Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 9:24 am
I can still remember those moments right before I was released from my basket. The light was peeking in between the weaves, bright white light piercing through into my dark space. I can recall thinking, "Is all the world so starkly bright? Is everything going to be so overwhelming as these beams of light are?"
Every day beautiful songs would fill my basket, and my heart filled with joy to hear them. I wondered which twolegger was making my time in the basket so beautiful. My answer was soon to be had, for before I realized I had gained enough trust in my twolegger enough to gain my freedom, the basket was gone, and I had it, whether I wanted it or not.
Freedom is not all its rumoured to be. As I looked around me I felt such an overpowering sense of being...well, small. The teepee around me was enormous, I felt like the top was so far away that I would never be able to reach it, not even if I jumped as high as I could. Even now, as I think back to that first shaky moment of terror, I remember how huge it seemed. I have had some time of course to get accustomed to everything around me, and although its less imposing now to live in this teepee, I am still awed by the sheer size of it.
The first moments after I realized I was free, I felt frozen, glued into my curled up position. But soon I felt filled with a surge of energy. It was like the world was calling to me! First of all, the teepee was filled with really amazing things that I could swear I remember hearing while I was in my basket. On the floor was a wooden cylinder, with some holes in it. Somehow I got an idea in my mind that it might make music, because beside it was a drum. I still am not really sure what that thing is, but I have heard other foals mention the word "flute" so it could be that I suppose.
As I continued to explore the teepee, I noticed that all over the floor were a multitude of colourful beads. Hundreds of them, which of course I do not have a way of counting. All colours of the rainbow are represented, and from the white ones I saw, I was able to guess they are probably made from bones. On the floor directly across from my basket was a pile of blankets, and in there, was a small two-legger. I knew at once it must be the person who had been singing to me while I was in the basket and felt a warmth in my heart towards her. I trusted her instinctively, after all, only one worthy of the trust and love I had in my heart would guard and serenade my basket in such a perfect way. I wanted a closer inspection, naturally, and approached her as quietly as I could.
She was asleep, and her face in rest seemed so peaceful. Her breathing was soft, steady, and her eyes moved quickly under pale lids. Her dark hair framed her face in a way which I know that no matter what happens, I will never forget. This was my first look at my twolegger, although I didnt know it at the time, she would become very important to me, and play a large role in my development and life. But for now, all I knew was that she looked so peaceful and beautiful laying there, covered in leather skins. I couldnt resist bending my nose down and blowing air softly into her face to see what would happen. The response was immediate. And startling.
She leapt up, looking around her and grabbing what I would later learn were weapons immediately. Confused by the flurry of activity, I backed away hoping she would not aim those things in her hands at me. But then a change came over her, she realized that it was I who had startled her awake, that her efforts and love had been rewarded by my trust. She set down the items she held slowly, and approached me with her hands out, palms up, clearly empty. I felt worried, this twolegged being was something I was unprepared for when I left my basket. Of course I trusted her fully, but I didnt understand why she had chosen my basket to care for. I knew that there must be a reason. And so, for that reason, because of the trust and love I had developed for her in my basket, I stood still and waited for her to approach me.
"My name is Namida, be not afraid little one, I shall not harm you, I am here to protect you until you can protect yourself"
Sounds came from her mouth but I could not understand them. I flared my nostrils, but then thought for a moment. Her voice itself was smooth and sounded calming. It was almost soothing, she was definately the one who had encouraged me to leave my basket. I stood still and let her approach me. This was the best decision I could have made. She understood my trust in her immediately. She came closer and held her hand up to my nose. I could smell something delicious, some type of food, I dont really know what it was, but I took it from her, trusting it would not harm me.
The taste which filled my mouth is one I shall never forget. It was a mere cube of sugar, I dont know where it came from, and I dont care. It filled my mouth with such sweetness that I lifted my face in surprise. It was this moment which secured the hold the two legger would have on me for the rest of my life. She was the bringer of sugar. How could I possibly dislike her.
"You are so beautiful, just a perfect mix of your mother and father, I have seen them only from a distance you know, and they are very curious how you are doing. I am sure they must be staring over here from time to time to see if you have come out of your basket...but I havent seen them of course..."
Her voice was so soothing that it didnt matter to me that I understood none of it. What mattered was that suddenly she was touching me gently, on the neck, patting me. It felt so calming, so plesant. I lowered my face to get a better look at her. Her dark eyes met mine in a confident way. She rubbed my face softly and cooed in a sweet way. I wished I could tell her about the basket, how the light came through in a manner almost as beautiful as her face. Instead I pushed my nose against her chest and closed my eyes.
I was growing tired quickly. I had only just left my basket and there was so much I wanted to see, but the excitement of meeting this two legger was a bit too much for me. I curled my legs up beneath me and lay down. For some reason the twolegger lay down with me. She held me and sang soft songs to me, and before I knew it, I was asleep again.
I will never forget that first glimpse of life. Or the lovely Namida who guided me through those first unsteady seconds. We were bonded for life now, but it would take me many years to realize just how close a bond it really was.