I didn't see anywhere else to post this, so I posted it here. It is advertising to some extent, and I feel like random chat is too random. This is a serious topic and I do feel strongly about it.

What is this Awesome Movement you're talking about here?
The Awesome Movement is a movement to try to replace to word 'gay' that holds many negative connoctations with the word 'awesome' to shed some positive light on homosexuality. The goal is to make homosexuality be viewed in a more positive atmosphere.
The Awesome Movement first started in a small high school in Arizona, where a group of friends referred to their gay friend as 'awesome' as to not create conflict for him with the ruling homophobic population. Soon after, they started spreading the word to be able to make the term stick.

I think this is just an amazing idea. I know that not everybody will be up for it, but for those supporters of GLBT rights, why not? If the friendly term for happiness, gay, has evolved to mean 'homosexual' and as far as 'lame' today, then why can't we sue awesome as well? Plus, wouldn't it be great to say, "I'm part of the Awesoem movement," all you awesome people and suppoters?
If you think this is a good idea, please do pass this around.