The thing I've noticed as I've grown up, is how much longer summer gets to be. It might be a 'frame of reference' thing, but as a child days were a lot shorter than they are to me now. It's troubling. I can get more done, but it's only if I'm motivated or have a goal in mind.
You're going to act as my goal.

I need something to draw. I need to add things to my DA page.

That is my current DA. The most recent submission, 'A', is the style I've adapted as of late. I like it. I want to do more of it. In my opinion, I don't know why I haven't deleted the previous deviations from my page because they all SUUUUUUUUCK.

You, my comrades, are going to either post below or message me what you want me to draw. It can be nearly anything or anyone, but please pay attention to the below rules of asking me to draw something.

A) No Anime characters wanted. Only allowed with bribe.
B) If you want your Avatar drawn, I want it to be relatively simple. Maybe 10k gold in terms of items. Anything beyond that will get a flat out 'Sod off' or require a bribe, a higher price for the higher price of items.
C) Be somewhat original.
D) I hate cars, but if you request one, it'll take longer than usual to be drawn.
E) If you can give me a 'precious moment' type of thing, I will gladly do it. And make it look half-decent while I'm at it. (e.g. A single girl looking out a window, smiling, sitting down in a diner booth alone, stirring a cup of coffee with a spoon.) (Bad e.g. A girl and guy kissing.)

You must understand, I have no patience for drawing Manga or Anime. Yes, I can do it. Yes, I can do it well. Yes, I probably can do it better than most. Yes, I refuse to do it. I did it in fifth and sixth grade. It took me a while, but I branched off from doing it, and I am so much more satisfied with my work.

Why? I like to have a signature in what I draw. I don't like using the same anatomical guidelines. I have my own that I follow, and they turn out pretty well.

Now then, my rules that I set for myself.

A) All requests that adhere to the above rules will be done in a week or less.
B) All requests regarding Anime/Manga or an expensive Avatar must be paid for in advance, before drawn. Will be done in a little over a week on average.
C) If no details for specific things are given JUST GO WITH IT AND WING IT YOU CAN DO IT IT WON'T SUCK.
D) If it's a precious moment type of drawing, ask for a picture of the person who requested it in the first place, and draw them as a special prize.
G) Be professional about it. Don't be a douche.
H) No Yaoi.
I) Only some Furry, if I have nothing else to do.
J) No Yuri. But that's only to be fair for the Rule H. Keep yelling at self to allow Yuri because you're a guy and you LIKE SEEING LESBIANS CUDDLING AND KEWT.
K) Be nice about it. Try and read through bad grammar.
L) Explain what a 'Precious Moment' is. A Precious Moment are those little snippets in a daily life that people take for granted, or don't pay attention to, because it happens so often. Have you ever woken up in bed, and seen someone's face, and tell them that you love them? Have you ever had a conversation with a stranger, and sharing contact information because you two had gotten along so well? Have you ever exchanged a glance with someone across the street? Have you ever opened a door and felt the wind through your hair? And have you ever said 'Hello' to a friend? These are precious moments.

Thank you and please help me fill up my DA account.