins, saturating and rooting itself into his mind and into his head. Strangely enough it was an invigorating and powerful feeling; a feeling which riled up emotions and cleared out his mind from the thoughts of a martyr and from the woe and misery of the world around him as they were become refined, clear and organized. This darkness, this new rejuvination, began to open his eyes to a part of him that had been held captive for so long and, now, he would reacquaint himself with a part of him that had been banished for far too long. Dull obsidian orbs rekindled their sheen as he could feel the inner demon wrap itself around his mind and branch out to all aspects of his body and his once severed and fractured heart seemed to break from out of its enclosed captivity of misery and pain with the rhythem of a new beat. Absent mindedly a dark chuckle rose from out of his throat while a breeze whisped and swayed his thick, long locks of purest crimson about within the air.

With the new poison administered all throughout his body and these new sensations, a rejuvination of life from out of the depths of despair and rooted in darkness, Ezriel intook a deep breath through his nostrils and exhaled a slow, long breath from out of his mouth.

"I will find you Nimue-" he spoke low as his head turned towards a lone pathway that lead from out of the shadows and towards the familiar cliffs. For a moment he stood there, his posture straightened and more loose as his void-less orbs narrowed off into the distance.

"I will find you."

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