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My BlAcK sTaR sHiNe

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 4:27 pm
Here's some poems of mine. I know i certainly cant fit all of them in here, but they are all fiction ((if they arent, i'll put them in a specific color)) but they are all color coded and I also will make a post for requests if you like ym writing and want me to write something for you. enjoy! and please comment!

Emotional/ Raging
Silly/ Random
Non- Fiction/ About me

Can you tell him you love him,
When you shake with fear?
Can you tell him you love him,
When he’s never near?

Can you tell him you care,
When he likes another girl?
Can you tell him you care,
When your thoughts are a blur?

Can you tell him your feelings,
When they are cold as ice?
Can you tell him your feelings,
When they change with a role of the dice?

Can you tell him you hurt,
When your heart pounds with horror?
Can you tell him you hurt,
When your mind’s working slower?

When you can’t tell him you love him,
Can you bare to show your face?
When you can’t tell him you love him,
Can you feel like you’re not a disgrace?

When you can’t tell him you care,
Can you ever forgive yourself?
When you can’t tell him you care,
Can you ever forget that you felt?

When you can’t tell him your feelings,
Can you look at him the same?
When you can’t tell him your feelings,
Can you live without shame?

When you can’t tell him you hurt,
Can you ever heal?
When you can’t tell him you hurt,
Can you, will you, ever feel?

Concentration shattered by pounding thoughts,
Terrified laughing in a shaky voice,
Climbing a falling fortress wall,
Circling into an endless suffering,
Dancing indecisively in vast meadows,
Suffocating on thoughts of you,
Breathlessly bleeding out my soul,
Tickled by unnoticed attention,
Stomping on my screaming heart,
Linking with preferred lost memories,
Parading on a non-escapable cat walk,
Suffocating on thoughts of you,
Scaling consuming black holes,
Drinking in the horrified shining,
Standing in the middle of finishes and beginnings,
Drowning on electrifying tears,
Slipping across marbled memories,
Suffocating on thoughts of you,
Swimming in an ocean of emotion,
High strung-ness begging to eject,
An outstretched hang reaching to be held,
Thrown from a tower of calmness,
Bashing against sharp, stone less words,
Suffocating on thoughts of you,
Unwanted feelings undergoing cremation.
Dizzily freezing in excruciating fire,
Gulping down frightened screeches.
Sinking through snatching remarks,
But all im' doing now...
Suffocating on thoughts of you...

I Am

I am the last flower to bloom,
Suffocating on others experiences.

I am the afternoon of a day,
In between the annoying and rebellious hours.

I am a needle in a haystack,
Lost from the sower forever.

I am the early morning bird singing,
Whose sweet tune is never forgotten.

I am a fork at a dinner plate,
There, but not noticed till I’m gone.

I am an encyclopedia in a library,
Found only when in need.

I am a tear stained shoulder,
Never remembering myself.

I am the waves in a swimming pool,
Constantly effected by others.

I am the sweater on your back,
Keeping you warm and happy.

I am sprinkles on a cupcake,
Colorful, bright, and fun.

I am a lost soul in the dark,
Searching for a light source.

I am a raging storm of fear,
Bright flashes and loud banging’s.

I am needle and thread,
Stitching up broken hearts.

I am unafraid but scared,
And wont give up the fight.

white thin layers
metal spirals
black blue and red

bruised purness
peirced with words
painful pictures

the note book falls
contents spilling over
ink marking


stained on my shirt
because it fell
let the secrets out

tears cant wash
the cursed thoughts
solitude feelings


forever in darkness
with the shadows
of my writing

because they grew
and engulfed
my life

lets go on an epic adventure,
with dragons and conquering distant lands,
lets go on an epic adventure,
where we can see all our fans!

come join me, the captain,
we'll party thorugh life,
come join me, the captian,
there wont be any strife!

lets go on an epic adventure,
in our own minds,
lets go on an epic adventure,
it'll be one of a kind!

come join me, and my possy,
we even have jackets to share,
come join me, and my possy,
it will be wuite a scare!

lets go on an epic adventure,
i dont want to do this alone,
lets go on an epic adventure,
the dice have been thrown!

come join me, and the forgotten,
in an adventure of a lifetime,
come join me, and the forgotten,
dont be left behind!

our world is being corupted,
it's no longer man verses wild
it's jsut man verses man
we're all fighting
freedom, peace, money, agencey.
we're all fighting
races, homosexuality, government.
we're all fighting
next to
brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers.
we're all fighting
jealousy, segregration, politics.
we're all fighting
different sides, distant lands, open spaces.
we're all fighting
to have
shelter, food, love, safety.
thats all the world seems to be doing
we're all fighting
everyone's an enemy
in one form or action
no one's an alli
we need to choose
where we stand
because we can't
we're all fighting

Crystallized tears rest on my cheeks,
The very last memory of you,
Scared to move on…
Scared not to…
If only you could make the pain die,
If only your face didn't make it worse.
Words make it unbearable
Cries cannot describe it.
Its death, dying power
My remorse is unseen
Too shadowed in the dark world we thrive in
Wipe away me crystallized tears.

with new media and such
our children aren't learning
about good, clean morals
they watch shows with
violence, guns, drugs, and sex
filling their mainds with
images and thoughts
that get them sent to jail or killed
what ever happened to us
that makes us want
to decieve out children
our childrens children?
where did the classic, appropriate, video games go
like Mario and Luigi or Pac Man
what happened to saturday morning cartoons
original Garfields, Loonytoons
why dont we have G and Pg rated movies
Disney, Warner Brothers
are we really that mean to our kids
to drive them to get high, drunk,
to make them dress like sluts and goths?
what have we done to our children?

leashed dinosaur,
black inked pen,
tortilla chip in ice cream,
empty bottle of apple juice,
vampire in gym class,
Sobe bottle cap on my wall,
note book passed back and forth,
laughing microphone,
doodled pictures,
gossip queen,
late night phone calls,
think heavy book,
pinwheels and humming,
dragons and demons,
Canadian flag.
And so many, many more,
These are my friends,
Always and forever.
PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 4:31 pm
Emotional/ Raging
Silly/ Random
Non- Fiction/ About me

leashed dinosaur,
black inked pen,
tortilla chip in ice cream,
empty bottle of apple juice,
vampire in gym class,
Sobe bottle cap on my wall,
note book passed back and forth,
laughing microphone,
doodled pictures,
gossip queen,
late night phone calls,
think heavy book,
pinwheels and humming,
dragons and demons,
Canadian flag.
And so many, many more,
These are my friends,
Always and forever.

With fingertips,
Torn and red with blood,
You tare at the hole
Scorching through your soul.
Crying for the shadows,
To engulf you.
They are unmerciful
to you sobs.
But you keep crying
And tearing.
As rivers of tears
Drown out all senses.
If only it would rain,
And hide your tears.
Your heart aches
And you reach out
To the darkness.
Begging and pleading
For your time to end.
I take your hand,
And lead you
down a path
of despair and grief.
You now realize,
That’s not what
You wanted all along.
‘Take me back
to the light.’
You scream at
My black face.
But I am
the giving shade,
and this is what you wished.
Now your life
Is but over,
As you screech once more.
‘I’m sorry,
I promise, never again!’.
My sister,
Snatches you from
My clutches.
Giving you new life.
But off you go,
ripping and shredding
that soul you
asked to renew.
Your fingers are
Bleeding again.
But this time
With more regret.
You call for
Us shadows.
I, the giving shade,
Take your red hand,
And start to
Take you back
To the dark you desire.
Your remembering,
‘I’m sorry,
I promise, never again!’
Promise me once,
and break,
Shame on me,
Promise me twice,
And break,
No return.
Thrashing around,
You try and go back,
To the fading light.
Your soul is mine,
For the time,
and the grief.
You had your chance,
To live again,
But never here.
I’m the giving shade,
And this is
Your damnation,
Just what you wished.

Through the creases and crevices
Of glossed wood
Comes the muse.
Between ten lines
Dotted and dashed
Flows rivers and storms,
Staccato and legato,
Sun rises and sun sets,
Forte and piano.
The silent keys are pushed
Making the hammers pluck
The first cord.
Paints the music into words.
As easily as ABC
The black and white
Explodes into color.
The pen eats away
At the flesh,
Burning a new tune,
A new poem,
Through and through.
Harsh snaps of wrists
Sends thirty second notes flying.
Trills fluttering faster than humming birds.
Uneven triplets ring,
Like chimes announcing
Christmas day.
Bass notes roll with the clouds,
Over snow capped mountain tops.
Hands and wrists
Ache with pain,
But there’s no stopping now.
Slurs come in with the ocean tide,
Pushing the pedal down.
Seventy percent melody and mind.
Twenty percent harmony and heart.
Ten percent rhythm and rejection.
One hundred percent soul.
Scribbled out accidentals,
Sharps and flats jumbled
Into the key signature
Of the dreaded concert D flat.
Clashing against each others,
The ink becomes thicker,
The tension gets hotter
And better then—
One note, one letter
At a time.
Pianissimo is strummed out.
The day comes to an end
With the last two scratches
Of the pen.
The note book closes,
Waiting for tomorrows song.

The cold glass
Pressed gently to
Your soft lips.
Throw your head
Backwards and drink.
Your face stays
Tilted towards ceiling,
The florescent light,
Blinds your eyes
As the thick,
Dark maroon liquid
Slides down your
Burning throat—
Nothing but wheezing
Escapes the tunnel
As you attempt
To scream ‘help’.
Still looking up
Your knees give
And you collapse
To the floor.
The glass vile
Shatters on concrete,
Slicing into hands
As you choke.
He see’s you
And he weeps.
He pours water,
The cleansing liquid,
Into your mouth.
Trying desperately to
Save your life.
He kneels beside
You as you
Hurl up poison.
‘I love you’
He whispers harshly,
Focusing not on
The poisonous drink
Soaking into his
Very own clothing.
He didn't come
Soon enough to
Save you though.
As you cough
And suffocate on
Your last words,
‘your too late
To save me
And our love’.
One last wheeze,
Before your cold,
And limp in
His helpless hands…

You are my escape,
My hero,
My world.
You make me become lost,
Become zoned,
Become whole.
You keep me safe,
Keep me in tuned,
Keep me sane… most of the time.
You hide me in a shell,
Expose my feelings in notes,
Shelter my mind.
You play my P!nk,
My Fall Out Boy,
My Black Eyed Peas.
You sing my Sweet Escape,
My Season,
My I Write Sins Not Tragedies.
IPod… You are my heroine.

your mouth moved slowly,
keeping your words slured
trying to get past me.
I wouldn't let you,
'cause I needed to know,
what I did wrong.
after all,
you're the one who slept,
with a girl I once knew.
you're the one who whispered,
love poems to a girl down the way.
you're the one who followed,
that girl from the mall home.
but your also to one,
who said I was special,
that you loved me more then anyone,
loved me more then the stars,
loved me more then a fresh rain shower,
loved me more then words could ever tell.
so why?
why am i the one on the floor?
bleeding from my sores
that your large,
rusty smelling hands
inflicted me with.
if its all your fault,
why cant I hear My breath breathing,
feel My heart beating,
see My body moving?
did you do this,
to those other's
when they found out too?
or am I the only one
to whom you uttered...
I hate you...

Midnight is coming,
i'm feeling crummy,
i really can't sleep.
let go six feet under,
leave us some plunder,
make sure the hole is deep.

I used to be 15, follower of rules,
but now I am 16, and the rule breaker.

I used to be comforted,
but now I am the comforter.

I used to stand tall
but now I stand up.

I used to be a kitten,
but now I am a tiger.

I used to be shy,
but now I am shyer.

I used to be blue,
but now I am green.

I used to be her,
but now I am me.

My BlAcK sTaR sHiNe

My BlAcK sTaR sHiNe

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 4:33 pm
Emotional/ Raging
Silly/ Random
Non- Fiction/ About me

Another blow, another show
Another day walking alone
Another day with no where to go
Another day, falling red snow
Another time the blood flows
Another pale white eerie glow
Another concrete field to sow
Another frozen river to row
Another meal to up throw
Another bruise and welt to grow
Another mask becomes a foe

Caressing cold metal hearts
pressing it tenderly still
letting souls pulse against
wrapping your hand 'round
linking finger with trigger
wishing love never lived
wishing hate thrived longer
choking on pretty memories
sucking in shaky breaths
gripping gun to temple
tearing tears to shreds
envying your nightly bed
feeling every last bruise
holding your gun still
letting it touch temple
words pull the trigger
splattering blood on wall
love kisses your hatred
away with your bullet

It's 34 degrees outside
No snow
No wind
So why does it feel so good?
Spring I tell you!
It's coming for us
With its glorious sunshine
Its blooming cherry blossoms
White marshmallow clouds
Gliding above in the baby blue sky
The birds are coming back
This sun is breaking out
Of its frozen shell
Lady bugs are showing
Off their red suits
And bears are done hibernating
Time for ice cream at the park
A dip into the pool
Picnic's on the island
Shorts and Tank tops
Finally, It's here!

Wind snaking through her hair
Her shades encasing little gnats
The hot sticky pavement
Disappears under her with ease
She can’t be stopped
As she rev's and races forward
The leather hugging her curves accents
The red chrome finish blazing in the sunset
She looks down at the small girl
Holding onto the gas cap with cold pink fingers
Pretending to be as classy and cool
As her Motorcycle Mom

Troubling times calls for helping people
Loosing touch with old
Breaking ground with new
Funny, loud, herself, and amazing
She's always got a smile on
and is always ready to fight about whether Batman is a Super Hero or not
Cunning, loveable, herself, and smart
She's willing to hold you as you cry
and is willing to get dirty but at the same time help get revenge on people
Helping, inspirational, himself, and laughable
He's got the whit of a jester
and is always saying that he's santa and people are his "Hoe Hoe Hoe's"
Amazing, beautiful, himself, and my hero
He's the best thing in my life
and one I hope I never let down, because someone as perfect as him doesnt deserve that
All my many new friends
Even ones I didnt mention
Are all special and unique to me because
They are themselves!
No posing
No shells
We're all dorks and we're proud of it!
I love my new friends
And I hope they never forget the place they have
Right here in my heart.

Am I an Angel or Demon?
When I sprout my wings
Do I stretch my claws?
When I hold my halo high
Do I hole it up with horns?
Am I an Angel or Demon?
I know I bring people peace
I know I bring people hate
I know I have to be one or the other
But what?
Or maybe
An Demon Angel

Somethings wrong with me
messed up in my head
I feel I should be out casted
though the few people who know
would absolutly hate to see me go
why cant I be normal
like a teenage girl shoud
why do I have to be messed up
like I never thought I could
a year I've been like this
a whole ******** up year
standing in the back of my mind
wishing there was nothing to fear
but now there is
a terrible terrible thing eating me
ironic actually since eating is the issue
two at the least somedays more
starving myself on purpous
hoping it will make me feel thin
praying it will help me feel real
then an hour sometimes a day
gourging my sorrows in endless
food with no stop in sight
that is till I stare in the mirror
seeing how imperfect, messed up, and
overall a freak of who I am
somethines wrong with me
messed up in my head
I should be outcasted
no one wants someone with...
an eating disorder...

I love you
More then the stars
Shining high above
Singing a song
Of peace and truth
I love you
More then the air
Breathing it in slowly
Sighing it out happily
Smiling as I do so
I love you
More then the perfect
Spring day
Flowers glorifying
Butterflies Dancing
I love you
Like the 4th of July
Loves its fireworks
Brightening the night
Exploding happiness
I love you
Like the driest desert
Loves an ice cold rain
Soaking up freeness
Drinking it gratefully
I love you
Like the silence
Loves beautiful music
Filling it up gracefully
Creating master pieces
I love you
Love your laugh
How it soars
Is full of heart
And makes me smile
I love you
Love your smile
Even if it comes seldom
More beautiful then diomands
And very unique
I love you
Love your heart
The way its mine
To hold next to my heart
And love you without end
I love you
I love you
I heart your heart
I love you
I love you

I've never thought it possible
To be loved or even noticed
By any guy in the world
I was always invisable
But one lonely depressing day
With a suicidal poem on my lips
And nothing but a subtle prompting
To roam a site I had little intrest in
Reciting my poem by a fountain
You stopped to listen and talk
Quickly we became friends
Sharing little secrets along the way
Now I'm able to be noticed
My heart is yours and none others
I hope--Pray--You keep it safe
And love it well
My dear dear Kaine
PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 9:15 am
Emotional/ Raging
Silly/ Random
Non- Fiction/ About me

My BlAcK sTaR sHiNe

Vice Captain

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 3:14 pm
oh wow! those are long! I haven't read them yet, but I will soon!  
PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 3:28 pm
schweet. please comment  

My BlAcK sTaR sHiNe

My BlAcK sTaR sHiNe

PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 4:00 pm
updated third post@  
PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 5:31 pm
oh wow... I didn't read all of them, but you are DEFINITELY a GREAT poet.
I especially love the "I used to be 15..." one! So creative. I love your poems! biggrin whee  

Petalfall of Ravenclaw

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 3:36 pm
There are so many, I cannot possibly read them all at one time, but from what I did read, one thing is for sure; the word needs more poets like you.  
PostPosted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 11:13 am
too generic  


Felix Avis

PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 7:42 pm
You're a great poet! 3nodding Very creative and fun to read. I just finished reading some of your prose so I didn't read as many right now as I usually would, but I love them! Nice how you colored them by theme, too.  

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