The highly anticipated episode of the idol infested Star Golden Bell has finally aired! As promised the ladies of KARA and Girls' Generation and the boys of SHINee and 2PM were all packed into the show providing many laughs. Subbed versions of this episode have not yet been released, so for those of you who can't understand Korean just watch the videos for the performances and facial expressions for now. In particular, pay attention to Onew's face as the female MC declares her admiration for 2PM. Check out the idols' interactions in the videos below.

2AM's Changmin reveals that his ideal girl is KARA's Jiyoung at 8:25.

Catch KARA's Wanna performance and Nicole's little slip.

SNSD's Jessica and SHINee's Onew do a little duet.

Wooyoung does his signature Ssanti Ssanti (Cheap) dance and idol's imitate each other.

The MCs do renditions of the idols' hit songs. I promise you won't be able to contain yourself after watching the last MC's performance of Juliette and Pretty Girl!

Nicole's hilarious "Level With Me" segment.

The idols show you just how smart they are.

Find out who's the idol Star Golden Bell challenger!

Thanks to SmoothyEco for the videos!

Full Article w/ Video Links
Credit: allkpop.com

Note: There's a lot of videos so I don't wanna post them all here...it's easier for you too. d:

Btw, if you like any of the groups there (2AM, 2PM, SHINee [duh], SNSD, Kara) I highly recommend watching it. ^^ I watched about a minute (without subs) (i was waiting for wooyoungs santi ssanti dance) and I got hooked so now I gotta watch the whole thing. lol