I finally saw The Watchmen last night and I thought it was great. Though I did get a little stir crazy when we hit the second person's past. My only complaint was that the movie was very long, though it's understandably so. It did what the Lord of the Rings movies couldn't, which is depict most of the book, or in this case the comic book.

The trailer for Terminator Salvation was very...effecty but I suppose it's what we have to look forward to in this day in age. I still want to see it to see if it will finally bring the whole story full circle or if it sets up for another.

I sort of hope the new Terminator film does more than just deluge us with CGI and Christian Bale's funny voice. I, for one, do not want to see the humans win, because it is a logical impossibility in the event of a technological singularity.