She laid on her bed in her private quarters, staring at a picture that was taken during her wedding. She was probably the only person at Atlantis who's husband was Jaffa, She had a lot of convincing to have a traditional wedding for herself and Re'doah. She had to pull strings with the International Oversight Advisory, or the IOA, just to get Re'doah off the base. She then had to cover his tattoo with make-up, even with the make-up you could still see the serpent in the picture. She smiled at that picture because in their happiness the two were showing the union that could be forged between the Tau'ri and the Jaffa.

Just as she was starting to relive her memories of a more joyous time, she was forced back to duty. "Ginger Raxel, report to the control room, Lt. Ginger Raxel please report to the control room." She heard over the city-wide com.

With a deep breathe, Ginger got up and put on her uniform as she headed for the door. She took one last glance as she walked out the door to start another day of routine nonsense.

Walking up the stairs to the control room, the gate loomed behind her. Ginger noticed that Colonel Carter was in the conference room talking to somebody. "Who's with the Colonel?" She asked looking at the closed doors.

One of the people on shift simply shrugged. "We're not sure, he came on the Apollo, and is making a request to stay. What's really strange is he never was seen only that he made a request to talk to you as well."

"Strange, I thought I was going off world, or something." Ginger replied as she leaned against the DHD, or Dial Home Device as it's called when off world., watching and waiting for those doors to open.

(It's just started so I'm still working on this part forward. Just wanted some opinions.)