"When someone you love becomes a memory,
the memory becomes a treasure."

After a long painful battle with an illness that wasnt diagnosed until the bitter end Sakura Haruno Cat aka: Squee died last night. She had been in and out of vet's offices trying desperately to find out hwat was wrong with her. The vets all thought it was a blood parasite and I was giving her antibiotics by mouth for days but those antibiotics werent working and when i came home from work and Physical therapy yesterday she was even worse. I found ehr unable to move on my futon in a puddle of her own urine. I immediately cleaned her off and called the vets. They directed me to an ER center in tucson. So I wrapped her up in a big fluffy towel and placed her on my lap and drove an hour and a half to Tucson, AZ. When she got there the vets said her temp was only 93 degrees and that she was in shock despite my best efforts to keep her warm with my body heat in the car. The vet there ended up finding out that she had FIP. The form of it she had was the more rare form of it that had no treatments or cure. It was apparently contracted during ehr time at the Cattery she was purchased from, which im told is not a rare thing. I was told in the best interest of my 7 month old savannah kitten that I should put her to sleep. So after a lot of tears, goodbyes, and I love you's I finally agreed to let them put her down. I had a private goodbye time with her in which I stroked her and kissed her and told her I would be there with her till the end. I prayed for her and let her know how sorry I was that I couldnt fix her. The vet came and I jsut petted ehr and kept telling her how much I lvoe her until she was gone. Today I took her and had her buried at the pet cemetary where she will have a plaque and I can place decorations in her memory. I loved my little girl so very much. I already miss her tiny "squees" and how she would curl up in hair and purr until she fell alseep. I miss the way she would follow me around and jump in my lap wanting her head and chin scratched. I'll miss my late night walks with her and the sound of the jingle of her cat bell. She was the most perfect little kitten in the entire world.
RIP Sakura Aka Squee
January 17, 2009- August 24, 2009

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