Super Junior member Kim Hee-Chul and Epik High member Mithra Jin say that because the two were born the same year (both are 26; 1983), they are very good friends.

When both singers have open schedules, they admitted that they go on dates together. Whether it be going for a drive to the suburbs of Seoul to relieve stress, or eating their favorite sushi meals, the two have openly discussed that they enjoy each other's presence.

"When I tell people that I'm very close with Mithra, people are very surprised," Hee-Chul said. "Because the personality's of our groups are different, people think that we would have nothing in common, but that's not true, we have a lot in common."

However, Hee-Chul says that although people are weirded out by the activities they do together, it's really nothing to worry about.

"We're just real good friends, that's all."

Credit: allkpop.com