Name:The Night Haven
Address: 8 Barton 065186
Description: You enter the club, nodding to the red-headed female dressed in a.. rather interesting cape and a short skirt, all red and black. Instantly, you notice the fierce green glow in her eyes, and you know that something is different about this club. "All creatures of the night are welcome here." she says with a knowing smile, delicate fangs peeking out from the corners of her mouth.

A quick glance around the club shows that it's rather cozy. Your eyes are brought to the floor and you find yourself staring for a few long moments at the stars gazing back at you. One look at the crispness of it would say it was tile, but it is in reality carpet--made for those who walk barefoot, the feeling like walking on feathers or black clouds. The constellations are occasionally broken by square suns, the paper lanterns made to give the illusion of hovering over the floor. The lounge area, separated by a wall of lanterns, contains a loveseat for couples to rest their weary feet; and two speakers blast out Gothic Rock, the vocals thick with Scandinavian accents.

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The Night Haven is always open.. so feel free to drop in anytime, even if no one's there!