Castles In the Sky

"Do you ever question your life?
Do you ever wonder why?
Can you see them in your dreams?
All the castles in the sky."
- Ian Van Dahl

User Image

1. Table of Contents

1. You are here.
2. Limitations (Rules)
3. Understanding (Plots and Settings)
4. Souls (Characters)
5. Journey (The RP Itself)

2. Limitations (Rules)

1. Thou shall not perform godly deeds when one is not of godly nature. If you godmod, you die.
2. Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's character. Controlling someone else's character shall land you in the slaughter house.
3. Thou shall lend thy reverence to all who roleplays. Respect everyone in the RP. I command it!
4. Thou shall not be idle for long. Please be active. I don't want to have this RP die twice now.
5. Thou shall toss aside thy slothful ways and write. Literacy is a must. At least two paragraphs, mm'kay? I understand writer's block so don't be afraid to tell us. Just don't use it as an excuse not to post.
6. Thou shall pray to me thy life. Send me your character's profile and I shall add it. If you have any questions, you may add them in the PM. Wait until you see your profile added into the "Persona" section to post.
7. Thou shall be allowed to love in any way. Yaoi and yuri is allowed. But remember to keep everything PG-13.
8. Thou shall watch for updates. I will update some sections during the course of the RP. We all like twists and turns right?
9. If thou questioneth anything, pray to the creator. Send me PMs regarding any questions please. Just in case you're a little confused.
10. Thou shall have fun! :3

3. Understanding (Plots and Settings)

The Legend

Death; it is a common term that is known by every living individual who exists. People from different cultures, places, and even worlds and time periods end up here. Nothing can escape it and nothing can undue it. wonders where the soul goes. Where could it go? One someone dies, their body ceases to function and is no longer the place for a soul to inhabit. There is a place where every single being ends up; a special place that has been lost in time. It has been said many, many tears ago that the soul seeks refuge in a castle. It cannot be seen, touched, or entered by a living individual. They are placed in various positions around the world with a total of seven. The soul must begin at the starting point and set out on a pilgrimage to visit each castle as they make their way towards heaven. Souls may gather with one another and aid each other past the tests that await in every castle. Once they have accomplished that, the stairway to heaven shall appear and the gates will open. Along with the group of souls, there will be guides to aid you as they too, strive for freedom from this realm.

The Dangers

As a soul, you are coveted by many; demons, ghosts, shamans, cults and many other groups that wish to use you for either good or evil. Souls are never meant to be taken from the spirit realm and used in the living world. Because the castles are a good distance from each other, these obstacles will meet with you many times throughout your journey. There is also the thought of death as a spirit. You do not die. will merely sleep, but as long as you are with other souls, you will live. Another thing would be that any previous skills, ailments, or abilities you had before are now gone. You are only left with a single power; your death. Also, because this journey takes place on the borderline of life and death, you may see things that will try to sway you away from your journey. Do not heed them...right?

The Strengths of Death

You can bring your weapons, but they won't do you any good. Since you are dead yourself, you will definitely need a way to protect yourself and your allies. The way you died when you were alive is a vital area. Your death shall be your greatest strength. For example, you were burned in a house fire that killed you. In the spirit realm, you are able to withstand abnormally high temperatures and maybe even more. But, you may also fear this ability because it was what killed you. It's your decision. If you have any questions about this, refer to the OOC Thread I will be making later. You'll see when I post the character profiles.

The Starting Point

Everyone begins in the same castle. It doesn't have a test because you have already passed it; your death. This is where you recuperate from the aftereffects of dying and begin to understand things. The time, including date and year, do not matter here. But before you enter the castle, you find yourself in a large patch of what you think are clouds...

4. Souls (Characters)

Character Profile

Gaia Name: ( Self-explanatory. )
Name: ( "" )
Age: ( "" )
Sex: ( "" )
Race: ( Only if you come from other worlds. Otherwise, you’re automatically human. )
Occupation: ( You may include jobs before death, classes, and such. If you are going to be a Guide, please put that here.)
Death: ( Nothing weird. Just ways of death that people normally die of. Also put time and date of death. )
Biography: ( Include family ties, reason you died, and so forth in here. You can't just die anonymously. Someone will know or will find out. )
Appearance: ( You may use a written description or an image. )
Personality: (Include how your character is and etc. )
Likes: ( Current likes. )
Dislikes: ( Current dislikes. )
Strengths: ( I will add the aforementioned "power" or "skill" you receive from your death here for you along with other strengths you had in life. )
Weaknesses: ( Weaknesses you had before you died. )

Persona (Souls)

Gaia Name: [Shiro Chigo]
Name: Phyllis Al'Gane Invidia
Age: 15 ( Actual Age: 7,242 )
Sex: Male
Race: Leviathan
Occupation: Shadow Priest
Death: Illness. Died December 15
Biography: A once powerful and feared priest of darkness, Phyllis lost all respect and reverence when he became ill. The living flesh of the very embodiment of envy or jealousy, he was a force to behold...if he would ever grow into an adult. The people who had hated him so and the rest of the world who'd rather he be dead were overjoyed. Not truly an evil being himself, it was the influence of guardians and other lords who caused him to turn towards the side of evil. But, with an illness that slowly drained his years of life remaining, he was at a loss for words. The powerful priest had received this sickness from an unknown being and was suffering from it. He had died about twenty-nine days after he became afflicted with it. He has no family considering his lineage of being part human and part dragon or leviathan to be specific. After his death, new dark priests had taken control of his church and cult. He was never buried and was eventually placed in an ocean trench, hoping followers would never try to bring him back from the dead.
Appearance:User Image
Personality: As it was said before, Phyllis was never innately evil. He is very curious and is not afraid to pass people's boundaries. When provoked, he will use his authority to crush others. He likes to stay quiet and observe his surroundings and usually can't interact very well with others. If he sees someone that has an admirable quality, he occasionally spies on them.
Likes: Magic, mystical objects, boys, supernatural things, religion-related things, and anything related to horror.
Dislikes: Talking, being in large crowds, bright lights, sweet food, ignorant people.
Strengths: Flexible, not stubborn, good listener, almost completely fearless, quick on his feet (literally).
Weaknesses: Easily swayed, timid, easily hurt by words, usually doesn't say what's on his mind, terrible endurance.

Gaia Name: Becca-Ish
Name: "Levi Krad"
Age: "You shouldn't ask a lady that question."
Sex: "I believe I have an X chromasone, so Female."
Race: "Possive demon."
Occupation: "I do not recall my life, I just posess souls. I do think I was a witch."
Death: "I do recall however, somewhat of being beheaded."
Biography: "I try to avoid all my past memories of being alive. They are from a useless, ignorant human girl who broke rules for personal gain. I was a witch during the Middle Ages, who was praised for potions and cures of variouses illnesses. On day, I was insulted by the Queen for tainting the potions I had created so in revenge, I had posined the Princess's wine with what I call Bubon. This later created the bubonic plauge. My heart grew cold and I'd viciously mudered anyone who defied my existence. My downfall was when my apprentace, Riona Witherleaf, turned me in. I knew she had more power then me, but I was ignorant, I thought taking care of her, even frightning her would make her afraid of me. However, she defide me and turned me to the sheriff, before they took me away I asked that girl, "Why have thy forrsaken me? Why hasn't thy slain me instead of these fools?" She then turned her head, her bright, gold, teary eyes beemed and formed a smile to this day haunts my memories. "Justice," The girl mermered and turned away sniffing. In rage, I now haunt the youngest leaves in Riona's familly tree, however I fear they are gaining tollerance to me. I must try harder."
Appearance: User Image
Personality: "Other demons say I am too cold hearted, others say I need to 'Chill.' I do not understand this language of the twenty-first centry."
Likes: "Rebeling, snowflakes, control, dominating, being feared by, power, ice, ect."
Dislikes: "The Witherleaf family, over-heating, the sun, that damn girl from starbucks who got my ordered wrong."
Strengths: "I gave up on potions long after death but I do have great knowlege of them. I did find out my control of ice and snow."
Weaknesses: "Ha! Foolish mortels, I have no weaknesses! Now, how do I use the send button? I don't understand this technology..."

Gaia Name: Ajina Enbi
Name: Reiyiu
Age: 14
Sex: Female
Race: Human
Occupation: Studying to be a fantasy artist before death.
Death: Pushed of a bridge from 60 feet above.
Biography: Her parents (drunks & potheads) hated her, saying that an artist made no money, but she was appreciated by her few school friends. The parents, who were very pissed off, always beat her, but Reiyiu's dream to be an artist kept her moving. Suddenly, her father died (lung disease). Her mother couldn't take it, and sent her an anonymous letter, saying to meet at a bridge a few miles from her house. Reiyiu went, not knowing that her mother intended to kill her there. Her mother beat her with rocks, and shoved her off the bridge. Her body was never discovered, because it was washed away.
Appearance: Reiyiu
Personality: When she's drawing, she's extremely quiet, unless the subject moves. Then she curses, and says to stay still. When she's not drawing, she's still quiet, but cheery.
Likes: Butterflies, flowers, kimonos, drawing, being with other people, chocolate, strawberries, and whipped cream. ( <-- Goes with the strawberries! )
Dislikes: Sour things, the fact that she died, the fact that her body was never found, and summer.
Strengths: Speed, agility, flexibility, and she learned kendo & tai kwon doe.
Weaknesses: Hemophobia, and scared of her parents.

Persona (Guides)