You asked for my opinion, when it's not what you want to hear dont complain to me. your avitar sucks. Your eye's and mouth is really creepy, Like an inflatable adult toy *wink wink* The dog and tiger are overused, and overall your avitar is uninteresting.

Don't listen to him you look cool! mrgreen

Why? it's just my opinion, But after makeing thousands of different avatar's (litteraly) I have an idea of good avatar and bad avatar's. And trust me, i've made alot of failed avatar's, and your's I would consider failed x3

this coming from a person with a tail, beaver teeth, and red ears.

It was :3 But this is comeing from a girl that looks like any other gaian. Atleast I stand out from the crowd :3

at least i am stylish! at least i look normal. and why would u want to stand out from the crowd. i wouldn't want all this attention drawn to me cuz i look different. to be honest i dont want to be unique, i would rather look normal.

well then I am terribly sorry for you. But I cant live normaly. So instead of being stylish i'll be fun x3