1# In a biology experiment, Carey finds that a sample of an organism doubles in population every 12 hours. If she starts with 1000 organisms, in how many hours will she have 1 million or more?

2# Mr. Christian uses a 90%, 80%, 70%, 60% grading scale on his tests. That is a score of 90% to 100% is an A, and score from 80% to less than 90% is a B, and so on. Input a list of test scores and print out the number of A's, B's, C's, D's and F's on the test. Terminate the list of scores with the flag value -1.

3# In 1626, the Dutch settlers purchased Manhattan Island from the Indians. According to legend, the purchase price was $24. Suppose that the Indians had invested this amount at 3% annual interest, compounded annually. If money had earned interest from the start of 1626 to the end of last year, how much money would the Indians have in the bank today? Input for this program is the current year.

need help with these three programs using while loops ;-;