[Caution, this is NOT The beginning of my current story. Just a random part. However, I may make it an open roleplay in Barton town if anyone's interested.]

I stood atop the guard tower of the drawbridge, watching as a very large boat was approaching.
"So this is it huh?" I wiped a few tears from my eyes, "This is what it turns out to. Dumped by the most wonderful guy in the world and I'm left here to kill myself? How cliche." The boat seemed to slow as it entered to 'no wake zone'.

"Selina!" His voice rang out loudly to my ears. I angled my head slightly towards his voice.

"How many times do I have to tell you, Aiden?" I asked quietly, "Never call me by that name."

He seemed to shout something, but it was drowned out by the loud horn, signaling that the bridge was going up. I smiled and fell, plunging into the cold water, as the soft purr of the boat approached me.

A bright light seemed to engulf me. The pain of the cuts was dulled as I was revived. My blood was spilled, but it made no difference now. My task was to begin soon. As I rose from the water I looked at my arm. The propeller left permanent scars on my human body, but as I morphed myself into my true form, my skin healed and the scars were undetectable. I stepped onto the shell-encrusted bank, shivering and soaked. Footsteps approached me, then stepped back.

"S-Selina?" His messy chestnut hair framed his pale face as he looked me up and down. "You....You."

I shook my head and walked past him. "If you wish to know more, then follow me." I said as I walked under the bridge, hearing the cars roaring above me. They would never be the wiser, but Aiden...he was much different than them.