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o1. I will only accept four people, for now.
o2. Godmodding is not allowed.
o3. No freaking out on people.
o4. PM me your profiles.
o5. Literacy required. At least a paragraph which is 3-6 sentences, I know there's writers block but try for me. (once or twice shall be forgiven)
o6. No *Sam does..*, -Sam does..-, ~Sam does..~ (its annoying) or 'he looked at her'. Who is 'he', who is 'her' be specific please(:
o7. No cybering; k? you will be kicked.
o8. Questions can be messaged to me. Just title them questions.
o9. I reserve the right to kick you for misbehaving.
10. Sexist, racial, and evil things are not allowed, unless they go with the story and still dont take it too far. (goes with 3)
11. Fighting in OOC will be prosecuted fairly as possible.
12. *OOC must have some sort of bracket; (blah.), [blah.], {blah.}
13. Thought is italics.
14. Color is fine if it isn't bright.
16. OH. and be literate!or atleast semi literate!(:
15. i can add rules at any time.
16. put three ( cheese_whine cheese_whine cheese_whine ) at the bottom of your PM please and title it with the name of your choice of character please!

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there is no set code but here's whats required in the pm you send:
o1. Gaian Name
o2. Person Name (pick a middle (if you want) and last name)
o3. Picture of your character. (no anime please!)
o4. Age of Character
o5. Likes/Dislikes [5-8]
o6. History/Background info that i haven't included. (minimum-7sentances)
o7. the bio I wrote...
o8. Personalty. (minimum-4sentances)
o9. Theme song.
10. and best friend/boyfriend/crush that i put above! thanks.
(these don't have to be in this order specifically!)**