Most, I didn't know.
Most, I never saw.
Most, were not that old.

But they lived well, and they fought hard.
Those that I knew, I mourned.

Baby, the German Shepard.
Romeo, the little black dog whose back was pain.
That Golden Retriever, big and beautiful.
The cats, numerous and all adorable.
Lollipop, the Sharr'pe
The runts who couldn't make it.
The puppy who couldn't make it out of the birth canal.
And the many, many more I can't put a description or name to.

I work in a veterniary clinic, and I have seen many animals put down.
I've seen many inconsolable pet parents.
It always hurts to leave those black bags for pick up.
But I do it, because for many, it's the only arrangement that the parent can afford.