Well, one thing I really noticed about the RPs were that many of them had died quick. I think that instead of just making an intro into my character, I think that people who are interested into this RP should plan with me instead. Then, if I get enough people, we can post the full topic. smile

Well the Normal RP Rules Apply with only one of specific rule. That rule is to please try to make your posts more than just a sentence.


I think that our setting should be located in Barton in a large guild house

I need a little help on this. Sorry! I think that with more people to plan the plot will come together smoothly smile

MY CHARACTER: Mr Shadu.[[Shadu for short]]
So Mr. Shadu who is just like me is a rather playful young teen. He is known to have some feminine like traits but he is still a straight male. He can be nice and funny at times, but when angered he seems to not feel like talking to anyone <---{lol emo} As for apperences, he looks exactly how my avatar is. The strengths that he has is working with friends. <---(Yeah sounds lame sorry). However his weaknesses are taking the lead, and knowing how to relax when he's too angry, and water Mr. Shadu really hates water.

Thanks for reading my ideas, what ideas will the next poster come up with? smile