President Kristian Fry
Sounds like stress of the new job could also be contributing to it as well?

I would recommend grabbing some Advil (anti-inflamatory and pain reducing), step into a nice hot shower, allow the water to spray on your neck, shoulders and back.

As the water is hitting you, slowly rotate your head to the left and right, slowly roll your head forward and in a clock-wise to counter clock-wise motion, slowly turn/tilt your head around. This will help open up areas that are tighter than others to feel the heat of the water.

If you find that after a couple of days doing this, if it still is in full force, I would consider talking with your physician and get it checked...

it sounds stress - related
Do got to admit I am stressed out with trying to find a job so maybe you are right it is just stress.

I was going to recommend a hot shower too! This will work. If it is stress that is causing it all, you have to keep yourself relaxed for awhile. The stress could very well make it come back again after you've gotten it to go.