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Reply Teepees
Meegs(ShtrDrNGry)' Teepee

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 11:15 pm

Welcome to the home of Meegs(ShtrDrNGry).

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Lukou's stats:
Strength: 47%
Courage: 46%
Speed: 50%
Intelligence: 50%
Luck: 46%
Stamina: 40%

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Ai'Jin's Stats
Strength: 58%
Courage: 57%
Speed: 59%
Intelligence: 62%
Luck: 60%
Stamina: 55%

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Zufli Shi'ss tats
Strength: 26%
Courage: 30%
Speed: 25%
Intelligence: 31%
Luck: 25%
Stamina: 31%

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Tsai'jo's stats
Strength: 22%
Courage: 14%
Speed: 17%
Intelligence: 20%
Luck: 17%
Stamina: 15%

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Raedyn's Stats
Strength: 8%
Courage: 9%
Speed: 12%
Intelligence: 4%
Luck: 9%
Stamina: 4%

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Aerien's stats
Strength: 20%
Courage: 17%
Speed: 20%
Intelligence: 15%
Luck: 14%
Stamina: 20%

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Akaaru's stats
Strength: 30%
Courage: 27%
Speed: 32%
Intelligence: 30%
Luck: 24%
Stamina: 25%

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Toxic Love Dust's stats
Strength: 8%
Courage: 8%
Speed: 5%
Intelligence: 6%
Luck: 7%
Stamina: 11%

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Bastien's stats
Strength: 12%
Courage: 9%
Speed: 5%
Intelligence: 7%
Luck: 5%
Stamina: 12%

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Maya's stats
Strength: 5%
Courage: 8%
Speed: 6%
Intelligence: 7%
Luck: 10%
Stamina: 4%

User Image
Kaz'brin's stats
Strength: 4%
Courage: 11%
Speed: 4%
Intelligence: 12%
Luck: 12%
Stamina: 4%

The Teepee
They all live in a clearing.

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 12:33 pm

Welcome to my teepee! <3

Below you'll find an RP log as well as profiles for the Soquili I own. You're more than welcome to browse, and PM me if you'd like to set up an RP or anything! I do ask that you please not post here, though. <3

My Quest Thread [x] >> Currently Questing : Slot!

My Plot Thread [x] >> Check it out! Friend Plots wanted for all my Soq! =D


Space Pumpkin

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Space Pumpkin

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 12:36 pm

PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 12:50 pm

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Ai'Jin's Family
Malis Kifo
Rokhan & Setsumi
Tai'Jin & Kiua
Sen'Jin & Zul'Jin
Tooki & Zandali (Tai'Jin & Icarus)
Ewa'kepi & Zhenyuli (Sen'jin & Ysiel)
Second Cousins
Vol'tuuli & Thrall (Zandali & Súileabhán)
Zul'Aolani & Jumanji
Kahili & Akihiso (Setsumi & Melanthios)
Lukou, Ziata'Jia, Amani
Zufli Shi, Volkaz'jin
Tsai'jo Nek'mani (Lukou & Zuilian)
Zulfi Shi'jin, ???, Tah'Kailen (Volkaz'jin & Neva)
Tor'watha, Maki'Zul, Kaz'kah (Amani & Ziya)
Acquaintances and Friends
Eros, Mate

Ai'Jin's basket arrived with two others on November 10th. On December 9th, she and her brothers, Zul'Aolani and Jumanji, emerged from their baskets.
As a foal, Ai'Jin was excitable and very playful. She spent great amounts of time roughhousing with her brothers and exploring her surroundings, trying often times to keep from going too far from the family. Despite her explorations, Ai'Jin never managed to cross paths with another Soquili, her only acquaintances being family members yet. When not with her brothers, Ai'Jin spent a great deal of time with her halfsister, Kahili.
As an adult, Ai'Jin mellowed out considerably. While exploring still captured her attention a great amount of the time, her relationship with her brothers became a little less dependant. Never entirely alright with spending so much time on her own, Ai'Jin understood that growing would be different for each of them, and while she remained nearest their mother and sister, the boys branched off to explore themselves.
The family ties are a great deal to Ai'Jin, so she's very thankful that while Zully and Manji do expore, she does see them fairly often. She takes great pride in her close relationship with Kahili and her parents, and is more than glad to have them all.
As Spring blossomed, Ai'Jin's explorations brought her into the company of a stallion by the name of Eros. Though both seemed shy at first, their walk together brought them very close.
On April 3rd, Ai'Jin and Eros were graced with three baskets. Despite the arrival of the foals so early in the relationship, Ai'Jin was more than comfortable with Eros, and he was shyly introduced to the family. April 12th started as a peaceful day, but before it's end, Ai'Jin and Eros' foals emerged from their baskets, and their small family was started with the arrival of Lukou, Ziata'Jia, and Amani.
Raising their foals into bright, strong Soquili has only brought Ai'Jin and Eros closer together, and as the summer months came, the couple decided that perhaps they'd like to try for more foals.
Soon, two new baskets were in their care. On February 12th, just two days before Eros' birthday, the mates were graced with two trouble-making additions to their family - Zufli Shi and Volkaz'jin.
Three years after those two trouble makers came along, just the day after Eros' birthday, the two welcomed three more adorable foals into the family, completing their brood on February 15th at long last. <3


Space Pumpkin

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Space Pumpkin

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 12:56 pm

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Raedyn's Family
Aerien & Jelena (Euphenia)
Izefiah, Quintessa, Adaeze (Jelena & Auster)
Acquaintences and Friends
Xiau-Li, Mate

Winter was still blanketing the woods with snow when Raedyn awoke. He knew not where he was, how he he had gotten there, or why he was there. Search his soul as he may, there were no memories at all. Family, friends, where he grew up - all the things he tried so hard to find left him without answers. All he knew was he was there now...comfortable as he could be in the cold and at least retaining knowledge enough to forge for food and seek out a warmer shelter.
The warmth of spring and the comfortable, encouraging heat that came with the summer allowed Raedyn to better explore his surroundings, and the beginning of the dry months brought him something he never thought he'd end up with - Baskets. Despite these icy little gifts, Raedyn's playful spirit continued to send him in whichever direction, leading him after the wind, a ladybug, or another Soquili.
PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 1:57 pm

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Lukou's Family
Malis Kifo
Rokhan & Setsumi
Ai'Jin & Eros
Zul'Aolani & Jumanji
Kahili & Akihiso (Setsumi & Melanthios)
Ziata'Jia, Amani, Zufli Shi, Volkaz'jin
Tsai'jo Nek'mani
Acquaintances and Friends
Zuilian, Mate

Born early in her parent's budding relationship, the first daughter with two brothers, Lukou was doted on quite alot. Being so lovingly coddled inspired the deep need to find her perfect prince, the young mare often wandering on her own for hours dreaming about just how wonderful that would be. It was only a few short months into adulthood before she met that perfect prince, and seemingly just as quickly as her parents had started a family, she and her beloved were given the happy news that a family would be on the way. Having the foals to tend to brought about a somewhat impulsive aspect to her personality, prompting quick judgement and reaction to the things that came about from day to day. As the children grew she let them - almost encouraged them - to wander as she had, the open family relationship not something the mare was stranger to as her own brothers had often wandered off for days, weeks at a time.


Space Pumpkin

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Space Pumpkin

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 2:13 pm

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Aerien's Family
Raedyn & Euphenia
Jelena (Euphenia)
Nieces and Nephews
Izefiah, Quintessa, Adaeze (Jelena & Auster)
Acquaintences and Friends

A mother. A father. A sister.
Aerien knows he has these things, but his connection with them is faint. Their names, what they look like - That is about the extent of his knowledge on these others.
His mother wasn't disinterested as his father was, but she was rarely there. His father hadn't intended on becoming one and didn't let the fact that he had children stop him from roaming with the wind.
It wasn't long before Aerien decided that he wouldn't continue on the path his father paved. Distractions are delightful, but he wouldn't let them void his responsibility. He wouldn't become so self-involved that he abandoned his family.
Aerien isn't bitter, he's deeply determined to bring to himself the life he didn't have as a foal. He doesn't mind not having a close family, no - Quite actually, it's cemented in his mind that when the time comes he has his own, they will be close. His foals will have what he never did. A father to teach them to fly if they're graced with wings. A stallion to provide protection, who will be there to help no matter how large or small the matter. They'll never have to fear for their lives on a cold winter's night.
He'll make damn sure of it.
PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 2:16 pm

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Zufli Shi's Family
Malis Kifo
Rokhan & Setsumi
Ai'Jin & Eros
Zul'Aolani & Jumanji
Kahili & Akihiso (Setsumi & Melanthios)
Ziata'Jia, Amani, Lukou
Acquaintances and Friends

There is absolutely nothing more in the entire world that Shi loves more than mischief. Except apples. And maybe the river.
She loves laughter and fun, pranks and practical jokes. Serious situations make her roll her eyes, and the thought of 'growing up' is completely foreign to her.
Despite this, Shi has a deep respect and love for her family, and is very good at dropping her antics in a heartbeat for them.
But only for them.


Space Pumpkin

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Space Pumpkin

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 2:21 pm

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Akaaru's Family
Acquaintences and Friends

Very little is known of Akaaru, as he tends to keep to himself completely. He greatly prefers to quietly observe from a distance, and though he's rarely confronted, if the occassion arose he would politely bow out and try as gracefully as possible to make his way off.
It's believed that he's come to this land in search of a long-lost half-brother, but as he fails to find any trace of this Cerynei, he flies alone, keeping a vigilant eye out for the faintest familiarity.
PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 2:43 pm

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Malis & Kifo
Rokhan & Setsumi
Ai'Jin & Eros
Lukou & Zuilian
Zufli Shi
Ziata'Jia, Amani, Volkaz'jin
Acquaintances and Friends

Tsai'jo is an easy-going, fun-loving troll who easily bounces from entertainment sources. He takes great pride in his family, his way of life, and anything and everything that brightens the spirit. His favorite thing to do is go for a run - But that's because going for a run opens many doors to other activities!


Space Pumpkin

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Space Pumpkin

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 3:26 pm

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Vibrant Shades of Death & Lovebeam
Morgana & Zeda (Awnaety)
Prismatic Aurorealis of Death & Kyrone
Nayomi & Mulciber (Draco Malfoy)
Acquaintances and Friends

A family unraveled ... a father that teeters on trust issues, a brother withdrawn, siblings unknown.
None of this truly matters to Tox. She knows - or is fairly certain at least - that her parents love her, and that's enough. She's grown on her own and is accustom to the lifestyle, able to come and go as she pleases with nobody to answer to.
She delights in foraging deep in the woods and spending lazy afternoons in the meadows, following the wind and letting random paths lead her to new places. She can be a bit indifferent at times, but when she finds herself drawn to a certain idea, she doesn't let anything stop her or set her back.
PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 6:48 pm

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Bastien's Family
Acquaintences and Friends



Space Pumpkin

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Space Pumpkin

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 11:05 pm

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