Alright as my Science teacher always says with Sci-fi and fantasy "You don't got the body they ain't dead." I don't think Sebastion is dead. I was mad that Valentine was killed by the angel but i understand why she did it. It was to show that Valentine's ideas were even wrong in the eyes of the angels and the heavens. and i was a litte shock he managed to kill Jace. I think it would have been better if Jace killed Valentine.

I agree with the predictable part. With the fact that hodges chocked out "Jonathan..." as he died and Jace goes "Call me Jace." "No not you..." something along those lines. Right then it all fell together and it was "Sebastion's Jonathan." And Simon's saying his blood tasted horrible sort of just strengthened my argument.

All and all it was a good book and it made me love the series even more.

o1. Anyone think it felt wrong and right that Clary and Jace were kissing before they found out about their real relation to each other?
Not really I didn't care. I thought it was horrible that Cassandra Clare made them simblings in the first place (well made them think they were

o2. Anyone else think that Sebastion really isn't gone?
Again that science teacher of mine "You don't got the body he ain't dead" and i do think we will be seeing Clary's brother in the next series

o3. I wanted to see more to the ending, like a future. Anyone else feel this way?
yeah that would have been nice, but she stopped so she could continue it in "the city of Fallen angels" probably

o4. Of all people to take down Valentine, why him? Did anyone else feel disappointed it wasn't Jace?
yeah but i still liked the ending the shock of Jace being killed sort of kept me from throwing the book at the wall cuz i wanted to know if the SOB was killed.

o5. Why didn't Clary ask for both Max and Jace, anyone else think that was a bit selfish?
One: I don't think she thought about it cuz she didn't know Max that well
Two: they had already burned the body, so maybe Cassandra had kept him from coming back because he was already laid to rest. While Jace had not been properly sent on.

o6. I've had a debate about this, but does anyone else blame Isabelle for what happened to her younger brother?
NOOOOO!!! she trusted Sebastion and she was exhausted how was she to know that he would turn on her. That's what the shock was suppose to be.

o7. Why didn't Imogen just tell Jace instead of making it complicated by saying 'your father would be proud' ?
I don't know. Didn't have enough time? Plus i don't think Jace would have believed her. He hated her so much that i think he was beyond believeing anything she told him. And she probably knew that.