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Shameless Shapeshifter

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 8:28 pm
Reserved for Serefina's musings up to this point, remembering past events and wondering about the future (Past RP Summary)  
PostPosted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 8:37 pm

(merges from playful OOC RP to canon RP in-thread)

((*shoves Sere and Dax together* Hey you two! Remember each other? rofl

Serefina: eek sweatdrop Err.. ))

Tymiko the Pirate Girl
(( redface Uh...nope, never seen 'er before in my life... *attempts to swim away awkwardly with new body*

>.< *swims right into a boulder* ...Who put that there?!))

((Serfina: sweatdrop Err...you okay there, stranger? *pokes*))

Tymiko the Pirate Girl
((Dax: O.O *melts* Y-yeah... *swallows* j-just fine...uh...do I know you? And er...what the heck happened to me?

*stares down at self and tugs at longer hair* This is...strange.))

((Serefina: *continues poking Dax with a piece of coral*))

Tymiko the Pirate Girl
((Dax: o.< Ow.... H-hey, no need for violence...would you cut that out? Please? I'm getting bruises... *backs up against boulder, trying to swat away coral*))

((Serefina: I'm not sure to be honest. *looks confused* You seem familiar for some reason. *shrug* I'm Serefina. And I have no idea about your other question. I know I certainly didn't look like this yesterday. confused *glances down at self in bewilderment*))

Tymiko the Pirate Girl
((Dax: Er, um...you do too...for some reason... *blinks* But not exactly.

*eyes widen in surprise* Uh...are you sure about that? Because I'm pretty sure I know a Serefina, but...but you can't be...

*shoulders slump and jaw drops* You're kidding me.

Serefina, It's Dax. Heh...and I KNOW I wasn't like this yesterday...but then...you...how'd you change?! I don't get it...

*grins* Still, you're looking as lovely as ever. What do you use for that hair? *nudges her in the shoulder playfully*))

((Serefina: *blinks* Dax? You're Dax?!? I remember you! *spontaneously glomps her old friend, getting momentarily carried away before she blushes and backs away again* Err...sorry about that. sweatdrop And I have no idea. One day I'm a Merion, which was weird enough, and the next I'm...this! Whatever it is!

*looks awkward and embarrassed for a moment* You crazy boy... You know, you don't look half bad yourself... *winks playfully*

Tymiko the Pirate Girl
((Dax: The one and only. Glad to see names haven't changed, at the very least...even if almost everything else has. Ahhh! *is glomped*

>.< Oww....eheheh, those brusies still hurt, sweetheart...mind easing off a bit?

*smiles as she pulls away, blushing* Don't worry about it. *is a little red in the face himself* Good to see you too! You know...last I saw you, weren't you witht hat one dude? Merric, I think it was? Guardians, it's been so long...

I know, and I was just beginning to understand what a Merion was...and now...now we're more like...like those Pae'il...it's so weird!))

((Serefina: Heh heh...sorry. *blushes again, hidden slightly by her natural coloring*

Err...I wasn't really 'with' him exactly... *tries to figure out how to explain* He was sort of...an attached irritation for a while. Then I was trying to help him learn how to interact with others without annoying them to the point of fighting and...well, let's just say it didn't go so well. *frowns, remembering a certain incident with a child Pae'il and nearly losing her temper completely with Merric and the fact that she had somehow mysteriously formed a shield of sorts around herself in her anger*

It seems our lives are full of strange, sudden changes. *nods* At least life is never boring, eh? *grins sheepishly*

Tymiko the Pirate Girl
Dax smirked and leaned an elbow against the boulder, listening to Serefina's explaination.

"An 'attatched irritation'?" He repeated, brows raised in mock surprise. "I see...funny...I remember him telling me something about confessing his love for you. At which point I slipped away, unnoticed, only to return a few months later, accidentally stumbling upon you two having a little argument like a married couple." He chuckled at the memory. "Oh...yes, I remember that one well...you're even cuter when you're angry. Scary, though. I stayed behind the rock for a reason."

He flicked his tail experimentally, staring at it with a thoughtful gaze. "No kidding. And here I was, thinking I was too old to change much more...but you're right of course. More challenges to overcome and all that..." Dax's gaze shifted and his deep blue eyes met her own, bright, amethst ones.

Truly blushing now, Serefina was mortified. He'd said WHAT? And he'd told other people that? That's it...next time she saw him, she was going to kill Merric. Okay, maybe not literally, even if the idea was tempting...

Sighing, she shook her head at the memory. "I guess I kinda' lost it that day. But still...he tried to hurt a Pae child! For no good reason! The child was merely playing and Merric..." She paused, nearly shaking with fury at the memory. She hurriedly gained control over herself again, worried that if she got too worked up, the water would start heating up around her as it had that day when her anger took over.

Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, she shook her head. "So many changes and so abruptly. What in the name of the Guardians is happening to Telrunya?" Looking down at herself before meeting Dax's gaze once more, she asked quietly, "Do you think this is it? Or do you think we might change again?"

Tymiko the Pirate Girl
The male Naiad burst into laughter, upon seeing the horror he had inflicted upon his old friend. Guessing her thoughts, he held up his palms in peace. "Now now, don't think too badly of him! Jeez, you look ready to rip something apart..." He took on a defensive pose again, as if expecting her to attack at any moment; and yet, he grinned.

"If it's any consolation to you, I had a crush on you then too...which is why I had dismissed myself from your presance for so long, as lonely as I was. And so, as much as it pleased me to see you put that squirt in his place, I was a little reluctant to approach you in fear you would reject me as absolutely and defiantly as you did Merric." Adopting an innocent expression, he held his arms out in sympathy and shrugged. He had sensed the slight change in water temperature, and was worried about going too far. The firey-colored Naiad seemed as firey-tempered as ever. And, being so sensitive to his water surroundings due to his own previous ability, Dax guessed at this point it was best to keep his mouth shut and change the subject.

Nodding in agreement, he sighed, a stream of bubbles escaping his lips. "Ah, yes, the Pae child. I saw her too, I think. Don't remember much, but I know that Merric was some bratty kid when I first met him. Arrogant as a shark."

"You know, I have absolutely no idea." Dax replied, just as curious as to what was going on outside the world of the lake. Still, his mind was elsewhere as he gazed dreamily at Serefina's new, feminine form. Then, realizing he was staring, he quickly looked away, hoping she wouldn't noticed his deepening blush on his pale cheeks.

"Uh...actually...you never know, but I think...I think this is it. I've heard some strange things from the fish." His tone suddenly took on a serious tone. "The Aquatils' Queen had been holding a meeting with a Pae. I'm not sure when it happened, or where, as secret as the Aquatils are, but I just heard it's happened. Can you imagine? And I've never even seen an Aquatil...it's so strange a Pae from outside might dive so deep into the lake. I heard it was something of a mission, or a quest..." He knocked on his head. "Can't recall...but I thought it might have been connected. Maybe not."

Serefina was embarrassed, though secretly flattered to find she had had two males practically fighting over her...and somehow she'd not noticed! "Sorry," she apologized again, much calmer now. She hadn't even noticed her abilities kicking in again this time. She'd have to be more careful in the future.

She laughed softly at the mention of the Pae child. As feminine as the poor child had seemed... "Ah yes, the Fae child. What was his name...Cabel, I believe? I wonder what ever happened to him?" she mused, honestly curious. She hoped that he had faired well. She was sure he had. His family had seemed very concerned about him and dedicated to his safety and happiness. "You certainly seem to have Merric pinned down though," she smirked. He'd started to learn and seemed better at dealing with others near the end there, but Serefina had a feeling Merric would never lose that stubborn streak.

"The Aquatils, eh?" Fascinated by this new information, Serefina didn't notice Dax's wandering gaze...fortunately for them both. "I haven't heard much of anything myself, nor have I ever seen an Aquatil, but I guess I haven't exactly been out and interacting with others much recently." She'd kept to herself for sometime now, but it was hard to remain solitary with all the unusual events taking place. Life was changing on Telrunya again and it refused to be ignored.

And a Pae? This deep in the lake? It was nearly unheard of! In fact, Serefina had only seen Pae'il on the shore of the lake or in the shallow water. Never deep in the water! "A quest? What sort of quest? Perhaps the Pae was summoned for some reason?" She frowned. This mystery intrigued her, but she had no idea where to even start a line of questioning to solve it.


Shameless Shapeshifter

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Shameless Shapeshifter

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 4:35 pm

Tymiko the Pirate Girl
Chuckling, the Naiad male waved a hand dismissively at Serefina's apology. "Don't worry about it. I'd understand why you might feel that way. Just don't boil away the lake..."

"Oh...it was a guy? I was so sure it was a...well, but then that just proves how much time I spend around Pae'il," he murmered in humiliation, scratching the back of his neck and grinning sheepishly. "He had long hair. So that's probably why I thought 'he' was a 'she'."

"Merric I knew all to well, though. I think I remember meeting him as an adult Aion and he was just a kid. Quite an irritable one, too. He pretty much seemed to think he was too good to talk to me until I challenged him to a contest. We both sorta got side-tracked though..." he frowned, trying to remember just what it was that had distracted him. Dax, as reluctant as he was to admit it, was pretty sure it had been a female Aion, merely a child Merric's age...probably Serefina herself. He also had a sinking feeling the contest was to bring back a female Aion to play with them, though it wasn't as if he was going to tell Serefina that. "That stubborn kid was a real sore loser."

Hiding his reddened face as best he could within his deep blue locks of hair, Dax was suddenly glad they were so long. "Join the club. Wanna see if we can find any others? It's been so quiet around here since the last few earthquakes..." Startled by her unexpected enthusiasm for lakes, Dax blinked as he turned to Serefina.

"I-I don't know, really...it must've not been a quest under water, because I haven't heard much about the pae since that one meeting...but it seems she just recently returned from whatever quest it was. It's probably nothing to worry about. I mean, what did the affairs of Pae'il ever have to do with us?"

Taking her gently by the hand, he gestured around them. "Come on! Wanna go take a look around?"

Serefina chuckled, letting herself be led along. "You have a point. Our world has always been separate from the world of the Pae'il, but then again with all the changes, who knows how things stand anymore?" She reached up, tucking some of her long hair behind her ear to keep it from floating in her face. "Maybe we should take a look around. Any information could be helpful in figuring out what's going on around here, both above and below water." She flicked her tail lightly, just enough to start off without leaving Dax behind.

And what of the other Aions and Merions? There hadn't been many, she knew, but where were they? Had they survived? Or had they been transformed in a similar manner? So many unknowns were drifting about that it was difficult to know where to start trying to form hypotheses. How was one supposed to deal with this much change in a short time? It was staggering and sometimes she felt as if she were floating about in a dream and that none of this was real. One day, she'd simply wake up and things would be like they had been before.

Tymiko the Pirate Girl
He nodded unconciously. "You're right...I guess nothing's really the same anymore...there's so few of us around, though it seemed we were never that numerous in the first place..."

Glancing at her out of the corner of his eye, Dax smiled coyly, noticing the concern that clouded her mind and kept her from noticing the beauty around them. "Don't worry so much. Sure, we probably should find out what's going on, but I'm sure we'll figure it out in time. Why not just have a little fun for now? Chat a bit with a few of our fishy friends? Perhaps we'll find a few Pae on the beach to talk to. Some of the surfers are pretty fun to watch."

Swimming after her, Dax realized his tail wasn't too much different from his old, angular one, except this one was a little more adapt to actually swimming in direction, while the other was more helpful with the assistance of his massive wings to glide along. Since he no longer had either, he supposed it was probably the best how it was now, but it would still take getting used to. He had gills now, his antenne had shrunk into earfins, and his body became colored like his tail. Not to mention his long hair. It was annoying how it kept getting into his eyes and face. How could the girls stand it? It seemed his thought processing had differed alot from the female Naiads.

This was because Dax had long ago discovered it did no good to worry so much over things they could not explain nor do anything about, and so instead he had developed a carefree lifestyle. Therefore, the new changes to his body did not phase him as drastically as the change from Aion to Merion had been.

Serefina nodded. "Yeah, I suppose you're right. I'll try." She grinned sheepishly, realizing that everything could be dealt with in time. For now, she'd simply try to relax and get used to her new form. It wasn't all that different from her Merion form, now that she thought about it, though she thought they looked a bit more like the Pae'il on land now. Strange. The change should be easier to adapt to than that from Aion to Merion at least.

Serefina glanced over at Dax, giggling as she noticed him fussing with his hair. "Here's a hint," she winked in a conspiratory manner. "If you keep moving, the water will keep it back out of your face. If nothing else, we can grab some seaweed along the way and I'll help you tie it back if it bothers you that much." She tried not to laugh at his expense, but there was something amusing in the way he kept fussing with his long hair. She was used to hers, but this was something else new for poor Dax to adapt to.

Merric was seated on a small rock, all the way at the bottom of the lake. He had changed, a lot, in many different ways. First off, he found himself much more tolerant then he used to be, but occasionally a bit of his stubbornness kicked in. Perhaps Serefina really did help him out, but he wasn't sure.

Serefina. He really wasn't sure about anything anymore, but when it came to Serefina, he was completely lost. Lately, the lake had been dead. He hadn't seen any Aion, or Merion, or Serefina now that he thought of it. After such a long period of time, how could one still be so sure the person who they fell for was really the one. In fact, how could he be sure that she was the one. "... I doubt it, she's the one" He paused. "She was the first female I ever met, after all..." Merric murmured, with a shrug. Somewhere inside, he knew he still had a little crush on her, but also knew it probably wasn't ment to work out.

Then, came the new change. It happened about, yesterday... He was lazily swimming around the lake, when he started to go through yet another change. He felt strange, and sick, just like when he was turning into a Merion. But it made no sense, was there a new Aion stage? He didn't know the answer, but he new he looked different, but a good different...

Tymiko the Pirate Girl
"At'ta girl." Slinging an arm around her shoulders in a friendly manner, he grinned back. "Just relax. You seem so stressed out over all of this."

"Mmm?" Raising his eyebrows, he smiled and flushed as he realized she had noticed him messing with his hair. "Oh...sure...heh, I think that'd really help. Why didn't I think of that?" As a stray strand wandered before his eyes, he fought the urge to push it back behind his ear in the fashion Serefina had done just moments earlier, fearing she would think it girly of him. A pony tail didn't seem much more manly, but it was better than the hair-tuck thing.

Glad to see he had almost made her laugh, Dax forgot his minor dilema and added, "I guess now I can understand poor Cabel's situation..."

Serefina finally did laugh at that remark. "Ha ha! I guess that would explain it, wouldn't it?" She grinned, wondering if Cabel really did have to put up with 'mistaken gender' episodes. She hoped not, for the poor boy's sake.

Smirking, she continued teasing Dax, glad to turn the attention off of herself for a while. "You know, I could always braid your hair if you'd like..." She smiled innocently and one could almost picture the halo hanging over her head. Of course, it would have been held up by a pair of demon horns, but it was a halo nonetheless.

Tymiko the Pirate Girl
Dax offered the devious female an incredelous glare. "Very funny. But I'll pass. When I said you should have fun, I hadn't meant make fun of me." he replied resentfully, pretending to be hurt. Inside, however, he was really enjoying himself.

"Let's not go too far now," he warned, wagging a scolding finger in her face. "Just because we haven't seen anyone around doesn't mean - "

Breaking off in mid-sentance, Dax paused in his swimming, pulling up sharply in the water. He stared into the distance with his deep sapphire eyes, his jaw agape for the second time that day. A shaking finger rose to point out the cause of his shock.

"I-it's a g-ghost," he whimpered, staring at the pale-haired figure resting on a rock at the bottom of the lake. "He's come to torment our souls! Swim away!" Snatching Serefina's wrist, he began to swim powerfully, accelerating in the water.

However, it was towards, and not away from the 'ghostly' apparation that he raced. Laughing joyfully, Dax slammed into Merric, hoping to pin him to the lake floor.

Caught off gaurd, a yelp escaped Merric's throat as his body was pinned down against the rough rock. He groaned, with a sharp pain on his back, and then, he noticed something was holding him down. He opened his eyes, and raised his an eyebrow when he saw a creature just like him, which seemed a bit familiar. "... Do you mind?" He asked, a bit irritated. He wanted to ask if the other knew that they were, but that could come after.

Noticing something bright in the corner of his eye, he looked past the male Naiad at another Naiad, this one female. Her designs were all that of Serafina, but could it be? Did she also turn into this, thing? "... Serafina?" He spoke, hoping he wasn't making a fool of himself by mistaking her for someone else.

"What the...?" Serefina stared in confusion for a moment before she was dragged along by the racing Naiad. Laughing all the while, she flipped her tail idlly, not helping much and just letting herself get pulled along for the ride. Ghost. Right.

The impact was stronger than she'd anticipated and Serefina cringed sympathetically hoping no one was hurt by what was intended to be a playful gesture. It seemed they still had some getting used to with these new bodies.

Looking up at the sound of her name, Serefina nodded. "Yep. The one and only. Merric, I presume?" She smirked, tilting her head as she looked over the familiar markings. Couldn't be any other, right?

Tymiko the Pirate Girl
"Merric!" Dax cried aloud, happiness radiating from every fiber of his being. Despite all he had said against the twerp, he had missed Merric. After all, he was one of the only friends he had ever made. If they could be called friends. "Glad to see you haven't changed, ol' pal," Dax joked, ignoring Merric's protest and grinning widely as he sat triumpantly upon his fellow male Naiad. "And look at that hair! I could've sword you were a girl from so far away."

"Ah...I see you recall your old sweetheart," he murmured teasingly. "But not me? I'm hurt, Merric. After all these long months. Surely you couldn't have forgotten me so quickly? Not with all the fun we had?"

The 'fun' had consisted mainly of Dax, as an adult merion, pestering and mocking the younger Merric constantly.

Merric nodded with a neutral face. "Yeah, it's me. Nice to see you again." He said, nicer then usual. He turned back to the male Naiad sitting a top of him, cocking his eye brow again. "Uh-huh. Well, Dax, now that that's cleared up, would you mind getting off me?" He asked harshly, feeling unfortable under Dax's weight. Dax hadn't changed, he still liked to annoy Merric.

The Naiad ignored what Dax said, but a small brush couldn't help linger up onto Merric's pale yellow face. "I didn't forget you." He paused. "How could I?" He said sarcastically.

Dropping the sarcasm, he looked up at Dax, and then Serafina regulary. "We all do look different from we last met though..." He commented.

Serefina nodded. "It has been a while. It seems that drastic changes are becoming the norm around here actually. At least we can still identify each other by our markings. Those don't seem to change, fortunately." Ignoring the boys' antics, she glided over and took a seat on a smooth rock on the lake floor. She was rapidly getting used to her new form and already moved with a natural grace she hadn't felt since her old adult Aion form.

Leaning back on her hands, she glanced up at the water's surface far above, sunlight dancing on the waves. She wondered what could have changed up there since her last visit. Probably a lot, considering...

"So, that's three of us now," she stated suddenly, looking back down at the boys. "Think anyone else is around here? Or going through the same thing we have?" she wondered allowed, referring once more to their new forms.

Tymiko the Pirate Girl
"Not at all, not at all!" With an amused smile, he released Merric, swimming back to tread water alongside Serefina.

"I knew you hadn't forgotten. We were, after all, best buds, mmm, squirt?" he said, winking cheerily.

Regarding his comment, Dax nodded. "Yeah, Seref and I noticed that too. Don't really know why. We've just been hanging out for a while. So...what've you been doing all this time? Sitting on this rock all by your lonesome?"

As he spoke, he folded his arms behind his head and swam around the other two Naiads casually on his back, keeping quiet when Serefina mentioned the markings.

"I doubt very many others are around," Dax commented dryly. "I mean you can see White-Hair here from over a mile away in these dark waters. But I haven't noticed any other colors out of the ordinary. They seemed to have disappeared from these waters long ago, with the last of the Aion eggs. Likely it's just us now."
PostPosted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 1:54 pm

Merric heard what Serafina said, but he was busy shooting Dax a glare. "Yeah, sure..." He replied, referring to both of Dax's comments. He knew Dax was just kidding around, but he was easily irritated. Being relieved from Dax's weight, Merric sat up on the rock comfortably with his hands lightly pushing against the rock.

Merric looked over at Serafina when she spoke, and shrugged. "I'm not sure, maybe..." He said, not sounding too hopeful. "I'd hate to admit it, but I think Dax is right. I haven't seen anything in ages..." He said lowly, pushing a lock of hair out of his face.

Serefina waved her hand idlly at the hair flowing in her face, seeming distracted. Could what Dax had suggested be true? Could it just be the three of them left? The thought was staggering. It couldn't be just the three of them left of all the Aions and Merion, could it? It was impossible!

"We can't be the only ones left," she murmured aloud, staring at the lake floor. Frowning, she wondered what they should do next. They couldn't just swim aimlessly around the lake hoping to just run into another of their kind. The lake was far too large for that. Especially considering how long they'd essentially been doing that already with no luck in finding others.

"Maybe we should go to the surface. I'm not saying it will help, but it's probably more likely that we'll find someone up there than down here. Maybe the Pae'il know something more about what's going on. More than we do at least?" she voiced her suggestion, not really thinking it was a good one, but at least it was something. Something active they could do rather than just sitting around talking amongst themselves.

Tymiko the Pirate Girl
The male Naiad paused in his circling and stretched his arms. "I'm all for that! I need some time in the sun anyway. All this darkness doesn't suit me...besides, it might help improrove the depressing mood we've got going down here."

"Pae'il are fun to talk to too. If we can find some, that is. I wonder if the beach is as deserted as the lake?" Grinning at the two, he snatched each of their hands and surged upward. "Only one way to find out!"

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea..." He nodded, secretly lying. Merric wasn't exactly all for it. In fact, he wasn't for it, at all. He hated being anywhere near land, but since they were all already depressed, he didn't bother making situations worse.

Merric crossed his arms as he thought. "I don't think I've ever talk to a Pae. Wait, this one- " He was cut short, when Dax pulled both him and Serefina off their rocks and race upward. "Dax!" He called, sounding a bit irritated. He blinked cluelessly afterwards, wondering why he sounded annoyed. Dax was doing the swimming, and Merric was just tagging along behind him after all.

Serefina on the other hand just laughed, tugging her hand from Dax's and darting upward swiftly. "Race you both to the surface!" she shouted, laughter in her voice. Kicking her tail powerfully, she shot upward, eyes trained on the surface where the sunlight danced lightly over the water. Adrenaline racing through her system, she felt an exhilaration she hadn't felt in a long time and it felt good. Grinning, heart pounding, she raced forward, paying no attention to where she might have left the boys. It was all about reaching the surface and reaching it first. Competitive spirit sparked, Serefina was a force to be reckoned with.

Her inertia was so great that when she reached the surface, she didn't just emerge from the water...she leapt clear out of it. Laughing with childish abandon, she arched through the air, probably catching the attention of any land-dwellers nearby, before slipping gracefully head-first back into the water with barely a splash.


Shameless Shapeshifter

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Shameless Shapeshifter

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 4:15 pm
Reserved for RP from Tuatha Ri Lake

PostPosted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 4:18 pm

((Posted in the Powers Thread so that Serefina can receive a new, official power.))

((Previously, Serefina had the ability to create an expanding shield of heat around herself and anyone she was trying to protect, but only when she was angry. She never had the chance to realize what she was doing or learn to control it consciously.))

Serefina slipped into the cottage, fingering her pendant nervously as she scanned the room. Not only was this her first time on land, but she was here for a reason that made her feel more than a little uneasy.

There had been a couple incidents surrounding the water-dweller in the past regarding strange happenings, especially when she was greatly angered...and then they just stopped. She had heard of a cottage where a Faerie lived, a potions master, who was an expert on powers and such things. She wanted to see if she could ask her some questions, both about what had happened and might possibly happen in the future. She wanted to make sure that whatever it had been wasn't just resting in order to cause even MORE chaos later on!

She was slightly disappointed to read that the potions master, Kaladandra, was busy, but upon reading the note, Serefina decided that perhaps she could solve her own problem. Following the directions, she scanned the shelves before choosing the GOLD mineral adjustment. Moments later, she added the RED taste modifier, basing her choices on her own colorings.

Perhaps that wasn't the best idea...

Combining all the ingredients as instructed, she tipped the mixture back quickly...

Moments later, she was coughing, eyes wide as she fanned her tongue in vain. "Eeee! Hot!!!" The spicy mixture burned all the way down her throat. The poor Naiad scurried out of the cottage and back to the shoreline, eager to get back into the water and hopefully drown the burning in her mouth.

Ooo! It looks like Serefina has drank the spicy Potion of Stationary Transformations. I wonder how it will effect her?
User Image

Congratulations, Serefina!

The Guardians are pleased that you have chosen to grow and expand your role on the island.

However, drinking a strange potion doesn't come without consequence. You feel urges and instincts that you never have. Your hands tingle a little bit, alerting you to a change that is beginning in your body.

Maybe its obvious to you what is going on, or maybe you need time to figure it out; it doesn't matter right now because the reality is, you now have the ability Energy Heat Deflect! (Omnimorph)

((Obviously, this ability will start out weak, with many limitations, but it is up to you, Teigra, how you choose to develop it. Energy Deflect means that Serefina has the ability to morph parts of her body into a shield. Any energy (any powers used by another against her) that hits the shield is bounced back at the attacker in the form of heat at the same intensity as the energy. This ability will be unique to Serefina only, however you may allow her to have other abilities as Pae'il are magical creatures. Just be aware that the Guardian Blessed ability is the only official one however. If you have questions, feel free to ask.

Please remember, all powers come with weaknesses too. The more well-rounded the ability is developed (ie, strength AND weakness) the better the chance of being chosen for Elder when they are older. ))


Shameless Shapeshifter

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Shameless Shapeshifter

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 9:36 pm

*sigh* Whether Aion, Merion, or Naiad, life is never easy for us water-dwellers. It's a semi-lonely existence and there's not exactly much we can do about it. There aren't many of us, afterall.

Then again, being anti-social certainly doesn't help.

I've tried, I really have. Something always seems to get in the way, however, whether its my own temper or the attitudes of others...there's always something.

I've got to do something to get out of this 'hole.' I'm not sure how much longer I can take it.

Being alone.
PostPosted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 11:25 pm

Things never change, do they?

Of course not. At least, not if I just sit around here waiting for them to change. I have to take action. I have to take the first step if I ever hope to change this sad existence I call a life.

The only question is...



Shameless Shapeshifter

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Shameless Shapeshifter

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PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2007 12:49 am

Tides change, even if the scenery never does.

I haven't seen the others in some time now. There were so few of us to begin with...

I wonder now if something could have happened to them all. I hope not. My heart feels heavy whenever I even consider the possibility. I'm not sure I can take being all alone. Completely alone, that is.

I've started journeying up onto the land more and more frequently. Exploring the area around the lake a bit to see if I can find any sign of the others. I haven't found Dax or Merric, or even any of the other Naiads, but I did find something unusual the other day. A small, soft form that looks like it could be a child's toy. The strangest thing is the fact that it resembles us...Naiads I mean.

User Image

I was afraid to bring it back to the lake itself. I mean, the water might ruin it, but for some reason, I sort of like it. Perhaps I take it as a sign that there are others like me out there. Someone had to make the toy, right? Instead, I keep it hidden deep between the roots of a tree near the water's edge. Every once in a while I head up to the surface and thanks to the necklace I wear, I spend some time beneath the tree, studying the plushie Naiad.

Perhaps this is rather silly and childish of me...but I don't care. Who is there to judge me anyway?
PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 5:45 am
Serefina To The Rescue? (Pae'kippu Beach)




Shameless Shapeshifter

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Shameless Shapeshifter

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 9:31 pm
Masquerade (Shop Event RP)


PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 5:24 pm
Telrunya Falls (Metaplot RP)




Shameless Shapeshifter

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Shameless Shapeshifter

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 5:26 pm
Welcome Aernyn Naiads! (Metaplot RP)


PostPosted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 2:38 pm
Oh Joy, Complications...




Shameless Shapeshifter

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Shameless Shapeshifter

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 12:50 pm
Hot-Tempered Water-Dwellers


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