-Follow the ToS
-Follow LSG rules
-Don't post threads here that don't belong here.
-Don't post threads that belong here somewhere else.
-Don't complain without suggestion for alternative (Suggestions are welcome)

What Goes Here?
*Art by you
--Drawings, photographs, sketches, sculptures, music, plays, video... anything!
*Art by someone else
--but please give us a name/link!
*Questions/comments about art
*Pricing/critique/redline requests
*Anything, about any form of art

What Doesn't Go Here?
*Everything else
--Other subforum stuff
--Main forum stuff
--Non-art related things
--Anything pertaining to the musical, "Cats"
*Camwhore posts
--I don't care how beautiful your mom says you are, camwhore photos are not art.

WTF! You nazimods moved my thread!
Post it where it belongs in the first place! Promote subforum activity!


Topics of Interest
Mini Shop Directory