Super Junior's Shin Dong has revealed that he's very shy in front of girls that he likes.

On the set of his upcoming drama, 'Single Father Is Dating', Shin Dong reveals that, "In spite of my outward appearance, I am very shy and in front of a girl I like, I can't even say a word." While he's set to play one of the main roles on the show, he claims that even acting around women unnerves him, "Even if it is acting, I get so nervous that I don't think i'll be able to look into the eyes of a fellow actress."

If you're looking forward to watching Shin Dong stuttering like an idiot in front of pretty women, then catch 'Single Father Is Dating', debuting February 18th on KBS.

Credit: allkpop.com

Note; I cut out like, the last 5 paragraphs. We all know allkpop.com is a complete douche when it comes to Super Junior.