Update: I've redone this so new members don't have so much to go through. Expect changes throughout the site.

Here's the deal. You post twice. First post: state what color you want (just for the heck of it) and roll one 20-sided dice. Second post: state what color you got and its name; or if you don't like the color you got, state what color it was and that it flew away or something like that.

You may only role for one flitt per character.

1-8 green
9-13 blue
14-16 brown
17-18 bronze
19 queen
20 your choice (if a gold has hatched from the same clutch as your egg came from, no golds)

Note: If you decide you don't want the color you got and got rid of it, you will not get another to replace it. If this happens, you may apply to have your name added to a list of people who may or may not receive eggs from either a gold's or green's clutch. The owner of the female flit will decide who gets an egg. After the female's owner presents you with an egg, wait one week in real life time before coming back here to see what color you get. This is all up to chance. Whether you keep the flit is up to you.