It was death instant breath. Everything raced; my heart, and my mind. My pulse was faster than the beat of a drum. I couldn’t think straight. Only memories flashed through my mind. I could hear pitch screams, burning my ears. Pain slithered down my spine, as I trembled. My nose flared with the smell of blood, I couldn’t stand it! Now, I could remember parts of what had happened. I couldn’t believe that with only one small mistake everything could collapse. The knife that had caused a wound in my heart now stood in front of me. I knew I had only seconds before I left. Hoped that where ever I went, I would forget; all painful and happy memories. I saw my family I once had racing through my mind; my sweet, innocent sister, hugging me. Tears shed and mixed with the puddle of mud in the scars of the wooden floor. I felt my body burden; I weak. I could hear the screams echoing now. Only to be left in the unknown. I could see my vision blurring. My pulse slowed until it was only a second tap. I could only leave with the remorse and pain of my mistake. I slithered away into darkness and an eternal sleep began…

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