I think that the Assassin's Guise is a great investment, but they paired it with the wrong group. Maybe frostbite and assassin togethor? IDK, but masterpiece is like... its own seperate thing. I find that generally (speaking with ppl i know) they prefer the masterpiece. i hope that more and better Gun Items are released ^_^ my 2 cents for the day

they pair each item typically with something different . . . so there's a choice to be made . . . really two weapons in the same letter . . . not really much of a choice . . . i believe they do that so the people can choose which they prefer . . .

and sadly it looks like the guise will not be the best investment and it will be the masterpiece . . . partly for the skin partly for the scarf . . . i know i've been wanting a scarf that's blue so i was happy . . . plus i love night time and well starry nights perfect plus i've already got the moon . . . that may be why the masterpeice is doing so well the moon plus starry night . . . and other that want a ghost white avi . . . although for darker avi's i do LOVE the guise's protection form the shirt not the hood . . . it goes perfectly with the torque pants . . .