I'm sorry for your loss. sad
I had two dogs die, probably three years ago now. They had been with my family for over fifteen years, which was longer than I'd been alive, two big old mutts, sisters from the same litter, they'd been there literally my whole life. Shadow went first, Shadow, the straigtforward one, the one we nicknamed "Torpedo," who went chasing after coyotes in her youth, finally fell to the ravages of time. We had to watch her die slowly over more than two months, then my parents decided to end it.My dad left her lying on the deck to come get my siblings and I from school to say our goodbyes, ans when we came back, he found that she had used her one good paw, the one not mangled yet by arthritis, to drag herself all the way across our large yard to lay under a willow tree. She was put to sleep in her own back yard. crying
Her sister, Whiskey, the previously fast and agile one who looked like a cross between a wolf and a fox and had once literally killed a rat in the nursery was virtually deaf at the end, and was then blinded by the stroke that ended her life just a few minutes later. crying
I'm sorry for your loss. crying