Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 4:07 pm
exclaim Taigi won pet spotlight for April 2010!!
Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 7:30 pm
exclaim Won Ocythoe today, some other updates I haven't posted.. x-x
Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 9:19 pm
A RP between Charlotte and Cuivre over AIM Eyelids look very interesting from the inside. Every vein was bright red against a pink fleshy glow. And then the curtains were lifted and Charlotte saw nothing but light. Pure light. The sun was much too bright. The mare frowned. She despised being out and about in "endless", grassy fields when her dark coat contrasted so bluntly. Camouflage meant safety. Not that Charlie couldn't defend herself; oh, no, she was quite skilled in several fighting techniques. It was just a bother. She was out on a mission... This mission? Scavenging... "Ummm...." Her trot slowed to a walk as she pondered the true purpose of her outing. The mare lived beneath the roots of a great tree, secluded in the forest. Alone. She sighed, because a certain forbidden thought crossed her mind, yet suddenly rolled her eyes with no one (or so she thought) to see her, and shook her head, some wistful grin crossing her maw. 'Life treads on...' Truth was, she was simply feeling lonely. Not that she'd ever admit it..
Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 8:28 pm
exclaim Back from my three-year hiatus! Time to party!