Our most recent one to pass away was our cat named Shadow. She was a Snowshoe. It was in June I think. I was very close to her, although I was close to all my pets. She just seemed to have a different connection with me. From the time we got her she was always following me. Although, it could have been that our dog Buster was barking for her to come out of her crate. And, I came in and reassured her it was ok. She acted like I saved her or something. eek She always wanted to sleep with me, go to the bathroom with me, eat with me, eat with her, play with her, etc. Kind of too clingy, but nice to be needed. mrgreen She eventually warmed up to our dog, and I think felt really depressed when he passed away. So, we got her another cat, and she looked irritated about it. Although, you could tell she was also happy again. mrgreen I still think she's on my bed watching me at my desk, and I always have to look, but of course she's never there. crying I miss her. She was only 13 when she died.

We had a dog named Buster before her, although we might have gotten him like 2 months before her. XD He was a Beagle. He was such a funny dog! He would get into everything. In the first week he pulled out all the pots and pans from the cabinets looking for food. He only found an onion, and hated it. (About the only thing he hated.) He would get into candles, eat an entire goldfish food can and the flakes, find chicken bones, eat wood chips that were found in people's gardens, eat the soil from our plants, eat gum off the road, eat things in the litter box (yeah, gross.), etc. This guy was an eating machine! We tried to hide everything and walk him away from the woodchips, but he found other ways of getting them. He even had a pound of coffee, by climbing up a chair, getting on the counter, getting up on his hind legs and leaning over and eating it. I know it's not good for dogs, hence why we thought it was safe where it was. It was hilarious how energized he was though. He also peed everywhere to make statements. Like if he didn't like that we were eating dinner and he didn't get any of it. After a long day of this type of mischief, he would snuggle with us on the couch. He was funny and sweet. He died from a tumor in his brain while I was in college. He was only 11. (I think.) I miss him still though.

Before these pets, we had Shana and Drifter. They lived the longest. I knew these cats from the day I was born. Shana wasn't wanted by a family who's cat just had babies in the bathtub. xd So, they asked my parents if they wanted her. Of course, they took her in. Drifter was a stray for a while. My parents thought his previous family just dumped him in the middle of the street. My parents didn't take him in for a while thinking maybe someone else would take him. Eventually, Drifter found Shana lying on a window pane and started to coo and rub noses against the glass. So, my parents melted and said it looks like they love each other and brought him in. Drifter was always with me when I was a baby. Slept next to me in the crib, got defensive when anyone wanted to touch me, and would try to clean me constantly. I was like his baby. mrgreen Later, Drifter got into a fight with a badger and got a chunk of his ear ripped off. This guy was tough. eek He was always defending us against dogs and cats, it was weird. They died within a month of each other. Drifter having kidney problems, and we think Shana because it was too much for her heart to lose him. They were 20 years old. eek I miss these cats so much too, even though it's been 10 years since they've died.

I also had a goldfish we called Big Guy. He was a fish I won at a carnival. He had a tumor on the side of his body that was huge. We thought he would die after that, but he grew around it. eek He eventually ate all the other fish. He lived for 10 years! Longest I've heard for a carnival goldfish. mrgreen He was awesome, seemed to beat the odds.